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Yet another "Crossbows" topic.


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Yes, I've used the search function, both on the skyrim nexus proper (it turns up nothing, though I actually have found a mod that contains "Crossbows" [no models, just an effect, have yet to test it myself] in both content and words. So I'm not sure if its only searching titles?) and on the forum. Basically the answer is always "Animations are difficult" and the unspoken response is that "So no on wants to do them."


After all this time, has there really been not a single person to take a crack at a crossbow? Or a single project in the works?

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After all this time, has there really been not a single person to take a crack at a crossbow? Or a single project in the works?



I would if i could. I can do lots of meshes fast and easy, Textureing and implementing stuff inside the game is really new to me and i still have to learn.

Here´s the Deal: Send me a pic, i´ll send you a mesh (or meshes for some diversity). Do the rest and give me co-credit.


Best regards, MIRW.

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This OP had an idea, which could reduce the animation creation. Provided that there's an actual animation for each thing. I would assume the animation of that crossbow is actually an "all in one" meaning it's part of the Sphere's animation.




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