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Force install to C is a no go


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Sorry, yes i know you said you follow Microsoft recommendations to the letter, but force installing Vortex to C: is a no-go. there are a multitide of reason why this should not be done, if you wish to follow Microsoft guidelines then adhere to the "default Program installation place" that can be set in Windows 10. not force install to C:


sorry to say it, i did wait for it, but the moment i saw this i only tested out abit and then removed it again, i won't be using it as long as it forces a install to C: on me


default profile folders to be in the roaming profile, is a no go too, either let the user specify these folders during install/profile create, or dont create them with install/profile create until those settings have been set manually. dont create them and afterwards the user can change them, leaving him with those folders and files on C: as well as the new location it got moved too (and yes that is exactly what happened)


program settings itself that are not connected to the profiles/etc. are fine in the roaming profile, but everything else not


and the main reason for this is acknowledged by Microsoft as well, since todays system got a small SSD for C: and a normal HDD for data (usually D:) forcing anything on C: is a sure way to fill up that drive with unwanted data (slowing down the system as C: fills up, just take a look at the "default installation folders" settings in Windows 10, you can change it away from your C: drive, exactly for this reason!)

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You can change the download folder and mod folder location on a per game basis, so it is not really an issue space wise.

it is, and for a number of reasons


it leaves (either by intend or bug) the old folders still on the C: drive.


it forces these folders with each profile creation on me again, so sorry that is not user friendly


and the most important fact is, if any program forces me to adhere to its usage without giving me an option (and here im refering to the force install to C: of the program itself) it tries to patronize me, not help me. which is a no go for me


if you are fine with this then all good for you, but i'm not (call me old but i will stay in control of my installations, and any program that does not work that way gets removed)

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I agree about asking for the possibility of choose where install the MAIN Vortex program (the Data folder could be set without problem)


But I suppose that is just a temporary imposition for the alpha beta


sorry to burst the bubble, read the "Known Issues", it is said that it will stay that way, well if it stays that way, good luck with it



First of all, you can place mods and such to a different drive from inside vortex but the application itself (around 200MB) and a few MB of settings will always be on C:


The reason we install to the directories we do is: This is where applications are supposed to be installed, we follow microsoft guidelines exactly and this has various advantages:

- We know we can write to the directories

- We know the data will be backed up by a proper backup solution and the application, which can be downloaded from the internet, is not. We know

- When updating we know where the old version is, without having to rely on the registry

- When you let users pick the installation directory, some of them will install to c:\windows\system32 and some will blame us for not protecting them.


There is also no real compelling reason for this kind of "customisability". No other OS requires/allows users to set a target directory during install and I don't hear people

complain about Linux patronising its users too much.


More and more modern applications don't ask for a target directory during install, I think people should just come to terms with the fact that this is how things are going to work in the future.

the mentioning of Linux in that above statement is not true, Linux uses a complete different file and folder structure (access rights and all are handled different) comparing those is way of the course

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Sorry, I have some problem with the keyboard... so some message get twisted, cropped etc.


Ok I was saying:


Hm, that's a pity, but I guess they have their reason to do so.

At least the Files folder (which is the subject of writing/ereasing/re-writing) is configurable.

Edited by HalfLazy
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I have to admit the being forced to C: was a major downer after I downloaded it and I have a feeling that it could be enough of a deal breaker to make the Vortex a no go for many, the only reason I can see for it is they think/hope it will cut down on peoples problems, but its just going to cause more and as a large number of PC modders are power users etc telling them they cant do something because they think your stupid isn't going to go down well.Its the only thing up to now that's made me consider staying with MO. I don't have anything on my C: drive other than windows and drivers I never have to worry about that drive because nothing is going to impact on it, also having folders on different drives to the main exe can have a performance hit if one drive is slower or faster.

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The install size is 213mb... Forcing it to install on C is not ideal for users who keep the OS on a small drive and store everything else to a separate storage device other than crucial apps(which I don't consider Vortex to be a critical component at all). The reasons provided are honestly just garbage reasoning to justify that they don't want to deal with complaints on their end as far as I am concerned.

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200mb is nothing lol

But when you keep saying that over and over to more and more programs, all of a sudden your SSD C: drive is full of programs that don't need to be on it.

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