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Current Version: 1.8.3


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Changelog for 1.8.3 (16th May 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • Warn user about installing on Windows 7/8
  • Improvements:
    • Collections instructions now support italic, bold and links via Markdown

Changelog for 1.8.2 (10th May 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • provide guidance if extension fails to load native module
    • updated login dialog styles to place nice with themes
    • cleaner error handling if removing mods fails
    • unhandled exception if EGS manifest can't be read
    • exception trying to deduce nexus id
    • no handle when holding ctrl while already over a node
    • (Witcher 3) rare exception caching menu mods
    • (KCD) unhandled exception if writing LO fails
  • Improvements:
    • updated loot
    • updated spinner icon

Changelog for 1.8.1 (26th April 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • filtering mods by "Uninstalled" was broken
  • Improvements:
    • added fallback for oauth login
    • various improvements to error reporting
    • avoid window resize/reposition if Vortex was snapped to edge of screen

Changelog for 1.8.0 (17th April 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • uncaught exception if reading load order failed
    • rare exception trying to update rule after collection install
    • rare error notifications while installing extensions
    • exception from external library (seemingly random but very very rare)
    • exception if deployment canceled during finalize
    • exception if profile deleted while inst. dependencies
    • exception switching game from command line if the target game is no longer discovered
    • exception when receiving invalid collections (either invalid meta data or with invalid json file)
    • exception if fomod is missing required field
    • various (rare) exception if user manages game that isn't discovered
    • exception if sever response re endorsement is invalid
    • error if game got unmanaged while installing collection
    • bad error handling if installer sandbox failed
    • filtering by dependencies was broken if column is disabled
    • option to power off when downloads finish broken
    • conflict between files in .git directory reported
    • "bepinex-root" installer not working if archive contains directories
    • redundant "Install Optional Mods" action in mod actions
    • not applying binary patches to optional mods
    • when cloning a collection the version matching mode got reset
    • fetching collection meta information could revert customized collection name
    • would sometimes group unrelated collections on the mod screen
    • not handling correctly when extensions depends on disabled extension
    • (SDV) report error if all manifests in a mod are invalid
    • (SDV) unhandled error is response from smapi.io invalid
    • (SDV) exception trying to install mods not intended for SDV
    • (Morrowind) crash if failed to read plugins during startup
    • (Blade & Sorcery) bad error reporting trying to install mod when game isn't installed
    • (Blade & Sorcery) error notification if user cancels writing load order
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 24.1.2
    • update loot to 0.19.3
    • using OAuth for new log-ins
    • rating displayed on collection is now the overall rating instead of the revision rating
    • improved some error handling/reporting
    • various improvements to handling buggy extensions
    • redirect suggestions to feedback.nexusmods.com
    • cleaner error message if dependency url unsupported
    • better error handling if tool setup (in extension) invalid or generally tool fails to run
    • "mod type" field in mod sidebar now shows a "preview" of deployment target folder
    • more obvious that mod type field is unavailable on uninstalled mod
    • allow collection instructions to be set and viewed
    • various UI changes around how collection instructions are displayed
    • as far as possible, errors caused by extensions should now send users to the corresponding site instead of the Vortex tracker
    • Extensions list can now hide the extensions included with Vortex
    • better handling of very long file paths in notifications
    • progress bar when fixing un-finalized downloads
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) better error for lslib failure
    • (Wolcen) better error message if mod xml invalid
  • API:
    • allow extensions to specify their own issue tracker
    • dropped harmony-patcher (has been defunct for a while)


Changelog for 1.7.7/1.7.8 (8 February 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception uploading collection with unresolvable rule
    • rare exception voting on collection missing meta information
    • (gamebryo games) rare exception opening/editing plugin group rule

Changelog for 1.7.6 (6 February 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception downloading script extender from Nexus Mods

Changelog for 1.7.5 (6 February 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • uncaught exception if reading load order failed
    • exception caused by trying to install script extender while no game active
    • exception if game extension returns invalid path for game discovery
    • exception trying to move failed/canceled download
    • exception if downloading dependency fails on certain requirements
    • exception if deployment canceled during finalize
    • exception if profile deleted while inst. dependencies
    • rare exception trying to update rule after collection install
    • rare error notifications while installing extensions
    • redundant "Install Optional Mods" action in mod actions
    • filtering by dependencies was broken if column is disabled
    • option to power off when downloads finish broken
    • conflict between files in .git directory reported
    • "bepinex-root" installer not working if archive contains directories
    • incorrectly reported available update if all newer files got archived
    • (SDV) report error if all manifests in a mod are invalid
    • (SDV) unhandled error is response from smapi.io invalid
    • (Morrowind) crash if failed to read plugins during startup
  • Improvements:
    • reduced amount and size of cached collection revisions
    • allow filtering mod list by "Not installed"
    • rating displayed on collection is now the overall rating instead of the revision rating
    • improved some error handling/reporting
    • cleaner error message if dependency url (protocol) unsupported
    • redirect suggestions to feedback.nexusmods.com
    • better error handling if tool setup (in extension) invalid or generally tool fails to run
    • (SDV) dependencies from manifests are now all treated as recommendations
    • (SDV) feature to make recommendations based on installed mods can be disabled entirely

Changelog for 1.7.4 (11 January 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.7.x) error uploading collections
    • (since 1.7.x) unhandled error if discovery update fails


Changelog for 1.7.3 (4 January 2023)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.7) symlink deployment not working
    • exception when using "Fix" on warning about using xbox variant of bethesda games
    • exception installing mod if no game active
    • exception installing mod dependencies if source mod got removed at the wrong time
    • (rare) exception after installing collection
    • (rare) exception rendering conflicts if rules cache outdated
    • couple of rare cases where network issues could crash Vortex
    • (SDV) exception if game gets changed while purging SDV
    • (SDV) suggesting to enable/disable dependencies when those are already were the correct state
  • Improvements:
    • better handling of certain errors caused by invalid extension
    • (SDV) don't show recommendations from mods when installing as part of a collection
    • (SDV) no longer create invalid dependency if mod author copy&pasted sample manifest
    • (SDV) better handling of invalid manifest
    • (BG3) compatibility with patch 9 (this was already pushed to users as an extension update)
    • (Battletech) better handling of errors on reimporting files to mod
  • API:
    • extensions can now prevent mod dependencies/recommendations from being installed

Changelog for 1.7.2 (14 December 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if staging folder got changed for inactive game
    • exception trying to manage game if mod directory doesn't exist (only with "Automatically use suggested path for staging folder" enabled)
    • exception if user switches profile during collection install and collection switch fails
    • random exception uploading collection if binary patching enabled
    • error logged if installing mod for inactive game
    • user canceling fs operations would sometimes lead to error being reported
    • (SDV) exception if profile deleted during deployment
    • (SDV) exception installing mod if meta info lookup fails/is missing data
    • (SDV) mod install failed completely if mod included any invalid manifest
  • Improvements:
    • updated loot to 0.18.3
    • (Witcher 3) added support for DX12 variant introduced with latest update

Changelog for 1.7.1 (7 December 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if updating a collection and archive gets deleted before Vortex can extract it
    • exception if game discovery in third-party extension returns invalid results
    • exception determining game store on first run of 1.7.0 (probably after user changed state from command line)
    • exception trying to install recommended mods (circumstances unclear)
    • unhandled exception on SSL protocol errors
    • (Morrowind) using wrong registry key to discover installation directory
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 21.3.3


Changelog for 1.7.0 (6 December 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if certain invalid urls entered into the "download from url" dialog
    • exception downloading from server sending an unrecognized header format (Content-Range)
    • exception from certain network errors being unhandled
    • exception if upload fails before connection established
    • crash under specfic situation if an extension throws invalid exception
    • rare exception in "External Changes" dialog if files changed on disk during deployment
    • rare exception updating the dashboard layout
    • error trying to display new files/site news if image url missing
    • would sometimes suggest en-/disabling mod dependencies that weren't actually installed
    • "Install Recommendations" dialog would sometimes show up even though all were already installed
    • multiple errors that could cause free users canceling a collection install to receive further download dialogs
    • tools removed from dashboard still showing up in titlebar
    • notification if mod dependencies aren't fulfilled didn't actually trigger
    • "Rename" button on collections inaccessible if collection name too long
    • tools dashlet title blurred while in "customize dashboard" mode
    • user could escape "staging folder invalid" dialog, leaving Vortex in an invalid state
    • a bunch of issues around mod dependency rules provided by a meta server
    • using US date format when using localized Vortex
    • clicking collection instructions button opened description but clicking again didn't close it
    • canceling collection as free user would require multiple clicks
    • hiding tool didn't stick
    • file based load order triggered update with undefined list
    • (various bethesda games) exception triggered by attempt to read load order while game being switched
    • (various bethesda games) storing wrong plugin order for GOG/XBox variants of games
    • (various bethesda games) filtering plugins by flag broken when localization active
    • (Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout NV) support for different language versions on XBox
    • (Skyrim SE) would run xbox installation even if a different install was being managed
    • (Rimworld) exception installing some mods
    • (Witcher 3) exception if deployment manifest manipulated or from older Vortex version
    • (Daggerfall Unity) error reported if env log missing
    • (SDV) downloading wrong version of SMAPI
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) exception if invalid load order stored
    • (Bannerlord) extension could not be disabled
  • Improvements:
    • Updated electron to latest version
    • added option to automatically place staging folder on same drive as game. (currently disabled by default)
    • By default, Vortex will now be brought to foreground whenever a download is started
    • if installing collection to different profile, offer option to immediately switch to that profile
    • UI improvements to collection success rating widget
    • reduced occasional delay opening collections screen
    • more prominently pointing out our use of LOOT for load order sorting
    • more robust detection of which game store a game was installed through if user manually selects directory
    • fixed layout of tool buttons in the title bar
    • "remember selection" option on dialogs installing dependencies
    • less obscure display of complex mod attributes in the mod history
    • request to allow data collection less pushy
    • standard dialogs with a lot of checkboxes now have enable all/disable all buttons
    • allow larger files to be attached to feedback (40MB instead of 20MB)
    • added option to install extensions from command line
    • allow installing mod if no game active
    • (various bethesda games) removed the warning when the script extender is incorrectly configured, will now be fixed silently
    • (various bethesda games) installing script extenders from Nexus Mods page, various other improvements to SE auto install
    • (Fallout 3) discovery of epic game store variant
    • (Skyrim SE) support for epic game store variant
    • (BG3) better error message if mod contains unparseable meta.lsx file
    • (SDV) Added mod table column displaying compatibility information
    • (SDV) integrate with SMAPI dependency system to suggest dependency installs
  • API:
    • Simpler API to declare how games can be discovered
    • nexus api functions can now be accessed via context.api.ext (typings exist for these functions)
    • dependency rules can now be flagged "soft" dependencies, meaning they will suggest the installation but not report as a problem if installation isn't possible
    • nxm links for collections can now refer to revision number "latest", so it always links to the current listed revision
    • "requiresLauncher" function is now passed a parameter indicating which game the store was installed with (as far as Vortex can determine)
    • added hidden setting to control auto-updating behavior so Vortex can be distributed in other ways than our own (windows-only) installer


Changelog for 1.6.14 (6 October 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • passing along potentially problematic environment variables when starting tools
    • when manually limiting download speed, the settings link in the download graph got overlayed in some themes
    • (Bethesda games) rare exception if os reported plugins.txt changing while Vortex is switching to a different game
  • Improvements:
    • updated included 7zip to version 22.0.1

