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Im realy sorry for you! its pretty hard to lose somebody close to you and you will propebly never get over it so you just gotta lurn to live with ith its hard in the beginning but it gets easier over the years, butt the sorrow will always be there!


I hope you'l be ok.



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Sorry to hear about this,

I know a person who lost their mom quite a while back, When his mom died, they found it really hard but got back on track eventually. I hope do to.

At least you have happy memories,

All the best,


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It is sad but true that most people will outlive their parents. The inevitability doesn't make it easier to bear when it happens but will over time put things in perspective. It is natural to grieve. In time you will come to terms with it but it will take time. Support the others who need you now. That will help.
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I know how you feel. I lost my father when I was 4 or 5. So I don't even have memories to remember him by really. Just a couple...


But, what you need to do, is just continue on your life. Try not to think of him too much. I know it sounds harsh. But, it will just make you sad again when you think of him alot. Also, later in life don't think what would he think of me now? Because he was your father, and no matter what you turn out to be he will always love you and always support you. Even from the afterlife.


*Note: I say afterlife in a general turn meaning where ever he may be now.

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Do what people do in China. Go to his grave and actually speak, yes, out loud, to him. Have a cup of tea beside the stone and have a conversation with him for a few hours. Tell him how your day went and what things you have accomplished. It actually is soothing. It makes it feel like he never died. Make these spiritual meetings a constant routine until it feels like part of your life schedule. Bring your mother along too. Trust me, it feels good inside.


I sincerily hoped I helped.

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