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IMO - FO4 -vs- FO3 & NV


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Like with Curie, I found Cait's accent ' forced ' .... which ruined it for me.


Somewhat ironic, given that the voice actress is Katy Townsend, from Glasgow. It's her real accent.



I know, as I have family there. Even a few that play FO 4 and they find her voice annoying. Which I thought was funny. But as my Uncle put it, " it's like she was trying to be what she is ... instead of just being. "


Don't know what to say about it - but family from there, find her voice ' forced ' .... is what it is.

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fallout 4 is better as a mod platform but the baseline game I've found to be less refined, I've only gotten about 1/4-1/3-1/2 way through fallout 3 and DLC now, haven't touched the DLC, so I'm not entirely sure, but it's pretty fun despite being so clunky and ridiculous and am saving new vegas for when I'm done

I guess that's alright to a degree, but it's definitely something of an issue for vanilla players I think and I hope they don't take this route for the next games quite so hamfistedly, if they can tighten it up a little bit so that modders don't have to do all the dirty work to clean it up that'd be wonderful, since they're already working on the game and balancing it anyways it would barely take any time to do relatively, plus some of the railroading of NPC interactions could be dealt with

that said I just found out about horizon DLC and am looking extremely forwards to it, downloading stuff now, gonna check it out

one of the things I definitely noticed is fallout 4 is as a game, more fun to pick up and put down again, while grinding, or exploring and messing stuff up, whereas fallout 3 is an explore and interact, then move on style of gameplay, if they can introduce the fun elements from previous games and keep them proper while keeping fallout 4's skyrim dungeoncrawling factor, then the next game should be quite excellent

and I don't know for sure, but maybe my mass posting about making fallout 4 great again inspired someone to do something in regards to linear progression relatively for horizon, in which case, thanks lol
I got distracted and had a bunch of stuff going on that was taking my time from me, and all sorts of BS to deal with so I never got around to doing anything myself, so if that's what it is you're a lifesaver, and if not, well, you did what I wanted to do so thanks and congratulations on having vision and drive, seriously

Edited by tartarsauce2
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For me, FONV is still the top dog for that category. I thought Veronica, Boone and Cass were much better developed than the companions in FO4. (Not to mention ED-E... loved that beeping little guy.)



Kevkiev, we do need to appreciate ED-E for his role in the ending of Fallout New Vegas.


ED-E left New Vegas with the Courier and Willow, walking away into the sunset and carving out a place in the history books of the post-apocalyptic West. They ended up having a happy life together. For a while, they ran a gun shop in Battle Mountain, Nevada and briefly worked as bounty hunters in Reno. They then moved on to Klamath Falls, Oregon to be with Willow's parents for a while. A few years later the Courier and Willow decided to start a family. They moved to New Boise and opened a Bed and Breakfast. After their first child was born, ED-E decided to quit living a lie and turned himself into a Ms. Nanny-bot in order to help take care of the youngsters. It was not a storybook life, but they were happy.


Too bad that part got left out, but I suppose Todd Howard made the decision not to make the game too unwieldy.

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Kevkiev, we do need to appreciate ED-E for his role in the ending of Fallout New Vegas.



ED-E left New Vegas with the Courier and Willow, walking away into the sunset and carving out a place in the history books of the post-apocalyptic West. They ended up having a happy life together. For a while, they ran a gun shop in Battle Mountain, Nevada and briefly worked as bounty hunters in Reno. They then moved on to Klamath Falls, Oregon to be with Willow's parents for a while. A few years later the Courier and Willow decided to start a family. They moved to New Boise and opened a Bed and Breakfast. After their first child was born, ED-E decided to quit living a lie and turned himself into a Ms. Nanny-bot in order to help take care of the youngsters. It was not a storybook life, but they were happy.


Too bad that part got left out, but I suppose Todd Howard made the decision not to make the game too unwieldy.



Lol, so that's what happened! ED-E and Willow walking off into the sunset with the Courier is actually about as storybook as I could hope for in post-apocalyptia. I always play a female character, so ED-E would certainly have found acceptance in our family home.


I just wish that Veronica and Christine could have found each other. That part of the story always made me sad :(

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You know, I almost wish the Courier and Willow had decided to explore Cascadia more. I can understand their reluctance after hearing about the floating brain orbs of Redmond, Washington and their base at the mysterious One Way. Still, it would have been interesting to learn about their plan for world domination based on something they called a "business model". It is hard to imagine how they could possibly insert software into minds of the Cascadians via their X-Sofa Memory Loungers, but stranger things have happened.


Maybe Willow putting her foot down to that idea as being too dangerous was prophetic.

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FO3 and FNV definitely has a much better plot arc and sub-plots than FO4 ... I will give you that.


The graphics and AI tech on FO4 is pretty darned good however.


As to grind ... Recently, I abandoned FO4 because I got tired of the constant Bethesda updates ... and Steam keep shoving it up my ass.


The Old World Blues and Lonesome Road FNV DLC, in my opinion ... makes the FNV experience even more incredible ... I especially liked Lonesome Road and its allegories to Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness...


Did I say that FNV is much better at story telling?


Also ... Tranquility Lane in FO3 cannot be beat. Just this alone makes it really superb. Also ... Rivet City has a lot of character ... and I really like the homage to the 1950-1960 atomic science movies in such sub-plots like "Those"


Anyhow ... the reason why I stopped playing FNV and went back to FO4 is because FO4, along with the modding community has a lot of replay value.


Plus ... got tired of constantly having to repair my weapons in FNV ... Talk about a tedious mechanic!

