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Looking for a full job overhaul. Including property ownership.


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Hi Guys.


I'm looking at doing a new play through, using unbound. Removing all Dragonborn aspects of the game. The aim is to create a character that just want to live a simple life as a blacksmith. Escapism is the aim.


I KNOW there's the jobs of Skyrim mods, but do they offer an actual smithy/forge to work from. I'm picturing a mix of Hearthfire, and Jobs. Where you can actually build a place to work from. Depending on what job you want. Then NPC's can come to you for work. Then this will lead to a crafting stage. Mining iorn for the blacksmitgh. Milling, and baking for a bakers job. For me, its the construction of the place of work that's important.


Hell I've even created a back story for this blacksmith character I'm creating.


Does such a mod exist. That combines the construction of Hearthfire, with Jobs of Skyrim?


Thanks in advance.

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