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Cure the game from the "White-Blood-Bug"

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Hey guys,


as the title says, i want to eliminate the bug, that causes the blood to be extremely white and reflective in some situations and under some lighting conditions- it annoys me AF. I use EBT, which is an essential mod for me and it offers the dark cube map option, which is a good solution for this, but unfortunately, it causes metal surfaces to be very dull, ´cause a thousand objects are using the same damn cube map.

So my question is, how can i make the game use a different cube map just for the blood? If it is possible, how could this be done? What mesh is responsible for the splatters and decals ingame or is it just an effect shader or something? This bug kills all the immersion for me and i would really appreciate some help with it.


Thx in advance

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Well some of it is the decal size being way to large, the game kind of glitches out, so smaller decals are better. You should install it again with different options & get the 3-4 or so blood mods, which are all basically updating EBT, search blood & gore & look & read at everything. Also this board you would only ask questions like this if you were planing on remaking that mod. It's a board dealing with the SDK & other tools or process used to create mods, not to fix broken ones or deal with EndUser issues. Mod Troubleshooting & Tech Support is where you find answers to that stuff.

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