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Script Trouble - Mammoth Inventory


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Hi there. I borrowed a segment of a script from The Horse Inventory mod to try and give a mammoth mount an inventory. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15842/


The script looks currently like this

Scriptname Mammothinventory extends activeMagicEffect
Actor ThisMammoth
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if (akActionRef as Actor)
if ((akActionRef as Actor).IsSneaking())
ThisMammoth.Activate(akActionRef, True)

However all I can do is ride the mammoth, no inventory opens. As far as I understand the script there ought not be a problem. What am I doing wrong?
Edited by Koji Okida
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I don't know a lot about scripting but it seems like you have to be sneaking to access the inventory. Are you in sneak mode when activating the mammothian?

Yes I am. I made sure of it. And its absolutely infuriating that I just keep vaulting onto its back

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That script will not work as is because the variable ThisMammoth is empty of data.


Looking at the script from the Horse Inventory mod, you also need the following:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor Caster)
		ThisMammoth = Caster

But I have no idea where you are attaching your script and if you have the same setup for it as the Horse Inventory mod. As a result, I cannot guarantee that that will work...

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That script will not work as is because the variable ThisMammoth is empty of data.


Looking at the script from the Horse Inventory mod, you also need the following:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor Caster)
		ThisMammoth = Caster

But I have no idea where you are attaching your script and if you have the same setup for it as the Horse Inventory mod. As a result, I cannot guarantee that that will work...

Thank you so much, I added that addition to my script and it worked flawlessly. Now I'm one step closer to my merchant pack mammoth mount. Thanks again!

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