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I was wondering if

MDH Weaponeer

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A little patch, you could call it.


Something to make an enchanting character alot faster, rather than taking 50 hours of game time to run around, randomly stealing from shops and selling it to other people so that you can buy a single grand soul gem and trap a rat in it since your character hasn't done much yet and can hardly fight anything stronger, BECAUSE HE HASN'T HAD THE TIME TO TRAIN, ALL BECAUSE HE'S STEALING STUFF AND HARDLY HAS ANY MONEY SINCE HE'S GETTING RIPPED OFF SO MUCH, AND THAT'S WHY HE'S SO DISTRACTED IN THE FIRST PLACE, BECAUSE MONEY IS WHAT HE'S TRYING TO GET!...


I am done my rant...


Now this is what the mod would do:


1. Make a birthsign and an enchanter class for those who don't have the expansions (which do give you a few new classes), to get yourself enchanting more quicky.


2. Reduce the amount of skill that enchanting takes, so that your enchantment skill won't have to be at 120 so you can make a ring that does 5 points of fire damage :wacko:


3. Increase the amount of echantment items can hold x5 to x75 - so an iron dagger can hold 10 enchantment, rather than 1.


4. Weaker versions of daedra that hang out it the grazelands etc. sunnier places, they're not worth nearly as much, but still hold nice charge in soul gems.


5. More soul gems found in various places, a few more Azura's Stars and Grand Soul Gems can be found in shops... and don't even cost nearly as much.


6. Since this is for the echanter to enchant on his own, not by an NPC, I will not make any echanters. But however, I will make NPCs that sell a giant veriety of effects to echant items with for incredibly low prices, and a few soulgems to trap souls in.


7. You are able to trap NPCs in soulgems. And yes, Dagoth Ur will be worth 250,000,000 gold, and can give you constant effect.


8. A few new interior cells to look around, and speed the feed of your need for money if you're selling soulgems - and of course, store enchanted weapons and many other things in.


9. Longlasting charge... Enough said. Go chop that innocent guard's head off with your frostblaster sword, and have the garunteed look of suprise on your face when you notice you've only taken 2 out of 100 charge.


10. ALOT more... Any ideas, email me: [email protected]

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Why don't you just do it yourself? Or at least try. Stuff like the birthsign takes 5 min if you do it yourself. And changing all those enchant values is easy, but a ton of work just because of the numbers. So open the CS, do it yourself, and don't beg people to do it for you.


Seriously, asking for help with something you don't understand is fine. But expecting a complete mod from someone with no help from you is just being lazy.

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When did I say I needed help or not?...


I want to see if people will actually like this, because my last three mods I posted online got only 45-80 downloads, and I got a bunch of hate mail.


I do NOT want that to happen again.


Please do not jump to conclusions next time, I did NOT say I wanted ANYONE to do it for me. Sorry if you mistunderstood me.


Maybe you could read it clearly: I was wondering if (message info: anyone would like ME to MAKE this).

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It seems a little powerful - there are a lot of threads here that claim that the game is too easy as it is. The thing about soul gems is that they're valuable because they are hard to find, increasing their frequency would detract, rather than add interest to the game, at least for me.


Also, increasing all things chargeability - I thought about that for a while and dismissed it. The ratio you give, from x5 to x75, isn't that a 15 fold increase? an item with 1 would now be 15, and the item with 120 (the exquisite ring, i.e.) would now have 1800?


If you want to have your character decked out in items that make the one ring look insignificant that is all right.


I would suggest a mod that is a little more balanced and makes the game a little more playable. I agree with one part of your plan - enchanting items by yourself is too difficult. Making an item by yourself should be hard - but not as hard as it is in the game. But it should not be too easy, either. The mods that get lots of downloads are those that add to the game without destroying its playability.


If you put out a mod that made enchanting a method of living, such as alchemy now, I would definitely take a look at it. As it is, if you enchant something, the value of the item does not change, so going out, capturing things in gems, and putting them into items is not worth it monetarily. Selling the full soul gems is, however. I would like to have a way to reasonably practice the enchanting skill and make a small profit while I am waiting to be able to capture the greater creatures and make the items most utile for myself.


How about starting with that part?

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