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First time trying to get mods set up what do i do?


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So I've got the mods from nexus that i want to run on my game, I've been watching a few tutorials but they're dated back to like when the game first came out. Some of the things that they say to do are not options when I pull up my folders and try to follow step by step. Was wondering if these steps have changed or if I'm doing something wrong. Just need some guidance on how to properly install mods onto Fallout 4.

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I know that I just posted this, but after reading some of the comments I realized that I was trying to do all of this from my Steam folder and not my Documents:/MyGames etc. I believe I can now follow the instructions from videos on youtube. if not ill update.

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I know that I just posted this, but after reading some of the comments I realized that I was trying to do all of this from my Steam folder and not my Documents:/MyGames etc. I believe I can now follow the instructions from videos on youtube. if not ill update.


Have you read the description and posts of all your downloaded mods ? Have you find out what the load order and compatibility the mod author is suggesting for each of them ? Have you cleaned your master files using FO4Edit ? Have you used LOOT to sort your load order and after that, have you manually placed some mods in a different place of your load order suggested by the mod author ?


Before all of that, have you setup your Prefs.ini and Custom.ini files according to Gopher's recommendation ?


If you have done everything, then go ahead and play your game and you should be fine. Hope you did not download 250 mods at a time and that your rig is good enough to run your modded game !

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