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My thoughts thus far..


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- If ease of use is what they're going for NMM still has the edge, especially with managing plugins, there is currently no clicking and dragging to change plugin order or anything like that.

- It's import from NMM completely lacks support for custom install locations.

- Doesn't handle fomod stuff very well, had to repackage NVAC and install it from file.

- Doesn't handle custom targets, so can't run the NVSE version of GECK through Vortex. (NVSE requires a shortcut target like ["C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_loader.exe" -editor ] to launch and linking to NVSE as target and adding -editor (or just editor) to commandline doesn't work for it.

-It does seem to be more stable then NMM so there is that.

- Would like to see the ability to import existing save games from the Game's directory.

- Personally think Games, Extensions, and settings could go under a drop-able section just below dashboard, where you can just click a Arrow next to preferences to show and select.

- Needs the ability to disable top notifications for Downloading/Installing/Uninstalling/Enabling & Disabling mods, it gets super annoying. The orange circle with numbers in it next to downloads / mods / etc are more then sufficient for many of us.

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You can "Add Tool" to run NVSE, lets you set up a new target. I did get a red error notification with every keystroke, but once done it appears to work.

Not when doing the -editor thing, trying to launch GECK with it, not the game.


Attempting to run it with


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_loader.exe" -editor



C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_loader.exe -editor

in the target field, It fails to run.


You can launch the game just fine, just can't launch the GECK through NVSE with it, which you have to do to mod with NVSE.

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Try putting this in the Target field:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_loader.exe


...and this in the Command Line Parameters field:



Did you not read my initial message? It doesn't work. I said that from the very beginning...

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Sorry... your first post, I thought you were trying to edit the existing launch option, rather than adding a new one... which doesn't work. Your second post about it, you only indicated trying to put it all in Target.


But no worries, I won't try to help anymore.

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Sorry... your first post, I thought you were trying to edit the existing launch option, rather than adding a new one... which doesn't work. Your second post about it, you only indicated trying to put it all in Target.


But no worries, I won't try to help anymore.

Trying to Help isn't the problem, it just gets annoying when people keep trying put forth things that were already addressed and seemly don't pay attention to what you said. Plus messing with Vortex is stressing me somehow.


My first post I DID addresses the point with using the commandline for -editor with


" ... and linking to NVSE as target and adding -editor (or just editor) to commandline doesn't work for it. "


I also did say clearly I was talking about launching the GECK through NVSE with

"Doesn't handle custom targets, so can't run the **NVSE version of GECK** through Vortex. ..."


Sorry for being annoyed, I appreciate you trying, I'm just getting irritated with dealing with Vortex.

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