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Ah. You're not actually interested in discussing the games, just the small bits you're obsessed with. Got it, 'nuf said. Moving on.


Oh, but I am - admittedly I hear the generic lines:


.. " I like the weapons "

.. " I like the graphics "


But ... the game is not purely Graphics and Weapons.


Case In Point: ( As I pointed out in my OP. )


* The Sandbox is indeed smaller and seriously more limited then FO 3 & FO NV.


* Thus: Seriously limited Quests and Places to Explore.


* With the exception of a handful of NPC's ... the majority are emo-wimps ( I play in Survival - Hardest Mode ).


* The settlements are buggy to seriously buggy and there too, to quote other posts I've read:

... They need their nose wiped and diapers changed & Babysat on a regular basis. < - Not my words but posts that I read


Am I missing something? If so, let me know, please.


Because the game should consists more then Graphics and Weapons. At least IMHO.


Feel free, please to challenge my points. :smile:

those points are all opinions, and they're not hard to challenge, most are very subjective. besides the "daddy"comment, that is for certain, although I cant remember the last time I heard that. I'm guessing my gameplay overhaul removed that line.


first, I love all of the fallout games. new vegas did some things better, but after going back and forth, it's almost hard for me to even play through NV or 3 after spending so much time in the world of fo4. maybe it's my opinion, but the world is more detailed, hands down. in the previous games, there are far wide open spaces with nothing to even explore, not the case in fo4. the unmarked locations that you stumble into on accident seem to outnumber the named locations in the previous games. if you had a hard time even getting theough fo4, you probably missed a lot of these, and the small details, and terminals that give them character. in my last NV playthrough, I remember clearing some interior, and finding absolutely nothing in it. it made me appreciate all those carefully placed skeleton stories that I paid no attention to the first times playing fo4.


don't get me wrong, I see all of the flaws that many people see, I just seem to appreciate the game overall. after the first couple hundred hours of playong, I also found myself thinking that it was an empty world, but I honestly think that is partly due to the nature of gaming evolving, getting used to functions in one game, and expectations that come with new games. kinda hard to explain for me.


Also, I think the voice acting in 4 is leagues ahead of nv. yes, I love the dialogue in the game,and the choices that actually matter, but it is all very bland compared to 4. Still, the content carries the game very well (ceaser, mr. house, lonesome road)


I think what the Gruffydd meant about discussion was that making multiple posts stating the same subjective points, is not room for discussion. no offense, we all obviously want to talk fallout, but there is no point in arguing opinions. in a discussion we can all talk about the thibgs we love or dislike in any game, but if you're going into it with the mentality that you're right and anyone who disagrees is wrong, it's not going to amount to much. and if you do want to vent or argue opinions, there's this place called the steam forums that will definitely full fill that need.

Edited by wanderer3292
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I play FO4 because it looks really good and I do enjoy building things. I could make a very long list of things I don't like about it, though. Tops would be that the institute was not nearly as interesting as the Enclave in FO3 or Caesar's Legion in FNV. In fact, all factions from the previous Fallout games were more interesting. TTW, New California, and The Frontier will likely be patched to work together in a year or so which will breathe new life into FO3/FNV. Oh, and a CBBE-NV edition body and BodySlide 64 ver. 4.4.1 are now available for FO3/FNV in the adult mods section of Lover's Lab. Not to mention that another great game overhaul is due to release in the next year called project B42!

I'll pick substance over flashy graphics every day of the week and twice on Sunday. :happy:

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...the world is more detailed, hands down. in the previous games, there are far wide open spaces with nothing to even explore, not the case in fo4. the unmarked locations that you stumble into on accident seem to outnumber the named locations in the previous games....


...all those carefully placed skeleton stories...



I really love that about FO4, that everywhere you go, there's something to explore or discover. So much of it stuff that never once connects to a quest. Sometimes an unassuming trapdoor leads to a big area to explore, that you would never have found if you hadn't poked around where quests never went.

I like discovering things that are off the beaten path, that other players may not be finding because they aren't dragged there by a quest marker. Or even the things that do guide you there if you know what to look for, like the hidden locations that can mostly only be found by triangulating on radio signals, with their attached stories.

I was drawn in by the tales they told with just the scenery and the skeletons. Sometimes those stories were absolutely tragic.

Although I still want to know who is wandering the wasteland posing all of those teddy bears....

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I personally think that out of the three Fallout games I have played, that Fallout 4 is actually the smallest, in land, without the DLC's, the poorest written, and don't get me started on the dialogue. Who in the hell is Father? Why would he, if he was really Shaun, not immediately teleported you to the Institute, instead of having you floundering around the wasteland looking for this, that, and the other thing, just to die on you, at the end? Absolutely dreadful writing there. Fallout 3 had better dialogue options, as well as writing, and even more compelling story. Fallout New Vegas? Even better. And the DLC's for those two? Beats out the mess of Fallout 4. And the settlement crap? Should have refined it much more before putting it in a game. Or maybe make it a separate game all on it's own. Graphically, Fallout 4 is better, and the buildings, etc., pretty decent. But I think Fallout 4 would have been better if the writing would have been much better, the dialogue was better implemented, and written. And even the DLC's making better sense. One is you go off looking for an amusement park that taken over by raiders. The second is you fight some robots, and take over her job. The third is you go off, play around with some Children of Atom, some synth refugees, and even some weird raiders. At least Fallout 3 and New Vegas, except Lonesome Road, DLC's fit in with the story, and even helped it along. But I will play Fallout 4, as well as the other 2, because it is a decent game. And also, there are mods to change things up.

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