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NPC will not spawn where I put them in the GECK


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For some reason, when I initially disable a NPC and make them enable and spawn when you reach a next stage in a quest they don't enable and spawn. I have followed Seddon tutorial to a tee but it doesn't work! I am at a lose with this.

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In addition to making sure the NPC is flagged as persistent, make sure your ref ID doesn't start with a number. If the ref ID doesn't start with a letter (a-z or A-Z) then all kinds of script functions won't work on them.


Also, make sure the area where you want the NPC to spawn is properly navmeshed, otherwise the NPC will likely move to the closest working navmesh.


Other than that, it really is as simple as having your script execute a "MyNPCRef.enable" (replace the MyNPCRef with your NPC's ref ID, obviously, and don't use quotes of course).


If the NPC has an AI package that will take them somewhere else, they may spawn in the right place and then immediately move to wherever the package tells them to go.

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Haha! I got it to work. Had to add a script to the quest and then reload to a previous save before the script took affect.


Update: Ha! I think I got it. I had to type in the evp command in scripts.

Edited by RangerBoo
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