Changelog for 1.6.13 (30 September 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception running some games bought through GOG store
    • (rare?) crash trying to upload collection with binary patches
Changelog for 1.6.12 (29 September 2022)
  • Bugfixes:
    • switching themes didn't apply without a restart of the application
  • Improvements:
    • (Skyrim SE) Support for GOG version of the game
    • (API) better support for variants of games behaving differently depending on which store they were bought in

Changelog for 1.6.11 (28 September 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • unhandled exception if removing collection workshop failed
    • (rare) exception toggling option in dialog if available options change while click being processed
    • exception adding mod to collection
    • exception if custom meta server returns invalid data
    • exception if mod removed while deps being installed
    • exception if mod not found after installation
    • exception on mods list if mod has null for fileId
    • upon installing collection, unrelated plugins were disabled
    • uploading collection with multiple binary patches getting stuck
    • collection changelog dialog sometimes not getting displayed/hidden immediately
    • some valid mod updates not getting detected
    • (Oblivion) script extender releases with unrecognized naming scheme not being used
  • Improvements:
    • upgraded electron to version 19.1.0
    • updated free-user download speed cap text
    • handling some error messages nicer

Changelog for 1.6.10 (15 September 2022)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if archive deleted while resolving or installing collection dependencies

Changelog for 1.6.9 (15 September 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if archive deleted while resolving or installing collection dependencies
    • exception if game extension contains no details attribute
    • exception if profile changed while updating staging folder
    • exception trying to purge if game not discovered
    • (rare) exception editing a collection with no attributes
    • (rare) exception if mod rule has no extra field at all
    • (rare) exception showing the mod list on newly managed game with collection installed
    • exception reported trying to remove duplicate mods
    • games in List View not showing "Manage" button
    • error message after a while if network was offline during startup
    • missing options on game tiles
    • dependencies not disabling/enabling when dependent is disabled
    • tracking mods not working for some games
    • incorrectly showing update available for mods imported manually
    • no profile pre-selected in "install collection"-dialog
    • mod type not set correctly from collection if mod auto-detected as non-default type
    • bebinex installer being used for games not supported by it
    • (collections) invalid mod entry created when canceling collection
    • (collections) binary patches created for files that don't need it
    • (collections) better error message if collection is missing patch files
    • (Dragons Dogma) exception if mod not packaged/installed correctly
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron (19.0.16)
    • detect and offer to fix invalid download folder setting
    • removed "Browse" button in list game view
    • collection overview elements now adapt to smaller window size
    • more obvious styling when "Edit Description" for a mod is not available
    • collection status no longer styled like a button
    • no longer show collection of incomplete during removal
    • warning against combining "Replicate" with "Binary Patching"
    • change to calculation of patch size limit so small files get rejected less


Changelog for 1.6.8 (25 August 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception pressing backspace on sort dropdowns
    • crash if mod install causes error if the install was triggered with the status dropdown in "Mods"
    • dashboard not getting layed out initially (all dashlets stuck in the top left)
    • some errors from fomod installer not being reported correctly
    • "GetExistingDataFile" in c# installers might get stuck
    • ESL files installed through collections not getting enabled
    • (bethesda games) exception deleting save games
  • Improvements:
    • improved error message if collection has missing urls
    • better error handling if Vortex fails to set up security sandbox
    • will display a proper message if sandbox prevents invalid access
Changelog for 1.6.7 (16 August 2022)
  • Improvements:
    • bumped electron to version 19.0.12
    • better error handling if .NET installation is broken
    • (Themes) introduced scss variable "$theme-path" containing the full path to the active theme


Changelog for 1.6.6 (11 August 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • potentially getting stuck at startup if changing game from command line
    • (gamebryo games) meta information from parsing esps not being used
  • API:
    • nxm:// links can now use "latest" for the revision


Changelog for 1.6.5 (9 August 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash on games screen if extension list is corrupted
    • crash when game becomes unavailable
    • crash when attempting to fix mod ids if mod meta info invalid
    • freeze/crash if category data from API is corrupted
    • exception clicking "clone collection" if collection no longer active
    • exception trying to install optional mods if collection no longer active
    • exception trying to attach application state to feedback message
    • exception if user cancels .NET installation
    • exception toggling binary patching if mod missing
    • rare exception if mod list contains collection
    • rendering error when unsetting primary tool when there's just the one
    • plugins installed through collections got enabled even if disabled by curator
    • would still try to install mods in background while we tell user they need .NET
    • failing xbox game store discovery on windows 11
    • issues not being displayed to the user
    • "collection install finished" dialog can't be closed
    • Could still trigger install of incompatible extensions
    • text fixes
    • (Blade and Sorcery) erroneous version incompatibility warning for U11 mods
    • (Blade and Sorcery) failed to report game.json file missing
    • (Dragons Dogma) corrupted arc files during merge (title.arc)
    • (Witcher 3) menu mod error reporting when LO file changes while menu mod is missing
  • Improved:
    • Text/UI improvements around .NET installation/repair
    • offer .NET repair in cases where missing dlls is only detected at runtime
    • if masterlist is invalid, offer option to delete (dialog text was also outdated before)
    • improved performance if hardware acceleration is disabled
    • offer to clean up duplicated mod installs
    • (Resident Evil 2/3 and DMC5) moved into standalone extensions
    • (Resident Evil 2/3) steamkit integration
    • (Resident Evil 2): improved RT update warning message
    • (Dragons Dogma) better message encountering invalid archive
    • (SDV) improved error handling when installing SMAPI from corrupt archive
    • (SDV) improved mod candidate selection for newly generated files import
    • (SDV) mod installer now supports mods without a mod folder at arc root
  • Features:
    • Added "Downloaded Time" column to the mods page
    • (API) installers now receive path to the archive being installed as a parameter

Changelog for 1.6.4 (21 July 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • reinstalling an updated mod created duplicate mods
    • unhandled exception if downloading .NET fails
    • exception applying patches for invalid collection (modified during installation)
    • exception when displaying the variant name dialog
    • error reported if user cancels installer
    • edit dialog for tools (dashboard) would silently refuse changes
    • "Install From File" claimed file was already installed
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) missing pak error not handled correctly
  • Improvements:
    • better error handling around corrupted .NET installations
    • slight performance improvements
    • updated on-boarding videos


Changelog for 1.6.3 (14 July 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash installing mods for some users (second attempt)
    • crash connected to manually added tools
    • inaccurate warning if file required to determine game version is missing
    • (SDV) error when scanning for new game files and profile is removed
    • (Morrowind) exception when refreshing plugins and game is gone
  • Improvements:
    • When .NET 6 is installed but corrupted, Vortex should now show an appropriate warning and instructions for repair
    • better error reporting if extension update fails


Changelog for 1.6.2 (12 July 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash installing mods for some users
    • exception attempting to determine game version if game not (no longer) discovered
    • exception installing mod if game version can't be parsed
    • exception if user cancels required .NET 6 download
    • (very rare) exception upon reinstalling mods
    • OBSE/NVSE got downloaded even when the notification was dismissed
    • mods could show as "unsolved dependencies" if their rules included a conflict with the mod itself
    • mod rules targeting version ranges could be detected as matching when they shouldn't
    • startup check for .NET 6 didn't trigger if non-desktop variant of .NET already installed
    • no reportable notification when Vortex recovered after a crash
    • ea/origin game store didn't support certain game manifests (those not encoded with utf- :cool:
  • Improvements:
    • dropped the startup message (on first start) about collections being introduced in 1.5
    • (Dragons Dogma) will now merge mods modifying title.arc
  • API:
    • no longer emitting mod-enabled/mod-disabled events for uninstalled mods


Changelog for 1.6.1 (7 July 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • failed to start up on Windows 7
    • failed to install mods when Vortex (application) was installed to custom location
    • failed to install .NET if user spam-clicked the "Fix" button
    • failed to install .NET if AV kept the installer exe locked for too long
    • (gamebryo games) savegame tab and related features missing
  • Improvements:
    • Notification that .NET needs to be installed can no longer be ignored/overlooked

Changelog for 1.6.0 (5 July 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash when setting custom profile image and directory is missing
    • exception triggering removal of the same mod multiple times
    • exception if events triggered for removed collection
    • exception on invalid server response
    • importing non-archives as mods was broken
    • re-installing an updated mod would create a "duplicate" mod entry
    • tool buttons not updating when tools installed as mods
    • refreshing tools would not discover all tools installed during the session
    • several (more or less rare) cases where applying mod rules from collections failed
    • downloads initially put into wrong download directory got renamed to all-uppercase
    • manually added downloads got moved to wrong download directory (only for specific games)
    • incorrectly claimed user as collection curator if logged out
    • mods could be configured to conflict with themself
    • couldn't "unlock" some mod rules, especially when added from collection
    • attempt to install dependencies for mod that wasn't installed successfully
    • navigation in embedded web browser failing
    • flickering while game information popover was updating
    • unnecessary deployment after when operation got canceled
    • issues dashlet not showing all entries
    • verification/correction of some invalid state left by prior bugs (1)
    • updating mods for current profile not disabling older mod version
    • tried to determine conflicts for mods during install
    • patterns for files that don't get conflicts reported were case sensitive
    • (Gamebryo Games) using incorrect paths for xbox variants
    • (RE Engine Games) crash if game becomes unavailable during cache migration
    • (SDV) attempt to import added files even when mod path unknown
    • (Battletech) attempt to scan for added files (no available profile)
    • (Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines) inability to use the Unofficial Patch mod path
    • (Blade & Sorcery) erroenous mod incompatibility warning
    • (Blade & Sorcery) broken game version resolution
    • (Mount & Blade 2) broken sorting algorithm
    • (Morrowind) migration failure if mod not installed correctly
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to version 19
    • updated to use .NET 6 (2)
    • improved UI for editing/rearranging the dashboard
    • option to same options for all mods when reinstalling multiple mods at once
    • improved dialog when enabling/disabling mod with dependencies
    • various other UI improvements, especially around Dashboard, Notifications
    • nicer error message if update fails due to network offline
    • nicer error messages upon HTTP errors outside our control
    • option to sort game list
    • option to sort collections list
    • validation of game discovery of xbox store variants of bethesda games
    • "Knowledge Base" now embeds the new wiki on https://modding.wiki/
    • (Gamebryo Games) better support in game detection for case sensitive filesystems (e.g. on linux)
    • (Rimworld) improved Steam mod installer (supports git releases)
    • (KOTOR) improved mod installation capabilities
    • (X-Com) added detection for ModBuddy
    • (Oblivion) better steam game detection
  • Features:
    • Collections can now include file modifications (binary patches) (3)
    • Ability to rearrange tools on the dashboard
    • Showing tools in titlebar so they are accessible from every screen
    • New dashlet with tutorial videos for beginners
    • Ability to determine game version for various games (or game variants) we couldn't before
  • API:
    • New API for a modular system for multiple mechanisms identifying installed game version
    • Various extensions to the standard dialog system
    • Added ability to download/update BepInEx from official github repo
    • generic mechanism to make it easier to write operations that should remember options for an entire batch of items
(1) This may trigger an "invalid state" message on first startup, the fix should be safe
(2) .NET 6 will be installed if not already installed on your system. Please let us know if you find any mods that no longer install correctly in 1.6.x but used to work before
(3) Binary patches can currently not change more than 20% of the original file, we may change this percentage in the future.


