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Helmet and Masked hood fixes for beast races


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A lot of helmets just can't or shouldn't be used by beast races. Masque of Clavicus the Vile is one that can't be hoped to be modified in any way, but there are others.


Nightingale mask can be stretched as it's likely made of leather or something else. The dragonpriest masks could be worn to the side of the head. [it would give a animeish look, but works well that way] There's also the Shrouded hood, which also can be stretched somehow instead of just being displayed without the mask.


These small fixes are certainly going to add to the visuals to whoever plays a beast race character. If someone helped me a bit, I could try to edit the models myself [the dragonpriest masks seems easy enought to me]. Just not sure about how to import stuff and then place it back into the game :(

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