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Shapeshifitng Monster Companion


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Has anyone made or is it even possible to make a mod with a male/female/genderless monster companion that can change its appearance to that of any NPC or monster? I can see using a spell that copies an NPC's genetic make up that can be choosen from a list in the MCM for the monster to transform into.

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that is an AWESOME hypothetical.

something like Odo yeah?

although I mostly collab on Fallout stuff,

and my individual mod-fu is not strong,

it'd be great to see that form in skyrim, if I'm honest,

as it'd then be a matter of time before such a thing winds its way to Fallout hehe.


in Fallout, there's already New Creatures --> Sludge-Monster --> "Thing"

it's this amoebic-gelatinous prehensile sludge-goo, it's like prehensile-tar heheh.

that'd be neat if a companion-instance of that could appear to be other things.


conversely, seeing in TES, 'prehensile gelatinous goo-monsters"

would bring a whole new threat to TES hehe.




It's tricky to transpose the NPC particulars (the setScale stuff etc),

and transition that.

especially if you want said companion to interact with garments etc, as well as the environment.

it is an A* in A? inside of a read-write issue inside of a bloatware/compressibility issue, capped off by a transcomputational nX! level of potential combos...


2D-3D "sprites"/animation surfaces, sure, that's somewhat easier for it to then resemble another,

it's just point to the animation, choose your fourier/gateaux/perelman or jaroslavKurzweil etc seamless mandelbrot-coxeter routine,

compile the animation in the read-write (from your AGIXML AGI-GAH routine),

then... play the animation hehe.

though proper A to B is trickier hehe.



I mean, sure, you could just spawn-in another NPC instance...

the conceit could be "look away" (think the "invisible guy" from MysteryMen, 'I'm invisible when no-one's watchin")

so, onEvent from the dialog menu... "I need you to look like "|hexadec-reference of target|"

or, "a battle's coming, time to switch to |dir. of creature references|"

so, it'd be a control-rig for NPC and that control-rig routine of AGI or whatever (python etc)

would be the companion-itself, not the facade-instance...


so, like the Lenticular 2D animated surfaces routine... you could have it wait for the protagonist to look away...

then, when they look back, the companion resembles the hexadec-ref of the target...

inclusive of New Lands/New NPCs and New Creatures etc.

and set-flag for their wearables.


but, if you wanted to see the A-to-B itself,

that'd be tricky.

if you also wanted stuff like "frankensteins' monster" etc... where the shapeshifter is a combination

of nPr/nCr of several target hexadec references...

that would be more complex than the Visual Similarity Reference Index project hehe.





I look forward to seeing folks collab, and to seeing this concept framework coalesce (if you pardon the pun).

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