Changelog for 1.5.13 (24 May 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception creating collection that included invalid mods
    • exception cloning collection if active game has no tools assigned (neither preset nor user-defined)
    • exception trying to open collection page if cache contained outdated info (before api change)
    • exception sorting mods if one contains invalid meta data (a specific error in the meta data)
    • exception triggering collection removal twice in a (very) short time
    • exception converting plugin to light or back via history if file was deleted
    • exception trying to add mod to deleted collection
    • crash if embedded browser navigated to invalid url
    • "Enable"ing multiple mods in a batch didn't enable mods that needed to be installed first
    • trying to restore a corrupted/manipulated state backup could leave Vortex in an invalid state
    • sorting by mod size didn't work correctly
    • "Show in Mods" on collections screen was offered for "pending" mods
    • wrong size for bundled mods in collections (probably no visible effect)
    • error logged if server response to feedback was incomplete
    • (Gamebryo games) usage instructions on plugins screen outdated and no longer correct
    • (Morrowind) fixed exception if ini contains no [Game Files] section


Changelog for 1.5.12 (4 May 2022)

  • Improvements:
    • vc runtime libraries installed globally if required (was previously bundled, required or not)

Changelog for 1.5.11 (4 May 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash on startup if an error message needed to be shown
    • exception when resuming collection install from notification when no game active
    • exception trying to update user info from nexus
    • rare exception if mod deleted immediately after download finishes
    • rare exception if archive is deleted while installing as dependency
    • rare exception installing collection if mod ends up in invalid state
    • rare exception on mod downloads with incomplete/invalid meta data
    • wrong game id assigned to downloads with >1 compatible extensions
    • some fomods installed as part of collection would install with wrong options
    • load order entry names on collections page not displaying correctly for some games
    • game popover showing outdated version info
    • buttons in some dialogs not clickable
    • (Bethesda games) some plugin incompatibilities not displayed correctly
    • (Bethesda games) BSA files accessed by Vortex may remain locked for a bit longer than necessary
    • (Mount & Blade 2) error if mnb2 profile is no longer available
    • (Mount & Blade 2) sorting algorithm disregarding locked entries
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) exception if user sets invalid version on the lslib mod
    • (Witcher 3) dlc mods not installing correctly
    • (Morrowind) collections data not exported/imported correctly
  • Improvements:
    • performance improvements related to the game discovery in windows store
    • slight style improvement on load order screen for some games
    • added/fixed game version resolution for many games (Prison Architect, Halo MCC, TF2, Sims 3, Greedfall, DOS 2, VtM Bloodlines, Kenshi)
    • (Mount & Blade 2) better error handling when installing invalid mods
    • (Witcher 3) better (?) discovery of GOG id versions
    • (X-Com 2) discovery of epic store version
    • (Rimworld) added support for Steam Mods
    • (Morrowind) now using generic load order UI
  • Features:
    • option to sort collection lists


Changelog for 1.5.10 (7 April 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash if extension's info.json file is missing
    • exception batch-enabling mods
    • (rare) exception a while after installing collection
    • error notification if mod update download gets paused
    • error sharing mod report (though currently the server for that doesn't work anyway)
    • failure to find UMM archive when downloaded from github
    • game profile remaining active when the game discovery was cleared
    • (X-Com 2) improved error when game becomes unavailable during LO serialize
    • (KCD) crash if game becomes undiscovered while refreshing mod list
  • Improvements:
    • (various games) now reporting correct game version

Changelog for 1.5.9 (4 April 2022)

  • Bugfix:
    • exception during deployment
    • exception removing collection

Changelog for 1.5.8 (4 April 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if user has an invalid collection in their state (multiple variations)
    • exception in "Manage Rules" if mod got deleted while dialog is open
    • exception assigning icon/color to a lot of mods at once
    • exception on trying to add group rule that already exists in the masterlist
    • exception if events in conflict editor get delayed
    • exception on collection with invalid meta data (various)
    • exception if downloaded collection got deleted before installation can start
    • exception ghosting plugin
    • giving file permissions not working
    • errors very early in application startup not reported correctly
    • games were not "undiscovered" after being uninstalled
    • "ready to install" notification shown for paused downloads
    • notifications in embedded browser not rendered correctly
    • UMM installation failing if umm archive already exists in dl folder
    • load order for some games displayed incorrectly in generated reports
    • table default sorting not being applied
    • error logged for undiscovered games
    • "Installing Collection" notification not disappearing in some cases
    • (World of Tanks) showed multiple error notification if game is no longer discovered
    • (Daggerfall Unity) game discovery failing in a few cases
    • (Witcher 3) managed lo entries appearing as external
    • (7 days to die) corrupted load order files
    • (7 days to die) crash if loadorder file is missing
  • Improvements:
    • upgraded electron to 16.2.1
    • (collection) improved ini tweaks screen
    • query user to rate a collection two days after install
    • nicer error messages in various places
    • check for/warn about incompatible mods (manually flagged) during deployment
    • removed option to select "Next" update channel (no releases on that channel atm)
    • handle http 303 redirects
    • (API) showErrorNotification can no be used to show warnings
    • (API) when enabling mods in batches, the corresponding events were triggered one per mod
    • (Enderal SE) added fnis automation support
    • (Bloodstained) added ability to regenerate loadorder file if corrupt

Changelog for 1.5.7 (14 March 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception updating mod while different game active
    • exception if failed to determine mod size
    • exception when failing to render a mod name
    • exception installing mod manually from collections screen
    • exception caused by conflict editor local state out of sync
    • exception after importing mods from NMM
    • exception checking mod dependency rules if no game active
    • exception installing dependencies with no active profile
    • exception fetching collection revision information
    • error when creating a collection from profile
    • multiple exceptions if collection meta incomplete (local or from remote)
    • crash if user logs out while analytics is intializing
    • (rare) images in fomods not showing
    • (Witcher 3) error spam in logs if merger inventory is empty
    • (Witcher 3) crash when switching to loadorder page
    • (Mount & Blade 2) exception if submodule cache is (temporarily) unavailable
    • (Mount & Blade 2) settings rendering error if profile becomes unavailable
    • (Mount & Blade 2) submodules not identified as "managed" for root mods
    • (7DTD) prefix assignment actions available to non 7DTD games
    • (Bethesda Games) rare exception refreshing plugin list
  • Improvements:
    • updated to LOOT 0.18
    • improved layout in top bar on small windows (when using extension that uses the space)
    • improved various error messages
    • update notification position if window gets resized
    • overhauled top area of collections page
    • offer to ignore fomod validation errors
    • (Bethesda Games) added source and url attributes for auto-installed script extender
    • (Bethesda Games) offer to remove savegames upon removing profile
    • (Bethesda Games) support managing (and ini tweaks) for ...Custom.ini files
    • (Oblivion) Now using the community xOBSE fork of script extender
    • (7DTD) added ability to fix corrupted LO file + better error handling
    • (Spyro) provided mechanism to regenerate load order file if corrupted
    • (API) emit will-remove-profile and did-remove-profile events


Changelog for 1.5.6 (2 March 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception installing a collection that contains no rules
    • exception due to delay updating UI
    • exception in category filter if mod has invalid data
    • exception (rare) on collection page
    • exception moving downloads to correct dir
    • exception (rare) on startup if downloads state not initialized
    • exception if archive got deleted by time lookup completes
    • exception filling meta info for mod without any attributes
    • unhandled exception on invalid move in category tree
    • fomods not considering native plugins as active
    • download of extension failed (under unusual circumstances)
    • trying to install a download even if the dl failed
    • mod install errors reported twice
    • not correctly applying some nexus id changes
    • umm installation failure if auto install is enabled
    • (collections) wrong web page open under certain circumstances
    • (Gamebryo) plugins still considered deployed after purge
    • (Witcher 3) migration error if mod limit patcher is not enabled
    • (Witcher 3) crash when attempting to render LO item of removed mod
    • (Mount & Blade 2) submodule xml parsing and module sorting issues
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) exception on invalid lslib version
  • Improvements:
    • support for UMM 0.24.2
    • various improvements to error reporting (especially around network issues)
    • (collections) prevent upload if no url set for external dependency
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) Better error handling of corrupt/missing lslib installations

Changelog for 1.5.5 (24 February 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • some mod rules were ignored for the conflict check
    • exception if collection deleted during installation
    • exception removing profile during collection install
    • (BG3) will no longer report failure to update lslib if no releases found


Changelog for 1.5.4 (23 February 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (only in 1.5.3) exception sorting plugins
    • (only in 1.5.x?) archive invalidation not working
    • unhandled exception when reading deployment manifest fails
    • exception trying to create collection on empty game
    • exception importing from NMM if cacheInfo corrupted
    • (rare) exception triggering a toolbar button that shouldn't have shown
    • (rare) exception trying to update collection when the api meta data wasn't available
    • incorrect mod metadata when installing from file
    • refused to remove multiple mods if part of the selection was already uninstalled
    • (collections) instructions could not be removed
    • (collections) some errors uploading collection were not reported
    • (collections) "multiple plugins" notifications showing up for mods installed through collections
    • (rare) exception toggling dialog checkbox
    • (rare) exception applying rule in batches
    • (Witcher 3) fixed crash caused by invalid load order entries (for the last time)
  • Improvements:
    • providing more information on a couple of error messages
    • (collections) applying mod attributes for mods from external sources (Author, Version, Category, URL)
    • (collections) Badge now says "Alpha" instead of "Beta"
    • (collections) overhauled look of collection tiles
    • (collections) will now acknowledge when installing own collection and actively suggest cloning it
    • (collections) actually store the author in the author fields rather than the uploader
    • (Witcher 3) better error handling if unable to resolve merged mod name


Changelog for 1.5.3 (17 February 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if user deletes coll. during update
    • exception trying to progress collection install
    • exception installing collection if no existing mods
    • exception if user cancels download move
    • some errors from loot not handled
    • missing game images in list view
    • languages not listed in dropdown
    • analytics dialog showed up every login
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) compatiblility with patch 7
    • (Witcher 3) fixed profile data not imported/exported when cloning profile
  • Improvements:
    • Updated loot to 0.17
    • Updated electron to 16.0.9

