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Settlers batch files


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here you go

Addtofaction 1c21c 1 
Addkeyword workshopallowcommand
Addkeyword workshopallowmove
setpv bcommandable 1
setpv ballowmove 1
setpv ballowcaravan 1

I meant giving them gear with bat files


oh i think you need to make that yourself as the item codes are dependent on your load order and can be unique to your game.


here is how to do it- open the console and type:

 help "the name of the item you want to find" 4

then look for the reference ID of the item and write it down.

after that open a text file and add line

equipitem "reference id of the item"

without the " , for equip-able item´s or

additem "reference id" "number of items" 

for standard items such as ammo. example:

additem 0001f66b 5 ;.308 round


cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" "item to attach to" "mod to attach"

to attach a mod to a item or weapon. example:

cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" 0011d3c7 2B000BB8

save the txt file to your fallout data folder, open the the console and click on the npc to equip, then type "the name of your text file.bat"


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