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Video/Gameplay settings problems


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Hi Guys,


Heres my problem, after I have patched from 1.4.27 to 1.5.26 I have a new problem.


Whenever i start the game i ALWAYS get the messages "checking your video hardware" and "video set to medium"


Not sure if that is the exact wording, but you get the picture.


EVERY time now I have to set the particular options that I want, this goes for other settings too such as cursor sensitivity.


Its a small problem really, but annoying.



My Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini are in exactly the same place that they were before patching (when everything was hunky-dory).

Neither the files nor the relevant folders are set to read-only.

I have tried deleting out Skyrimprefs.ini and having the game re-generate, problem recurs.


Anybody have any ideas? How does skyrim remember the settings? Why does it always think it is being run for the first time?


Cheers guys, I know you can help!



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Once in a while steam just messes up a bit with the file patching. Go to Skyrim in your games library and right click it. Than do a 'verify integrity of game cache' check. If it detects if a file is either missing or corrupt it will re-download it. Also make sure you are not still using any of those old performance enhancer mods. They are no longer useful after patch 1.4 and some of the .dll files will make the game detect that you are using a different video card than the one in your computer. Hopefully this helps you out :happy: .
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Thanks I'll try it.


Steam is an unpredictable beast, the only reason I updated to 1.5 was because the main exe, TESV.exe, somehow dissappeared, deleted apparently. I was advised by the internet to try "verify integrity of game cache" to try and fix that.


I also have an app called "skyrim unplugged" which stops steam from updating skyrim (which i had to disable in order to fix the above problem).


Some other suggested causes of my new problem (with the non-saving settings) have been the inability of steam to connect to "THE CLOUD" but I don't think I re-enabled skyrim unplugged so I don't know why that would be a problem.


The absolute first thing I am going to do when I get home is manually backup EVERYTHING as I have heard that steam cloud can also arbitrarily decide to delete savegames as well.


Sometime I think the world is becoming TOO conected, when everything depends on an outside connection and resources beyond your control, resources optimised to deal with a million customers or more, it usually end up being inconvenient for the individual...


Anyhoo, thanks for the advice, i will try to jigger it later on and post results.

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The issue resolved itself, I did play around with the things mentioned above a little, but for the life of me I don't know what I changed that fixed it, but the settings are saving now.

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