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What kind of mods do I leave unchecked when creating bashed patch in Wrye Bash?


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you check them all, even followers, strike that, specially followers since they almost always have scripts


The only exception would be if you were using specific mods like FNIS, Dual sheath redux, the Reproccer, and a few others, which always state on the description page not to include them in the bashed patch

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you check them all, even followers, strike that, specially followers since they almost always have scripts


The only exception would be if you were using specific mods like FNIS, Dual sheath redux, the Reproccer, and a few others, which always state on the description page not to include them in the bashed patch

Well I am using this guide as a reference and it says this:


you rebuild the bashed patch later, already having a Bashed Patch rebuilt earlier, it's best to:

1. Activate all plugins first in the right pane of MO2, then

2. Deactivate the plugins you don't want to be active (Bijin Warmaidens, NPCs and Wifes in my case),

3. Then Sort with LOOT,

4. Deactivate "Bashed Patch Stuff" mod

4. Open Wrye Bash and rebuild the Bashed Patch

5. Rightclick Overwrite and create mod "Bashed Patch Stuff #2"

6. You can remove the previous "Bashed Patch Stuff" mod.


So I'm wondering why he does not include bjiin warmaidens etc.

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that guide is for Mod Organizer, AND is also wrong, you NEVER leave mods out of your bashed patch unless it's like one of the ones i outlines above


No clue why he doesn't include warmaidens UNLESS it specifically says not to on the description page for that mod


my suggestion would be to get rid of MO, you honestly don't even need it if you're already using WRYE or NMM. Wrye will do everything a mod organizer like MO or NMM will do and more. I use NMM and WRYE myself simply because it's easier to install mods with NMM. The problem I always had with MO is you have to do special specific steps to include any bashed patches, and some other files. When using NMM and WRYE you don't have to.


Try my guide below, it's had HUGE success with over 45K views and not one single complaint.



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