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Adding health to NPCs without editing records


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I need to increase the HP/Health of low level NPCs. Example: EncRaider01Template > LCharRaider > LvlRaider in an elegant way, without editing Base Actor Values if possible.


Been messing about with what look like relevant Game Settings with new game starts, but they don't seem to affect level 1 raiders with 30 HP:


GameSetting fDefaultHealth 100.000000 [vanilla 50]
GameSetting fLowLevelNPCBaseHealthMult 1.000000 [vanilla 0.25]
GameSetting fNPCHealthLevelBonus 10.000000 [vanilla 5]
GameSetting fNPCAttributeHealthMult 1.000000 [vanilla 0.5]
GameSetting iNPCBasePerLevelhealthMult 10 [vanilla 4]



Any ideas, or does this sort of thing need base game assets to be modified ?



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You mean no editing records directly? Like an NPC in the Actor window?


You can always modify Actor Values through script. Create a new blank quest with a script on it:



Scriptname Prefix_QuestSCRIPT extends Quest

ActorValue property Health auto
Float property fHealthValue auto

;=====List of actors===========
Actor property Actor01 auto
Actor property Actor02 auto
Actor property Actor03 auto
Actor property ActorNN auto

    Event OnQuestInIt()
        Actor01.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue)
        Actor02.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue)
        Actor03.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue)
        ActorNN.SetValue(Health, fHealthValue)
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If I was to modify the standard LvlRaider, would that just be for that script instance of the actor (not what I need), or would it affect all 210 other instances across 77 other objects that use it (what I am after) ?


I fear that for global effect, a root record hack will be needed.

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Thanks, I had a look at disabling existing encounter zones/spawn Ms (or whatever they are called) that aren't quest linked and replace with my own, but I'm not into placing stuff. The outcome is probably impractical for me as I prefer to not edit base game assets.

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