Changelog for 1.5.2 (15 February 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • incorrect notification about unsolved file conflicts
    • exception updating progress upon profile change
    • exception trying to install collection with no mods
    • exception if profile-selection dropdown gets cleared
    • exception updating collection with invalid revision number
    • exception fetching collection info
    • exception trying to start install with no profile selected
    • exception updating collection from the mods page
    • exception if meta db returns data but no sourceURI
    • exception trying to cancel already deleted collection
    • exception when Vortex tries to determine download path when no game is being managed
    • exception if unmanaging a no-longer-supported game
    • exception pausing download with no meta info attached
    • exception caused by bad timing deleting a profile
    • collections page would offer to "update" a newer draft revision to the latest published one
    • tried to set invalid state if loot returns empty result (not sure why it would though)
    • deployment event being raised during mod installation
    • avoid trying to merge invalid mods
    • ignoring benign unhandled (in foreign code) exception
    • multiple possible problems if profile is removed before end of collection installation
    • no longer offering to eslify undeployed plugins
    • "invalid staging folder" dialog not shown if partition removed
    • plugin rules not being applied when installing a collection
    • not seting deploy method when changing staging folder
    • ini edits made from c# fomod installer not applied
    • crash when enabling profile of disabled extension
    • error if calculating disk size of mod and state did not update yet
    • preselected fomod option could not be deselected if their conditions no longer met
    • other filters not cleared on "Show in Mods" from collections screen
    • gamebryo plugins from collections that were not enabled on curator system were enabled on install
    • context menus not closing when selecting action
    • (MS Flight Simulator) crash when localcache directory is missing
    • (7 Days to Die) broken root mod modtype detection
    • (7 Days to Die) fixed prefix issues past ZAA
    • (Witcher 3) inability to find local W3SM config
    • (Witcher 3) profile data not imported/exported when cloning profile
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) crash when encountering an invalid lslib version
  • Improvements:
    • (optionally) remove obsolete mods on collection update
    • show games found in a gamestore as discovered, even if expected game files are missing
    • use server data to more reliably update revision rating after voting
    • (significantly) improved navigation performance in fomods with lots of conditions
    • slight redesign of notification area
    • Added "show in mods" option to individual mods
    • improved error handling when unmanaging games with no active profile
    • improved error message when dl path is invalid
    • allow zoom using (ctrl+shift+) numpad +/-/0
    • clarified the upload button label
    • validation of collection asset file
    • show changelog when updating collection
    • opening collection page now goes to specific revision
    • (Mount & Blade 2) modules are now auto-sorted upon deployment
    • (Stardew Valley) improved mod name resolution
    • (Witcher 3) improved error message when assigning priority to invalid value
    • (API) changed pre/post dependency events to contain game id instead of profile id

Changelog for 1.5.1 (31 January 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception starting collection install if meta info is missing (network error maybe?)
    • exception upon moving archive to correct directory
    • exception upon updating notification list
    • exception if cache of own issue tickets gets corrupted
    • exception installing if dl game id is invalid
    • (rare) exception navigating in embedded browser
    • skyrim/fallout CC content not treated as enabled for the purpose of fomod dependencies
    • frequently requesting unnecessary deployment while using fnis integration
    • fomod with gameversion dependency failed if exe is invalid (why would it be?)
    • (BG3) error messages during install/uninstall of lslib mod
    • (MnB2) wrong version resolution
  • Improvements:
    • "Add mods" button in collections workshop and mods page stickied to the bottom of view
    • for new users, most automation options are now enabled by default
    • (7dtd) added ability to configure a prefix offset via LO page
    • (Starbound) added discovery support for the MS store variant

Changelog for 1.4.17 (25 January 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • more user-friendly handling of collection urls
    • fixed problem that broke game extension getting updated

Changelog for 1.5.0 (24 January 2022)

  • Bugfixes:
    • "duplicate" download entries when replacing an existing download
    • crash if profile becomes unavailable during connector icon render
    • crash if running game through store and store extension disabled
    • crash if notification is triggered while application is quitting (timing)
    • crash when attempting to log metadata containing BigInt values
    • renderer crash if attempting to render tweaklist for removed mod
    • rare crash if application is closed before main window shows
    • exception if profile deleted during dependency install
    • exception on mod dependency fulfilment for non-collection mods
    • exception after re-downloading broken archive
    • exception finalizing download if prior Vortex session was terminated too soon
    • exception if user manually modified DOM
    • exception if server sends invalid content-type
    • exception attempting to install unavailable extension
    • exception in conflicts dialog if mod was uninstalled
    • exception importing file for unsupported game
    • exception installing extension using context.optional
    • exception trying to download mod update if update chain ends in removed file
    • exception upon deleting profiles
    • exception trying to (un-)track mod
    • (rare) exception clicking "copy2clipboard" in browser
    • (rare) exception on right-click on mod
    • (rare) exception removing mod rule
    • (rare) exception trying to refresh rules in conflict editor
    • users could "ghost" plugins that already had the extension
    • failure to open cycle graph
    • retrying download didn't correctly update the file status
    • UMM tool would not get added if game extension had no other tools
    • assuming wrong game version for some games
    • download progress showing as NaN
    • edit file conflicts popover not closing if opening override dialog
    • inability to change individual file rules for top level files
    • redundant error if installer fails
    • "remove related" mod dialog ignored user selection
    • mod files not being deployed due to redundant file overrides
    • staging transfer errors if new dir structure missing were ignored
    • range-selection broken if grouping by disabled column
    • wrong "enabled mods" number on profile screen
    • mod rule popover not scrollable
    • history layout falling apart with long description
    • incompletly installed mods considered during merge phase
    • profile mod count could be incorrect
    • "getExtenderVersion" function in fomods wasn't returning on error (until a timeout occurs)
    • multiple restarts after larger Vortex update
    • removing a mod could remove mod rules that were still needed
    • content column would treat directories with a recognized extension as that content
    • empty file not deleted if download gets canceled by user
    • crash during BIX pack install if download no longer exists
    • bepinex package re-downloaded when checking for updates even if it was installed
    • (RE Engine) crash if cache requires migration and gamemode becomes unknown
    • (Gamebryo games) crash when attempting to read savegame screenshot
    • (Gamebryo games) exception ghosting plugin if the plugin was removed
    • (Gamebryo games) plugin page displaying outdated information when changing groups
    • (Gamebryo games) character filter not working while importing savegames
    • (Gamebryo games) outdated plugin list when changing the game
    • (Gamebryo games) no longer forcing autosort upon eslifying plugin
    • (Gamebryo games) possibly trying to install script extender twice
    • (Skyrim SE/VR) reporting incorrect game version
    • (BG3) unhandled exception if parsing pak fails (various causes)
    • (Mount&Blade 2) load order import not functioning correctly
    • (Mount&Blade 2) game version not resolved correctly
    • (Dragons Dogma) installation error when config file is invalid
    • (Witcher 3) (rare) attempts to render corrupted LO entries
    • (Witcher 3) imported mods appearing as external
    • (Witcher 3) inability to manage game if script merger path corrupt/invalid
    • (Witcher 3) duplicate entries for locked mod entries
    • (Witcher 3) LO page not loading if invalid mods are found
    • (API) priority in game info panel ignored
  • Improvements:
    • Updated to electron 16
    • performance improvements
    • choices in fomod installers are stored (and pre-set on re-install)
    • mods downloaded from Nexus Mods automatically marked compatible with appropriate games (e.g. Fallout 4 VR -> Fallout 4)
    • option to "review" files for mods reported as redundant
    • progress for longer running tasks now visualized directly on the notification bell
    • progress notifications now hide like the others (since the icon itself now displays progress)
    • progress indication when installing a nested mod (e.g. a .fomod inside another archive)
    • more frequently checking for a change in user account status
    • more robust meta data lookup for files not downloaded from Nexus Mods through Vortex
    • changing download thread # applies immediately
    • If unknown file looked up on Nexus Mods successfully, also re-assign game if necessary
    • icon on highlights column when there is a note
    • game version is now visible in the game info popover
    • added mod sources to correctly tag user-generated content and files downloaded from unknown sites
    • added filter for mods that have any load order rules
    • Mod source configuration for mods from "Nexus Mods" is now more detailed and has better option to fix missing ids
    • batch operations for filling in mod ids
    • option to filter plugins by "Not light" flag
    • option to restart a failed/paused download
    • improved overall UX for UMM games
    • allow damaged archives to be deleted from dialog directly
    • an attempt will be made to automatically repair broken mod binding to its archive
    • avoid duplicate notifications on installer error
    • avoid resizing the navigation bar when downloads start/end
    • failure to resume a failed download will now direct the user to website
    • installing imported downloads if auto install automation setting is enabled
    • (Gamebryo games) "content" column recognizing .fuz files
    • (Enderal SE) enabled esl support
    • (Mount&Blade 2) added discovery for GOG variants
    • (Dragon Age 2) game detection for the complete edition on steam
    • (Dragon Age 2) modified addins destination folder
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) download lslib/divine from github if necessary (updating extension failed for many users with bundled lslib)
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) now applying load order changes to all profiles if none is selected
    • (Blade&Sorcery) improved min version checks
    • (Blade&Sorcery) better error handling when mod has invalid manifest
    • (7 Days To Die) ability to install overhaul/root mods
    • (Witcher 3) game detection for latest W3: WH steam variant
    • (API) mod list can be filtered by mod dependencies (only programmatically)
    • (API) several tweaks and bugfixes to better support QMBS 0.11.0
  • Features:
    • Creation and installation of Collections (Feature currently in Alpha). This includes a ton of related changes.
    • (optional) gathering of usage statistics
    • "Mod Size" column to mods page
    • "archive name" column to the mods table
    • (Pathfinder: WOTR) support added
    • (API) support for overlay windows that are visible independent of active page and can be dragged around
    • (API) support for markdown in dialogs
    • (API) support for multiple input fields in a dialog
    • (API) support for nested menus
    • (API) table attributes can now affect css for the entire row

Changelog for 1.4.16 (4 October 2021)

  • Bugfixes:

    • failure to download script extenders (skse, f4se, ...) due to "certificate expired"

Changelog for 1.4.15 (29 July 2021)

  • Improvements:
    • Updated electron to v11.4.10
    • (RE Engine Games) multiple tweaks and enhancements intended to optimize and fix the cache
    • (API) flag that allows games to signal that the game directory can't (and doesn't need to) be changed

Changelog for 1.4.14 (18 June 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • userlist rule editor not opening

Changelog for 1.4.13 (17 June 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • plugin page displaying outdated information when changing groups
    • crash when un-managing game and profile becomes unavailable
    • crash if reverting an event in the history screen failed
    • exception if Vortex had to clean up the game mods folder after the profile was unexpectedly missing
    • exception changing the associated game for a download to one that isn't managed
    • exception filtering by installation time
    • using after all/before all in mod rules dialog could revert earlier changes
    • allowed user to install extension that's already installed
    • conflict links not displayed correctly in the cycle dialog
    • redundant mod rules added by "Use Suggestions" options in the mod rules dialog
    • (Witcher 3) newly added menu mods not merged correctly
    • (Witcher 3) crash on profile change if backup of script merges failed
    • (Halo MCC) incorrect resolution of mods path
    • (KotOR) custom installer forcing filenames to lowercase
    • (BG3) crash writing LO file if profile folder was missing
    • (RE Engine) user could start the game without completing validation if auto-deployment was disabled
    • (RE Engine) validation errors caused by "missing" bms scripts
    • (API) context.optional didn't actually work as advertised
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 11.4.8
    • slight performance improvements
    • (API) remove-mod event now receives a parameter whether the mod is being replaced or removed

Changelog for 1.4.12 (5 Mai 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • failure to load modules (e.g. winapi.node) if vc runtime not installed
    • mod cycle graph dialog crashing when removing/flipping rules
    • (rare) exception on first start of a new Vortex version
    • (rare) error messages about script extender errors linking to wrong log file
    • no placeholder displayed in Dashboard banner if nexus account has no avatar
    • window position not aways restored correctly
    • exception upgrading certain game extensions if the user is no longer managing that game
    • error if checking for updates and mod from the 'site' domain installed
    • the "Games" tab offered non-functional options for some games
    • missing meta-information for locally imported archives
    • no ticks in download graph (if bandwidth limit had been set and later unset)
    • (BepInEx) injector installer error when bix package is missing unitydoorstop
    • (RE Engine) incorrect validation error claiming filePaths missing in game arcs
    • (RE Engine) crash during validation operations if mod dir can't be found
    • (DMC5/RE2/RE3) "missing filepath" errors due to case insensitive files
    • (Witcher 3) crash if user removes active profile during LO presort
    • (Mount & Blade 2) fixed startup crash when mods with invalid metadata are installed
  • Improvements:
    • clarified notification about automatic application state backup (e.g. how old the backup is)
    • errors installing script extenders now get reported
    • ability to check for BepInEx pack updates
    • (DMC5/RE2/RE3) no longer offer usvfs deployment (if that extension is installed)

