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TES5Edit Question On D


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The Tes5Edit mod forum has been locked for posting, so I'm posting my question on here. I had a quick question on TES5Edit where deleted navmeshes are concerned.


I typically clean (unless mod author advises against it) and inspect all the mods in my mod deck. One of the things I always do in mod inspection is to use Tes5Edit to check for broken navmesh/navmaps.


Ran Tes5Edit filter on a particular mod recently and TES5Edit didn't report any deleted meshes. HOWEVER, when I loaded up this mod in Tes5Edit to create a compatibility patch between it and another mod, and applied the "show conflicts" filter tool, I noticed this mod had several red shaded formIDs. I extended the Worldspace menu and found it had several navmeshes missing??


Loaded up the mod again (with only dependent masters) and got the same result.


Even launched Skyrim and used COW to visit the an area near the <x,y> coordinates where these deleted navmeshes were reported missing. Oddly enough, the game didn't CTD as I expected it to....


How is this possible when Tes5edit says no conflicts using the filter menu, but then explicitly shoes the deletions if you inspect the formID records for the Worldspace (in the left window of Tes5Edit)?


I'm basically asking if it's necessary to attempt repairing deleted navmeshes if Tes5Edit explicitly indicates no navmesh deletions when you use the "show deleted navmesh" option. Especially if the game appears stable in that deleted navmesh region?

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