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AnarchyAlice69 - BANNED

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AnarchyAlice69 banned.




Reason for the ban

User posted....


"Replaces the male Forsworn armor with something super skimpy! There's images of wieners in here so if that isn't your thing, please to be moving on. "


Yea it figures a sodomite would say that. The only thing the degenerate that is dead inside fears is judgement. because what is left after you decide to increase your chance of getting aids and make yourself into the walking manifestation of the death of your family line but the judgement of the Lord? Normal people telling you this is disgusting probably reminds you of whats coming after you die. Disgusting degenerate f@&#!ts. Fun fact, 40% of all child molesters are sodomites. And f@&#!ts only make up 2% of our population. Revolting unmerciful, implacable, wicked beyond compare. Just like God said in Genesis. Everything in the bible is provable by simply observing reality. f@&#!ts are disgusting. they should be stoned to death for what they have done. This is the most revolting thing i have seen on the nexus in a long time. Absolutely revolting in every possible way. I didnt used to think this about f@&#!ts till i met a few hundred of them and started asking why they were all f***ing nuts and rapey toward straight men and children. Then the crime stats i found started making more sense. And dont give me that crap about "what about the other percentage of child molestations" 2% of our population is committing 40% of all child molestations. that is indicative of a problem in the gay comunity. Time to gas them. Or just bury your head in the sand and keep lying to yourselves. God was right. Get over it and Stone the f@&#!ts.


why does their need to be a female male equality message jammed into your comment. Jesus f***ing Christ blow it out your ass you high headed dipshit.


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If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post.



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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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