Changelog for 1.4.11 (21 April 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash under certain circumstances if extension tries to report error
    • rare exception upon closing Vortex
    • attempt to install BepInEx when game not active (yet)
    • (Mount & Blade 2) crash on load order page if can't iterate staging folder

Changelog for 1.4.10 (20 April 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • will fix mods that have invalid mod versions stored (by a buggy extension)
    • exception ghosting plugin if the plugin was removed in parallel
    • crash when attempting to ping QBMS if its appears to be stuck
    • crash due to race condition in installer initialization
    • crash if uninstalling mod from history tab while re-installing mod
    • crash if game extension ships with invalid icon
    • redownloading an archive could overwrite the original and create invalid entries in dl list
    • startup settings (e.g. GPU acceleration) couldn't be changed from UI
    • input box for nexus mod id allowed invalid values
    • input box for bandwidth limit allowed invalid values
    • failed downloads in the rare case where the disk can't keep up with the download
    • batch rule assignments for mods applied to filtered out mod entries
    • opening extension browser with an unavailable extension selected
    • automated bepinex download failed for non-premium users
    • error message if mod-tracking info out of sync with server
    • incorrect percentages displayed during import from NMM
    • couldn't download files from site domain that weren't Vortex extensions
    • mod rules persisting even after the reference mod is uninstalled
    • (Witcher 3) race conditions breaking profile-specific merged file backups
    • (Witcher 3) keybindings added by mods not loaded by the game
    • (Witcher 3) crash if backing up merges and script merger config is missing
    • (Enderal SE) incorrect save game paths
    • (Stardew Valley) error when installing SMAPI and download is corrupted
    • (Blade & Sorcery) crash if writing to LO file and game becomes undiscovered
    • (Blade & Sorcery) error when mod distributes lo, and user removed file manually
    • (BattleTech) fixed error if newly added game file was already in staging
    • (RE engine games) revalidation bugs exhibited as validation errors and corrupt cache
    • (RE engine games) revalidation error message if game is no longer being managed
    • (RE engine games) fluffy manager dummy installer did not trigger for latest version
  • Improvements:
    • new splash image
    • prevent accidentally closing the starter dashlet
    • slight text improvements
    • various errors caused by extensions will now inform which extension they were caused by
    • various errors caused by system/filesystem corruption will now have more informative messages
    • ensure qbms temp paths are writable
    • (Fallout 3) will now also report incompatible archives
    • (Witcher 3) improved priority assignment method
    • (Pillars of Eternity 2) support for XBox Game Pass edition
    • (Untitled Goose Game) moved to using BepInEx library
    • (Mount & Blade 2) improved auto sort algorithm to use BUTRLoader metadata

Changelog for 1.4.9 (24 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception in mod history if no state stored for a mod
    • exception managing a game using harmony injector on startup
    • some vc redist files weren't named correctly and thus didn't get loaded
    • some rare startup errors only got logged even though they can't be ignored
    • couldn't unmanage game when the most recently used profile had been removed already
    • when batch-assigning mod rules they could get assigned to filtered out conflicts
    • visual error while loading extensions
    • (KC:D) fixed crash when refreshing mods list and mod no longer installed
    • (Enderal SE) ini changes not applied
    • (Greedfall) deployment error if game profile no longer available
    • (RE2/DMC5) "missing game archive" errors
    • (RE engine games) failure to revalidate dlc game archives
    • (BaS) inability to ascertain the game folder on startup
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to v11.4.1
    • bepinex: direct users to the bepinex releases url if auto download disabled
    • bepinex: refactored the bepinex download functionality to allow installation separately
    • bepinex: added automatic modtype detection for root mods and plugins

Changelog for 1.4.8 (18 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash caused by unexpected data in registry regarding windows store applications

Changelog for 1.4.7 (18 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • refused to install malformed fomods (that previously worked)
    • unhandled exception if login fails
    • exceptions unhandled on "remove related"
    • exception trying to combine mods with rule cycle
    • exception trying to combine mods that aren't installed
    • exception trying to track multiple selected mods
    • exception trying to track uninstalled mods
    • exception trying to change description of uninstalled mod
    • rare exception when Vortex tries to log SSL related error messages
    • download failed if filename invalid
    • after resuming a download the archive may remain locked
    • download may get paused if the/a download thread became very slow
    • (gamebryo games) mod categories not shown in plugin screen
    • (gamebryo games) exception caused by bash tags not being read yet
    • (RE2/DMC5) fixed inability to revalidate when cache migration fails
    • (RE engine games) revalidation failing to find game archives (when old cache used)
    • (RE engine games) crash when invalidating and cache is corrupted
    • (RE engine games) error notification for fluffy manager 5000 dummy installer
    • (RE engine games) invalidation button unavailable
  • Improvements:
    • better handling if third-party game extension reports badly formed errors
    • improved xbox-store installation identification
    • (RE engine games) added cache reset button
  • Features:
    • (Skyrim SE, Fallout 4, Oblivion, Morrowind) support for xbox store variants
    • (API) ability to find mutable location for xbox store games
    • (API) allowing direct access to redux actions for FBLO

Changelog for 1.4.6 (15 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (rare) exception during deployment
    • errors logged when switching between games (affected bethesda games only)
  • Improvements:
    • improved logging in a few cases

Changelog for 1.4.5 (12 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • fomod validation was too strict
    • (very rare) exception when receiving extremely large http headers
    • (Enderal Special Edition) some mods wouldn't install with the correct directory structure
    • (XCOM 2) fixed crash during LO deserialization
  • Improvements:
    • (Daggerfall Unity) updated gameart
    • (DMC5/RE2) improved migration functionality

Changelog for 1.4.4 (11 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • - mod tracking didn't work correctly for a few games
    • - temporary network errors could cause a crash
    • - a few cases of error messages being reported incorrectly
    • - fomod installer dialogs could get stuck with forward button disabled
    • - updating a mod could lead to the mod being installed twice
    • - (RE Engine games) cache migration failed
  • Improvements:
    • - prevent Vortex auto update from downgrading beta to latest stable
    • - better error reporting on mod report if privatebin is temporarily unavailable
    • - better error reporting when a fomod installer is invalid
    • - more logging regarding automatic Vortex updates
    • - (Enderal Special Edition) support added for various features (plugin management and such)

Changelog for 1.4.3 (4 March 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • "Before/After all" buttons on the mod conflict dialog made it way too easy to create cycles
    • some error messages regarding files not being found produced needlessly technical error messages
    • tracked mods were not updated/displayed correctly
    • misleading notification if "automatically install mods after download" option is enabled
    • exception trying to track/untrack mod if its installation failed/was incomplete
    • exception trying to "Remove related" if one of the mods recognized as related wasn't installed correctly
    • exception trying to display mod conflict cycle if mods had already been removed
    • exception caused by event history when switching from no active game to a game
    • silently failed to install game extensions when user wasn't logged in
    • refused to install themes that didn't contain either variables.scss or fonts.scss
    • failed to install extension if it was already downloaded for some reason
    • (gamebryo games) progress notification about archive check wouldn't go away in case of an error
    • (gamebryo games) exception on plugins list if bashed tags for a plugin were invalid
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) some mods that should be added to modsettings.lsx weren't and vice versa
    • (Dragon's Dogma) fixed archive merging potentially taking forever, not running at all or producing incorrect output
    • (Dragon's Dogma) fixed error message if mod isn't installed correctly and contains a mergeable archive
    • (Mount&Blade 2) fixed wrong load order assigned/displayed when swapping profiles
    • (Subnautica & Below Zero) "Stop managing" when switching to community-maintained extension didn't work
    • (API) elevated processes would sometimes die prematurely, unabled to send all data back
    • (API - quickbms) placeholders in wildcards were being ignored
    • (API - quickbms) attempts to write to stdin after process closed
  • Improvements:
    • Better messages/options when multiple game extensions try to manage the same game directory
    • Better handling of situations where the deployment method previously used is no longer available
    • automatically installing dinput8.dll hooks into the right directory
    • slightly more information on wait screen while switching profiles
    • progress bar while finalizing download
    • mod highlight icon & color now kept in mod update/reinstall
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) updated "divine" (the tool used to deal with .pak files)
    • (Witcher 3) improved installer for previously incompatible mods (incompatible due to packaging)
    • (Witcher 3) switching profiles will now store/restore profile data
    • (XCOM 2) detection for GOG variants
    • (XCOM 2) will now install more mods correctly
  • Features:
    • Added a new workaround for symlinks requireing admin rights (*)
    • (Blade & Sorcery) option to select VR mode
    • (Witcher 3) option to transfer deployment order -> load order
    • (XCOM 2) added support for "War of the Chosen"
    • (XCOM 2) added load order management (base game and War Of The Chosen)
    • (API) game extensions now have some control over what happens if another game extension tries to manage the same game
    • (API) deployment methods can now be marked "compatible" such that if one becomes unavailable, the other gets preferred as a replacement
    • (API) ability to suppress qbms notifications

(*) This workaround is more robust and universal than the old one. If you have trouble with it, please contact us.

Changelog for 1.4.2 (18 February 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.4.1) exception trying to reinstall mod
    • text overlapping in mod conflict dialog
    • exception trying to download a file that failed earlier and wasn't removed
    • (Vampire: TMB) game shown as discovered after uninstall

Changelog for 1.4.1 (17 February 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • users could get stuck at startup unable to fix an invalid download folder
    • exception upon "remove related" if one of the related mods got removed in parallel
    • exception when unmanaging game
    • exception when extensions tried to pass complex objects to logging functions
    • exception trying to install invalid extension archive
    • exception trying to combine mods if no valid deployment method available
    • exception on startup if Vortex still had an extension list cached intended for an older version
    • exception on load order screen if mod had invalid image url
    • exception during post-deployment cleanup if files got manually deleted at the same time
    • custom mod rules were dropped on mod reinstall
    • a few situations where placeholders weren't replaced on error messages
    • scrolling not possible in load order page
    • some native windows errors were not reported correctly
    • "endorsement" no longer tracked in event history since it requires a network request to change
    • (gamebryo games) exception dealing with empty entries in bash tag list
    • (gamebryo games) switching plugin from ghost to disabled actually enabled it
    • (RE engine games) unable to activate
    • (Witcher 3) script merger wasn't re-downloaded if user removed executable
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) deployment error when active profile is no longer available
    • (Dragons Dogma) (since 1.4.0) merging of arcs was broken
  • Improvements:
    • news dashlet now includes game-specific news (for the active game)
    • rephrased mod rules "must load after" -> "must deploy after" to distinguish from plugin rules
    • "Reinstall" option no longer shown on uninstalled mods
    • using the same fallback image when the user has no avatar as the website
    • Notification when importing files
    • (Dragons Dogma) can now merge content into all arc files instead of just main_game.arc
    • (Witcher 3) ensure script merger's game path config is set during tool setup
    • (gamebryo games) can now ghost/unghost multiple plugins at once
  • Features:
    • new placeholder available for staging/dl folders: {USERNAME} - gets replaced by the windows account name
  • Further changes:
    • Changed the way initial application is loaded. Shouldn't affect most users but if you saw occasional crashes on startup this may fix that. Please let us know. Also let us know if you now start getting problems on startup.

