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Make an NPC become Essential during a quest.

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As much as I am aware, in the Stage I am editing, in result script "SetEssential <Actor> 1" should make the NPC essential. When compiling, it also doesn't give me an error.


However, after testing in game, the NPC is not being made essential when that stage happens. Am I missing something?

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documentation : SetEssential

maybe you use reference not base object

to set the actor to become essential you need his/her/it base object

use syntax GetBaseObject to get the base form

if you not sure which is which base form or reference, you could use test case code below to make sure

if ref1.IsReference
	printc "%i %n is reference, set to essential"
	Let ref1 := ref1.GetBaseObject
	SetEssential ref1 1
	printc "%i %n is base object, set to essential"
	SetEssential ref1 1
Edited by lubronbrons
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If the NPC you want to turn essential is used by several scripts you can easily fix the problem using set essential actor plus.


Your problem probably also comes from a too low priority given to the related quest.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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