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geforce gt 520

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idk what kind of graphics card the 520 is, but it must not be very good as Skyrim isnt a very graphically instensive game in all honesty. i know 550s handle it at medium/high.


so i would say turn your settings to medium or something and try it that way. Skyrim is a CPU heavy game, and an i5 should handle it. you could always OC your CPU and see fit hat helps

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What were you expecting with GT520? It's about the cheapest new video card money can buy (except for HD6450 that is like $2 less). They put these into servers and office PCs that lack onboard video.

If a store sold you a "gaming" PC with this GPU, they were quite dishonest in their advertising.


Overclocking is not going to solve it. You need a GPU. I'd suggest getting a GTS240 or HD4850 or HD5750 or higher off ebay, or a new HD6750 or higher or GT545 or higher. In call cases "higher" is preferable.

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I suppose a good lesson to be learned from this is to research video cards before purchasing them. The gt520 is more of a 'media card'. It never really was meant to play games. Like FMod said, they are essentially the type of card to go into business setups. If it was sold to you as a gaming PC than I would try to get your money back and do some research to the next computer you will buy (or build if you want a lot more power for your dollar).


I have heard some pretty bad sales pitches while browsing through stores so it isn't uncommon for a sales person to either not no anymore than the person asking or they are trying to make a quick commission sale. The one I head which takes the prize would be a sales person telling someone that the laptop they were looking at had 1TB (yes, a TB, not a GB) of video ram so it would run everything really fast :laugh: . I cant even recall if it had anything more than an integrated card but it was a dishonest pitch to say the least. Good luck with either upgrading your gpu or returning your setup (and remember a little research goes a long way).

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It wasn't a bundle deal, it was my first build. I wanted the best gaming pc I could make with 350 bucks. I guess I should have allotted for a little more for the GPU, but I thought a gt 520 with 2gb ddr3 would be good enough. My brother, who helped me with this build had a 250 and his skyrim looks amazing. He has an I7 with 8gbs of ram though. Maybe thats why?


Anyway, I overclocked the GPU and I'm getting 20 frames in wilderness and up to 40 frames in dungeons and houses and such, I think that is as good as it gets without sacrificing quality.


EDIT: Oh and for the CPU question, I have a i5 661. it runs at 133 blck. And stock heatsink.

Edited by themaddhatter123
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