Changelog for 1.4.0 (10 February 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • crash if extension tries to query info from a game store that has been disabled
    • exception trying to remove invalid download
    • exception if user manually edited the html dom
    • exception if SSL certificate can't be validated (network requests still get rejected though)
    • removing a category could trigger multiple confirmation dialogs
    • invalid profile could cause unhandled exception
    • possible fix when quickbms gets stuck
    • fixed failure to replace files within archives with quickbms
    • when encountering corrupted userlist, didn't wait for user to decide what to do
    • hidden files not immediately cleaned up during mod removal (next deployment fixed this though)
    • in some rare cases, changing the id of a mod didn't trigger an update to the meta information
    • unnecessary error messages in log file
    • now bundling entire vc runtime (might fix startup problems for some users maybe?)
    • error message when canceling a download
    • potential crash at first startup after updating to a new Vortex version
    • script extender primary tool check was case sensitive
    • visual glitch in game thumbnails
    • potential attempt to deploy undiscovered game
    • very rare situation where if logging isn't possible a minor problem could cause a crash
    • certain characters in the Vortex application path could lead to images not being shown
    • downloads stuck at "Finalizing" if Vortex was closed or crashed at a bad time
    • various texts that previously couldn't be translated
    • glitched download progress display after pause&resume
    • (Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout NV) outdated load order displayed when autosort is disabled
    • (RE2/DMC5) exception if error was encountered iterating game archive
    • (RE2/DMC5) exception if re-engine-wrapper extension wasn't loaded
    • (BaS) mod name issues causing assets to be missing in-game
    • (Witcher 3) rare attempt to write invalid mod entries to load order file
    • (Witcher 3) mod names with witcher3tl mod type resolved incorrectly
    • (Baldurs Gate 3) crash when deployment manifest is inaccessible
    • (compact/contrast themes) ugly toolbars
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to version 11.2.3
    • updated loot to version 0.16.1
    • (hard coded) exclusion list of files/file patterns that shouldn't be deployed
    • on closing Vortex will show a message if an update is going to be installed
    • changing a table filter no resets selection in the table (previously invisible lines could still be selected)
    • display mod version in conflict dialog
    • The "More..." text in the navigation bar when downloads multiple files is now a link to the dl page
    • more sensible table grouping of "equivalent but not quite equal" values
    • improved handling of links for vortex extensions from the site
    • "active downloads" widget (bottom of navbar) now prioritizes active downloads over paused ones
    • improved wording on a bunch of dialogs/messages
    • more "friendly" names for automatically downloaded extension updates
    • reduced number of github api request
    • no longer request response to feedback if user has already given one
    • highlight downloads that can't be resumed (due to a server limitation)
    • When Vortex launches a game store, it's no longer a child process of Vortex
    • Attempt to improve robustness of fomod installer against misconfigured systems
    • manually set mod category and notes now kept on mod update
    • (Witcher 3) added option to open documents folder from load order page
    • (Subnautica & Below Zero) replaced with stubs
    • (Neverwinter Nights 2) added support for mod type for mods that should be installed to override
    • (gamebryo games) now supporting savegames with zlib compression
    • (gamebryo games) corrupted savegames are now marked and can be filtered
    • (symlink deployment) will now retry failed filesystem operations
    • (API) it should now be safe to purge games other than the one currently being managed
    • (API) simplified the api to interface with quickbms
  • Features:
    • event history on mods and plugins screen
    • option to limit download bandwidth used by Vortex
    • option to automatically install mods after download
    • option to bring Vortex to foreground when starting a download from the browser
    • option to copy files into downloads when using "install from file"
    • ability to search (mod) conflict editor or to only show unresolved conflicts
    • ability to track/untrack mods
    • ability to batch-edit mod rules
    • ability to sort categories alphabetically
    • ability to merge multiple mods into one
    • ability to change mod highlight (the user-defined colored icon column) on multiple mods at once
    • ability to stop managing a game (effectively removing all profiles for the game, use with care!)
    • ability to remove related mods (e.g. other versions of the selected mod)
    • ability to create windows shortcuts to start Vortex with a specific profile (and game) directly
    • ability to filter mods by author
    • can now show (and group by) mod type as a column in the mod list
    • can now start filtering in tables with ctrl+f
    • can now use .jpg and .ico files for tool icons
    • can now use filter category column by arbitrary text
    • profiles can now be given a description
    • can now set up Vortex to shut down the computer once all active downloads finish
    • button in downloads page to directly open the download folder
    • mod description and author can now be edited
    • (gamebryo games) support for "ghost"ed plugins
    • (gamebryo games) displaying bash tags
    • (gamebryo games) added column showing whether a savegame is an auto-/quick- or manual save
    • (gamebryo games) warning if using incompatible archives (BSA/BA2 intended for a different game)
    • (gamebryo games) notification about "mod contains multiple plugins" now has button to show those plugins
    • (Resident Evil 3) support added
    • (API) requireExtension can now specify a version pattern to limit which versions of an extension are compatible
    • (API) game extensions may now provide their own mechanism to determine the game version
    • (API) more convenient & robust functionality to deal with load ordering for games
    • (API) support for game stubs (required so we can turn bundled into separate extensions)
    • (API) support for multiline input in standardised dialogs
    • (API) can now query whether a game store is installed

Changelog for 1.3.22 (12 January 2021)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception caused by one of our sanity tests on first use if Vortex isn't fully initialized yet
    • in some cases the "Give Permission" option on locked files didn't work
    • creating mod directories might fail if elevation (admin rights) are required
    • font choices "serif" and "sans-serif" in themes didn't work
    • a few cases where user canceling an operation caused an error notification
    • when manually marking downloads as compatible with games, unoffical games couldn't be removed from that list any more
    • (Devil May Cry 5) failure to read mod directory not handled gracefully
    • (Blade & Sorcery) potential issue creating missing mod directories
    • (Blade & Sorcery) crash if writing loadorder.json file fails due to filesystem errors
    • (Blade & Sorcery) crash trying to write loadorder file if game configuration file is missing
    • (Blade & Sorcery) json parsing errors not handled gracefully
    • (Blade & Sorcery) more checks to ensure the game environment is valid (game discovered and mod folders exist)
  • Improvements:

    • (Fallout New Vegas) detection of GOG edition

Changelog for 1.3.21 (17 December 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) more graceful handling when encountering corrupted xml files
    • (Blade & Sorcery) fixed application crash when game installation is corrupted
  • Improvements:
    • (Blade & Sorcery) overhaul of load order system to be compatible with game version 8.4

Changelog for 1.3.20 (15 December 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • failed check for whether the primary tool for a game is valid
    • Mod installations impossible if any extension-provided installer returned invalid results
    • crash if an extension tried to create a dialog with invalid parameters
    • disabled (as in: not usable) toggles were not distinguishable from regular ones
    • (rare) error message attempting to replace already-removed mod
    • file transfer (staging or download folder) needlessly failed if a directory was created manually during the transfer
    • (Skyrim Special Edition) Savegames using zlib compression weren't supported
    • (Morrowind) steam version not discovered
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) exception in load order page if no mods installed
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) Load order resetting when deploying, refreshing or enabling new mod
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) Vulkan exe not discovered correctly
    • (Witcher 3) menu installer filtering out unique config files
    • (Witcher 3) mods erroneously marked as multi-component
    • (Subnautica) dropped QMM installer as it's no longer supported
    • (Mount&Blade 2) locked load order entries highlighted as missing after sort
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to version 8.5.5

Changelog for 1.3.19 (18 November 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • - very rare exception apparently caused by installing fomod while switching profile
    • - (BG3) installing fomods was still not working
  • Improvements:
    • - updated electron to 8.5.4
    • - more graceful handling of certain installation errors
    • - system fonts only fetched on demand (the fetch causes a crash on a few systems and we don't know why)

Changelog for 1.3.18 (16 November 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • incorrect "Missing Master" after switching between Bethesda games (rare)
    • exception highlighting mod-rule cycle (rare)
    • file conflicts sometimes not calculated on startup
    • script extender plugins incorrectly labeled "manually installed" in error messages
    • exception if mod meta information contains non-semantic version numbers
    • symlink-deploying electron applications as a mod would cause incomplete purge
    • (Bethesda games) script extender marked as discovered even if not installed correctly
    • (Witcher 3) support for multi-component menu mods
    • (Blade & Sorcery) crash when game installation is corrupted/incomplete
    • (BG3) crash if user deletes Mods directory while Vortex is running
    • (BG3) exception installing fomod for BG3
    • (BG3) unhandled exception if modsettings.lsx file was corrupted by user
  • Improvements:
    • Plugin list is visible again while sorting
    • allow user to attach arbitrary files when replying to feedback
    • no longer report file conflicts over irrelevant files (.git, .hgignore, _MACOSX, ...)
    • warning if user has set up a script extender for the primary tool but it's not installed (correctly)
    • allow users to retry filesystem operations on certain I/O errors
    • more graceful handling of certain installer errors

Changelog for 1.3.17 (5 November 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • - unhandled exception if symlink workaround has to be disabled on startup and that fails
    • - unhandled exception from gamebryo plugins screen if session state not initialized correctly
    • - unhandled exception after mod failed to install correctly
    • - updating certain extensions could cause an exception (the update still worked correctly though)
    • - switching languages may not update texts until restart
    • - changing mod type didn't request deployment even though it is clearly necessary
    • - (BG3) unhandled exception if divine.exe reports an error
    • - (BG3) GUI mods being written to modsettings.lsx caused mods to break
  • Improvements:
    • - (BG3) no longer report conflicts re info.json files
  • Features:
    • - (API) allow game extensions to specify files (or file patterns) to ignore for conflict detection
    • - (API) export "withErrorContext" function which allows adding information to all errors occuring in a block of code

Changelog for 1.3.16 (3 November 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • - crash upon electron-internal exception (rare and probably a minor one)
    • - exception on plugins page
    • - extensions screen might (rarely) show the incorrect (enabled/disabled) state for an extension
    • - two error messages if network request fails due to dns lookup error
    • - error reported if processes started by Vortex were terminated during windows shutdown
    • - game discovery based on EA Origin/EA Desktop might miss games
    • - (BG3) exception due to attempt to refresh uninitialized ui
    • - (MHW) stracker's mod loader was being installed as a mod
  • Improvements:
    • - updated electron to version 8.5.3
    • - UI/UX improvements to issue response dialog
    • - further sanity check when user changes download/staging folder
  • Features:
    • - (Code Vein) open option for the game settings directory
    • - (API) getVortexApi can now be used to get at the localAppData directory

Changelog for 1.3.15 (29 October 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • incorrect notifications about exceeding the plugin limit
    • broken characters on savegame screen for chinese savegames
    • files added to game directory might not have been noticed and assigned to corresponding mod
    • under certain circumstances would try (and fail) to install mod for a game that isn't discovered
    • (Mount & Blade 2) fixed mod installation failure if mod has multiple submodules
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) exception when no player profile has been created (yet)
  • Improvements:
    • Allow attaching session log to feedback response
    • error message when extension failed to load more readable
  • API:
    • New events before & after removing a mod

