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MSVCRT.dll Exterior Error


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It seems that MSVCRT.dll doesn't like New vegas. i'll keep the topic simple.


SO lately New vegas crashes/Hangs the pc whenever an Exterior loads. It loads for about half a second then freezes.

If i load a game already in an Exterior an error report comes saying the source of the crash was MSVCRT.dll. i dont know what this dll is, what it's for and where it is.

If i enter an Exterior from a door inside an interior, it hangs/freezes the PC. I've tried Unisntalling and reinstalling New vegas and uninstalling mods. Nothing seems to work.


Any chances of a way to fix this?

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Okay so its C++. How do i get it fixed? Fallout 3 works perfectly fine. its only new vegas that wont enter Exteriors.

have you considered downloading C++ from Micro$haft?

I Have C++, its only recently since i got rid of some viruses that new vegas hasnt been working. but i'll try. A Link would be appreciated.

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since your problem seems to stem from a serious virus infestation


you would be seriously better off


ZOMG I hate saying this


doing a full wipe and reload of your entire system from scratch


with a side effect of restoring that missing/damaged C++ file

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