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Graphical improvement with no fps loss?


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My computer runs skyrim so badly that I'm not even going to consider the fxaa process injector (best I can seem to get is 18 fps), but I still think Skyrim's colors look rather dull and gray. So if at all possible, I'd like to know if there are any mods that make Skyrim look a little more colorful with almost no fps loss at all.


It is nothing I need of course, but if anyone knows of a mod that can do this I think it would make my skyrim experience much more enjoyable.


Oh and I've tried the "Awesome Shader Suite" which claims to not cause loss of fps, but for some reason my game won't start with it.

Edited by LaKitty
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I use this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7654. (Realistic Lighting With Customization by Pluto - 747823 - Leviathan1753 - Sydney666)


Install it with the modmanager and you will have some options to select when it is installed; you can choose graphical settings etc.


The mod does not cause any FPS loss and makes the game look amazing.


The fog is removed and the colour of the sky is clearer and more colourfull. I highly recommend this mod as I myself play on a laptop so I know what it's like.


Good luck and I hope it works.

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Install both of those, if you like the screens. They have zero performance hit, and I use both.

Also, increase the saturation on your monitor if you can.


Thanks. That seems to have given me what I wanted without fps loss. I'll probably try the other one out too.

Edited by LaKitty
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