Changelog for 1.3.14 (27 October 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • reporting download error when none had happened
    • crash with "Script Error" as the only error message
    • during startup error notification might state the wrong extension as the origin
    • if reading ini files failed due to onedrive, user changes could get reverted
    • improved/fixed fallback if reading application state fails
    • incorrect url encoding used when starting downloads manually from url
    • tried to resume download even though we know it wouldn't work
    • when assigning (and moving) a download to a different game, errors weren't handled properly
    • cleaning up after a failed/interrupted staging/download folder transfer could fail
    • pausing a download after the last chank has been transfered but before the download is marked finished broke the download
    • Vortex could hang during start if the windows api calls re task management didn't work
    • would potentially continue asking for response to issue after the user had already given one
    • notification re plugin cycle had order inverted between master <-> non-master
    • infinite activity indicator if no plugins installed
    • fixed attempts to execute harmony specific functionality for non-harmony games
    • (galciv3) deployment error if profile no longer exists
    • (Blade & Sorcery) incorrect load order prefixes past 25 mods
    • (RE2/DMC5) DLC archive queries executed on non-DLC folders
    • (Mount & Blade 2) exception on profile change when game not discovered
  • Improvements:
    • added warning if plugin limit is exceeded and better visibility of plugin limit
    • detection for a bunch of games when running on Linux (native)
    • Handle nxm:// links triggered from inside Vortex directly
    • stop user from setting the download/staging folder to the base Vortex appdata directory
    • if an extension tries to register an invalid state watcher, only report error once
    • (Witcher 3) improved some explanation texts
  • Features:
    • (Baldur's Gate 3) added support
    • (Starsector) removed, there is an improved community-supported extension
  • API:
    • (generic load order ext) allow load order entries to have custom data associated with them

Changelog for 1.3.13 (8 October 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (1.3.12 only) exception on Dashboard (issue dashlet)
    • Steam Overlay not working for various games when started from Vortex (not sure in detail which were affected and which were fixed)
    • when cloning default themes the copy wasn't correctly marked as "Dark"
    • under ominous circumstances move deployment was not able to purge/undeploy mods. Even now it will be *a lot* slower in those cases.
    • (Kenshi) search-based detection might mistake other games for Kenshi
  • Features:
    • added command line parameter to start Vortex with developer tools opened

Changelog for 1.3.12 (7 October 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • quick discovery didn't find certain games if they were installed while Vortex already running
    • hidden download graph couldn't be restored
    • search-based detection broken a couple of games (Darkest Dungeon, Dawn of Man and Surviving Mars)
    • mod reporting could hang during calculation of md5 checksums
    • crash on startup in case of missing environment variables (wine users only?)
    • exception in mod report if files aren't deployed
    • exception in mod report if server isn't available/reports an error
    • exception if merge extension wants to apply to a mod type that won't get deployed
    • exception if vortex tries to update download file name at the same time the download was canceled/paused
    • exception opening game "+"-menu if no information for that game was stored yet
    • bad error handling if download can't be renamed to its final name
    • bunch of fixes to translations
    • game-specific code kicked off for unrelated games (multiple cases)
    • (Stardew Valley) crash on startup if mod directory can't be created
    • (Witcher 3, Blade and Sorcery) visual glitches
  • Improvements:
    • show .dazip files in download list
    • sanity check to ensure load order is synced correctly (generic lo feature)
    • (Dragon Age) better detection for mod type (Addin vs override)
    • (Mount & Blade 2) SDK autoconfigured
    • (NWN:EE) warning if multiple mod directories detected
    • (api) game extensions can now specify appData path and settings path for opening directories
  • Features:
    • Added ability to reply to feedback without github login

Changelog for 1.3.11 (30 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • savegame list didn't refresh after import
    • exception if user manually deletes directory in a game while that game is being purged
    • exception on start up if download folder can't be created
    • (maybe) fixed a problem with fomod installer on older windows/.net versions
  • Improvements:
    • automatically repair corrupted FNIS Data mod entry even if no fnis settings changed
    • attempt to fix corrupted download folder tag

Changelog for 1.3.10 (29 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • avoids refreshing plugin details during mod activity (caused error messages)
    • Load order (generic) pages didn't always update correctly upon adding/enabling mods
    • a few more cases of untranslatable texts
    • (Dragon Age: Origins) Addins.xml missing entries for mods
    • (Witcher 3) various issues with load order sorting and missing context menu
    • (MS Flight Simulator) placeholder texts used in the UI
    • (api) adding a heading to a panel broke the layout
    • (api) DraggableList component didn't work with objects as items

Changelog for 1.3.9 (23 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • Mod installation got stuck for certain mods
    • Certain actions on windows store games triggered a series of permission errors
    • incorrect warning about the download directory not being set up correctly
    • allowed removal of bundled themes
    • allowed invalid names for custom themes
    • dashboard banner avatar not updated correctly
    • (rare) exception if a bundled exception was newer than an installed one
    • (rare) exception trying to import savegame from profile that has been deleted in the meantime
    • cleaner handling of a couple of rare errors we couldn't reproduce ourselves
    • importing save games from global -> profile stopped working occasionally
    • error message (timeout) using symlink deployment if user doesn't confirm the UAC dialog for a long time
    • import from Mod Organizer would sometimes create invalid mod entries in Vortex
    • during import from MO, separators were displayed as importable mods
    • import from MO not available for Fallout: New Vegas
    • NVSE automatic update failed to deduce latest version
    • for games that load mods alphabetically, the generated prefix was incorrect when deploying while the game not active
    • errors from QBMS not reported correctly
    • switching profiles was possible while a purge was ongoing
    • various texts could not be translated
    • after auto-updating a bundled game extension that game would sometimes show as not installed
    • (Halo) fixed wrong mods path for ODST
    • (Darkest Dungeon) failure to set game due to inaccessible file/folder
    • (Flight Simulator) Steam version not auto-discovered correctly
    • (Witcher 3) tried to modify load order with no active profile
  • Improvements:
    • more extensive logging to various errors being logged to help investigate hard-to-find issues
    • prevent extensions from setting up invalid mods that could later cause issues
    • announcements are now sorted newest->oldest
  • Features:
    • api: added functions "isFilenameValid" and "isPathValid"

Changelog for 1.3.7 & 1.3.8 (11 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • Transfering Staging/Download folder could lose files if new path actually refers to the same directory
    • (Kenshi) incorrectly treated as installed after it was uninstalled

Changelog for 1.3.6 (11 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception adding files to downloads screen when no game active
    • exception running a tool when no profile active
    • exception on startup if login info unset
    • exception if steam install is corrupted (or was uninstalled incorrectly)

Changelog for 1.3.5 (10 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • - crash (whitescreen) if user has savegames with custom names that contain no letters (bethesda games only)
    • - exception when trying to look up metadata for an invalid download
    • - crash in download view trying to open an invalid download
    • - crash checking for script extender errors (gamebryo) if manifest can't be accessed
    • - exception (not very information one) if a deployment method generates an invalid incompatibility notice
    • - crash in renderer could take down entire application with uninformative error message
    • - possible errors on systems where windows store isn't installed
    • - errors logged when typing certain keywords in the feedback title
    • - (Witcher 3) failure during merge caused two error notifications
    • - (Witcher 3) crash when toggling load order mod states with no mods installed
    • - (Flight Simulator) installing packs of mods caused an error generating the layout.json
    • - (Flight Simulator) incorrect and inconsistent merging results for cfg files
    • - (Dragon Age: Origin) failed to start steam version directly
  • Improvements:
    • - better error handling in various places if an installed extension is buggy

Changelog for 1.3.4 (9 September 2020)

  • Fixed:
    • in very large fomod installers, user selections might get reverted if clicking too quickly
    • exception creating mod report in bethesda games if the plugin load order hadn't been calculated yet
    • failed to install mods on some systems (apparently connected to windows system language)
    • changing mod order rules in "Manage Rules" didn't correctly update
    • opening "Individual File Changes" from the conflict editor would cause unsaved changes to be lost
  • Improvements:
    • Download screen can now be used even if no game is active
    • automatically retry creation of temporary files (if the error indicates that that may help)

Changelog for 1.3.3 (3 September 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if download list contains invalid item
    • exception if user clicks "Show" on file conflicts if they switched to a different game in the meantime
    • exception on a couple of games when checking for newly added files (rare)
    • crash if user attempts to delete savegame of invalid/missing profile
    • crash in MO/NMM import of user manages to cancel and then restarts import in less than a second (congrats for that btw...)
    • changing profile might get stuck on certain errors
    • incomplete cleanup after installing nested installer
    • error message about missing staging folder when first managing a game
    • error message switching profile, if both the selected profile and the fallback are invalid
    • suppressed a few non-issue error messages from foreign libraries we can't control
    • no longer show "Conflicts haven't been calculated yet" during profile switch
    • in rare cases, the "Extensions" dashlet would request extension to be endorsed but show no unendorsed extension
    • (api) merged files would end up in wrong directory for certain games
    • (api) debouncer could get stuck if the callback function threw an exception
    • (Witcher 3) exception ordering load ordering
    • (Witcher 3) exception if script merger checksum doesn't match
    • (Witcher 3) exception about mod.settings being a directory instead of a file
  • Improvements:
    • Updated electron to version 8.5.1
    • offer retry if removing a directory fails due to a file still being open
    • made a couple of error messages more informative
    • got rid of hard coded version numbers in guided script extender installation
    • (Witcher 3) refresh load order immediately when user sets priority manually
    • (Witcher 3) improved priority assignment for newly installed mods
  • Features:
    • Support for MS Flight Simulator (2020)
    • (Witcher 3) added icon bar button to allow users to reset priorities to an incremental basis system

Changelog for 1.3.2 (27 August 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • permission errors when managing Windows Store games
    • exception on startup when active game no longer discovered
    • (rare) exception when game stores are unavailable
    • (rare) exception on deletion of a theme
    • provide more information when a mod installation fails (in the log)
    • irrelevant issue from graph library caused error message
    • unhandled exception trying to esl-ifying a file that had been deleted by the user
    • context menu on generic load order screen only shown for last element
    • render error on generic load order screen when mod gets removed
    • if user installs game extension manually that game could show up twice in the games screen
    • failed to render game thumbnail when extension doesn't specify a logo
    • downloads from foreign sites might fail if server used compression
    • downloads from foreign sites might fail (due to dls from initial page being started without referrer)
    • (gamebryo games) error message when removing the last userlist rule for a group
    • (Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines) exception selecting game if user lacked permission
    • (RE2/DMC5) deployment error if profile is invalid
    • (Skyrim VR) game discovery via steam not working
    • (Mount & Blade 2) catch error at startup presumably caused by corrupted application state
  • Improvements:
    • more robust recovery for interrupted downloads
    • renamed "Testing" update channel to "Beta"
    • preserve line breaks in mod changelogs
    • automatically attach log files when reporting installer problems
    • slight layout fix on extensions screen
    • success notification once missing dependencies are installed
    • automatically enables script extender when using the guided installer
    • (Witcher 3) added ability to set priority manually + disable/enable all
    • (Morrowind) Detection of GOG version
    • (Morrowind) added tool shortcut for Construction Set
    • (Blades and Sorcery) various improvements to migration process from older setups
  • Features:
    • optional save game column for the time played on that save
    • (api) extensions using the generic load order extension can now discern the reason for a presort event

