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Companion Firing Script Not Working?


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It would be nice to see more of what you're trying to do with these packages, but Dubious is right; you want Home to be a Sandbox package, and then he'll automatically travel to the location to sandbox there, unless you have something else going on that you're not showing us. In vanilla, they just teleport the companions to their sandbox location if I recall right and dsipense with the complications of getting them there in some realistic way.

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Oh my lord ... I some how was mistaking "Firing" to mean the companion was firing a weapon.

Not hire / fire ... and I wasn't even drinking o_O LOL


Sorry bananakillerBRO ... maybe it was the killer part of your name :ninja:


But ya , like madmongo & EPDGaffney says ... just give the npc a sandbox package with condition of "hired == 0" And make that package specific to a location.

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Have you tried adding "AddScriptPackage <GoHome>" and an ".evp" command to the "Result Script"? While you have set the "Not Hired" conditions, you seem to be waiting for the default package evaluation interval (up to 10 seconds) to determine when to re-evaluate the packages. At that time it will work down through the list of packages until it finds the first where all the conditions are "true". More than likely that will be an idle package and never get to your "GoHome" package.



I'm still new to scripting, so I don't really know what most of that means.


To be honest I just C+P'ed the script from my last mod.

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Please see 'TIP: Making NPCs move (aka "AI Packages")' and 'TIP: Using AI Packages' under the "Custom NPCs" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.

Let me know if anything is not explained and I will try to rectify it.



Edited by dubiousintent
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The point is you don't need a script to tell them to go home ... It is done with the condition on their packages.

But of course some scripting sets the variable. And in the dialogue result script of when you tell them they are fired would make the most sense.


Hence a sandbox package or whatever ... is their first package before you hire them , specific to a location.

And when you fire them ... this becomes the only package that is valid ... then they will teleport to where that package is run.

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OP, this would be solved in five minutes if you just screenshot the Packages tab of your companion, and then the Conditions for each individual package, with every condition visible and without a window blocking the other conditions. Seriously, do this for me and I will sort it out very quickly.

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Alright, so I have good news and bad news.


The good news is his fire scripts now work! He no longer follows the player after being dismissed. He still has follower dialog after being dismissed but it doesn't do anything unless he is recruited. If anyone knows how I can fix that please tell me, but I can live with it.


Bad news...he's gone.


The way the mod works is you find him in a bar. This bar is not his home and when he is fired he is supposed to go to Goodsprings, where he has his own little area.


So I just placed him down in the bar really. Should he have a package for standing around at the bar? What can I do to rectify his disaperence?

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How is he 'gone'? At what point does this happen? Use the console and find him. If he disappears after you fire him, what package is he using to disappear and what does he do before disappearing?


I still have no idea how your packages are set up.


I would add this function to your firing dialogue result script and make the package you want him to use be a sandbox package in Goodsprings:



You just need any persistent reference in Goodsprings to move him to it, which could just be a marker, or it could be something from his 'area' if you made it yourself (or if you want to edit vanilla records, which I strongly urge you not to do for compatibility reasons). Is his area an interior cell? If so, just use that for his sandbox package, or make two sandbox packages, one for outside and one for inside. You can even give him a schedule to determine which one he uses when you fire him.


Here is how to make a persistent reference/drop in a marker:



His dialogue scripts for following player instructions must be dependent on conditions. You should have the dialogue itself be dependent on said conditions so that the options don't even appear.

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His dialogue scripts for following player instructions must be dependent on conditions. You should have the dialogue itself be dependent on said conditions so that the options don't even appear.


Ya simply put the hired == 1 check in the lines for dialogue as a follower. And you can stop gate the whole quest with follower dialogue ... by having that dialogue in its own quest ... and on the first page of the quest , insert that condition.

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