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Boxing gym


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  • 4 months later...

Yeah that would be pretty f***ing cool....too bad I have this lame broken ass boxing ring in my settlement that will never be used...

You know, I know it's not what Hawkeyed is asking for, but if you just want the boxing ring to look like it's being used grab Settlement_Markers. It has a couple of invisible animation markers that link together and make the two assigned settlers 'train' with each other with whatever weapons they have. Just give them some boxing gloves. You can do the same with some target practice markers if you want people to train with their guns.


Now, if you wanted to fight them yourself it may be possible to only assign one of the training markers and step in the ring yourself when the match starts (they cycle through on a timer).


The other currently available option is Combat Zone Restored, which brings back cut content to Cait's starting area and lets you fight in that arena yourself.

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