Changelog for 1.3.1 (6 August 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • unhandled exception if plugin sorting process crashes at a bad time
    • (rare) exception on startup due to list of downloads being mia
    • (rare) exception if one extension depends on another and that one failed to load
    • (rare) exception checking running processes
    • (rare) exception purging files if the game wasn't correctly registered
    • exception in some cases if the list of groups in the userlist is invalid
    • layout of address bar in embedded browser broke if url too long
    • potential problem when we update a bundled extension independently from the main app
    • tutorial videos not positioned correctly
    • Vortex would give up way too quickly starting the secondary process for mod installs
    • survey wasn't shown if the announcement dashlet was disabled
    • scripted mod installer might fail if temporary file gets locked (probably by AV)
    • (Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines) trying to open mod folder started the game
  • Improvements:
    • (Subnautica) Added support for addons and CC2 mods
    • (Subnautica & Below Zero) less intrusive QMM download/install process

Changelog for 1.3.0 (3 August 2020)

  • Bugfixes:
    • (rare) exception about failing to close file when download fails
    • (rare) exception if Vortex is closed/crashes during startup
    • (rare) exception in filtering extensions list
    • exception upon canceling a deployment
    • unhandled exception if removing outdated snapshot fails (or is canceled by user)
    • QuickBMS error line details were getting truncated
    • "Open in Browser" for a github-hosted extension lead to an invalid page
    • extension page didn't request restart in cases where it was necessary
    • failure to properly report some errors during deployment
    • restoring a vortex backup on a Vortex that wasn't reset wouldn't necessarily replace all existing state
    • (api) the generated namespace used for localizations was unpredictable
    • (api) debouncer arguments not set when triggerImmediately enabled
    • (Witcher 3) mod settings changes weren't persisted
    • (Witcher 3) script merger notification persisted after game switch
    • (Witcher 3) error merging when game/mod input files are invalid
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) error attempting to write to load order file
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) error in game activation if profile became invalid
    • (Sims 4) exception accessing ini file
    • (Blade & Sorcery) invalid handling of externally added mods
    • (Devil May Cry 5/Resident Evil 2) unhandled exception removing mods
  • Improvements:
    • Improved UI when manually scanning for games
    • the last time a mod was enabled is now tracked
    • when multiple versions of a mod are grouped together and none is enabled, the most recently enabled one is displayed by default
    • when a mod is installed from a fomod, we now generally enable all selected plugins (for mods installed from here on out)
    • trailing white-spaces now trimmed from mod staging folders (those could confuse other applications)
    • no longer report files as "externally deleted" if Vortex can't access them
    • reduced likelihood FNIS is rerun unnecessarily (if automation is enabled)
    • column toggles for tables no longer include columns that wouldn't show anyway (e.g. because they don't apply to the active game)
    • external mod info banner displayed for locked entries
    • if the user specifies a relative path for staging/downloads it will now be relative to userData instead of the Vortex folder (which would always be invalid)
    • if the current staging/download folder isn't tagged as such, offer the user to change it without moving data. This is to recover from settings corruption
    • more logging when file validation finds error
    • quicker update upon changes to load order (for games using the generic component)
    • (Blade & Sorcery) new gameart
    • (Witcher 3) integrity check for script merger archive and executable
    • (Witcher 3) button to open documents folder
    • (Witcher 3) ensure DLC folder is created if necessary
  • Technical changes:
    • updated electron to 8.4.1
    • replaced external library (zeromq) with custom implementation (it caused problems we couldn't fix)
    • replaced node-sass with dart-sass (dart-sass is the current official implementation and less problematic)
  • Features:
    • Support for surveys on the dashboard
    • ability to start Vortex together with Windows (optionally minimized)
    • ability to use variables in the command lines used to start tools
    • Added functionality to allow users to start Vortex in task bar
    • (Blade & Sorcery) support for load order management
    • (api) generic mechanism to mark games as (in-)compatible with generic features
    • (api) added a deployment method that doesn't actually deploy anything (for the rare game that can use mods directly from the staging folder)
    • (api) allow dialog checkboxes to be disabled
    • (api) allow extensions to specify position of table columns they add

Changelog for 1.2.20 (27 July 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • reverted (for now) a recent "improvement" detecting file conflicts across mod types because it caused too many new issues
    • the warning when the user tries to put the staging folder inside the Vortex directory wasn't shown (reliably)
    • exception if a profile id became invalid during deployment (not exactly sure how that happened)
    • exception on game activation for gamebryo games if game wasn't discovered (any more)
    • exception navigating by crumbs in the embedded web browser on certain pages
    • exception clicking notification button after the UI crashed and restarted
    • exception importing mods from NMM when no NMM instance was found
    • (rare) exception checking script extender for updates
    • (rare) mod removal failing for certain mod types.
    • (rare) game discovery failed when games with similar names are installed (specifically Skyirm might not be discovered if Skyrim SE was also installed)
    • (rare) exception changing the table sort order
    • (rare) exception on game activation when mod directory already existed (probably only if mod directory is within a OneDrive volume)
    • (rare or completely theoretical) file copy coud incorrectly identify source and destination as identical
    • formatting in "missing masters" dialog broken
    • extensions couldn't be toggled back (enabled -> disabled -> enabled) without a restart in between
    • splash screen looked a bit broken if GPU acceleration was disabled
    • (Divinity: Original Sin 2) exception if no profile active
    • (Witcher 3) load order entries duplicated upon switching profiles
  • Improvements:
    • bumped version
    • feedback during cleaning up after a failed transfer of the download folder
    • reduced likelyhood that FNIS is re-run needlessly
    • offer option to retry failed filesystem operations in more cases
    • if the api reports an invalid url for the user avatar picture we now show the fallback img instead of the "missing image" icon
    • (Sims 4) modding automatically (re-)enabled, e.g. after a game update (saves on restart)
    • (Witcher 3) improved error handling if downloading script merger fails
    • (Wolcen) better error message if mod xml files are invalid
    • (Divinity: Original Sin 2) ensure modding folder exists
  • Features:
    • (Conan Exiles) support added


Changelog for 1.2.19 (8 July 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • irrelevant files weren't ignored for the conflict detection
    • exception if the loot userlist was corrupted
    • exception updating a mod while no game is active
    • upon endorsing an extension, Vortex would suggest a restart
    • a third-party game extension for the same game as an existing one lead to increasing number of duplicate entries
    • (Witcher 3) fixed script merger downloader not updating correctly past version 0.6.4
    • (Sims 4) potentially missing mod path is now created during preparation/setup
    • (Greedfall) fixed unhandled exception during deployment finalization


Changelog for 1.2.18 (7 July 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception trying to open nexus mods site for mod that wasn't installed
    • exception when searching the extension list
    • exception when changing a load order index
    • exception grouping by download progress
    • exception creating mod report when load order was undefined
    • exception if the user rejected the UAC dialog in certain situations
    • exception upon activating table grouping if data isn't fully loaded (yet)
    • exception trying to activate game that wasn't correctly discovered
    • duplicate entries in mod list when adding files via drag&drop
    • steam info for games (like ratings, url) wasn't being fetched
    • "diagnostic files" screen didn't show warning messages (oh boy...)
    • slightly broken layout on Settings screen for non-gamebryo games (it was allocating space for a game-specific feature)
    • long extension names broke the list layout
    • some navigation controls in embedded browser didn't work
    • (Gamebryo games) url for guide on cleaning plugins was outdated
    • (Dragon Age Origin) discovery broken for both standard and ultimate editions
    • (Dragon Age Origin) failed to start game through steam
    • (Resident Evil 2/Devil May Cry 5) "invalidation failed" errors when a new, previously unknown, dlc is installed
    • (Kingdom Come Deliverance) Load order listed empty/invalid mod entries
    • (Mount and Blade 2) Attempt to copy file onto itself
    • (Mount and Blade 2) Exception if game wasn't discovered
    • (Witcher 3) exception installing menu mod if the archive was layed out in a certain way
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to version 8.3.4
    • file conflicts should now be detected correctly across mod types
    • false positive for mod updates (happened if the latest version got deleted by the author and didn't get replaced)
    • tools on dashboard now sorted by the time they were added (instead of effectively random)
    • prevent user from trying to install vortex management files as mods (seriously guys...)
    • don't show FNIS automation setting for games that don't support it
    • allow searching by name in extensions table
    • more gracious error handling if "symlink without elevation" workaround can't be used
    • repeating failed file system operations in various places if it seems possible the problem was temporary
    • (Dragon Age 1/2) improved file detection/filtering for dazip mods
    • (Stardew Valley) discovery through GOG
    • (Mount and Blade 2) discovery via epic games store


Changelog for 1.2.17 (22 June 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • failed to install language extension when it used only the language code (without country code)
    • exception if environment doesn't contain APPDATA (happened on linux with wine)
    • exception in script extender installer for unsupported games
    • exception trying to manage game that was incorrectly discovered (not entirely sure about the constellation)
    • exception upon trying to report error from installer (which obscured the actual problem)
    • limit length of mod report file names (otherwise they might end up inaccessible to some tools)
    • mod report failed if staging files are missing
    • c# fomod installers using more obscure features failed
    • attempt to download from urls that were obviously invalid
    • navigating in embedded browser didn't always work
    • better error message if a c# fomod installer can't be supported
    • Notifications regarding quickbms when an unsupported game is active
    • typo in name of script extender for Fallout 4 VR
    • validation when changing staging/download folder might fail to warn about invalid change
    • obse was set up to be used as the default executable, which wasn't a good idea for the steam variant
    • very long category names messed up the ui layout in the category dialog
    • some errors reported from installer had no stack (even though we could use it)
    • (Mount & Blade 2) load order sorting triggered when MnB2 wasn't actually the active game
    • (Mount & Blade 2) exception if no profile is active
    • (Mount & Blade 2) attempt to copy the same file onto itself
    • (Mount & Blade 2) vortex_backup files were considered when looking for deployed files
    • (Witcher 3) discovery of GOG variant failed
    • (Witcher 3) deployment requested when it wasn't actually necessary
    • (Witcher 3) attempt to merge non-xml input files
    • (Witcher 3) a single invalid mod xml file broke the merge process
    • (Witcher 3) failed to activate game if mod directories already exist
    • (KCD) ensure mod_order.txt exists before writing to it
    • (DMC5) attempts to access file list cache before it was created
    • (RE2 & DMC5) notifications when a different game is active
    • (Stardew Valley) rare exception discovering newly added files
  • Improvements:
    • warn if user tries to move downloads folder into staging or vice versa
    • excessive logging from uplay gamestore
    • attempt to install dll file now creates a mod with that dll instead of "extracting" it
    • better detection of UAC settings
    • (api) ensure nexus update mechanism is only applied to mods downloaded from there
    • (Dragon Age: Origins) discovery of ultimate edition
    • (Witcher 3) better error reporting when parsing xml files fails
    • (Witcher 3) better detection of ini files
    • (RE2 & DMC5) better error reporting when discovery failed
    • (RE2 & DMC5) no longer causing a delay when switching games
  • Features:
    • (Nehrim) support added


Changelog for 1.2.16 (10 June 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception upon finishing symlink deployment
    • exception updating a mod if the source game of the mod is not known to Vortex
    • exception trying to purge if no activator currently enabled
    • exception trying to reset mods to manifest if no mods have yet been installed
    • attempted to esl-ify undeployed plugins
    • attempted to install dependencies after a failed install
    • possible attempted to activate undiscovered game on startup
    • (various) errors reported for unproblematic fs errors
    • (Witcher 3) crash when there is no active profile
    • (Witcher 3) menu mod installer failure
    • (Resident Evil 2) fixed erroneous attempts to access file list cache before it was created
  • Improvements:

    • if an extension takes excessively long to load, user can decide to wait

    • notification if user tries to run a misconfigured tool

    • some logging to track down hard-to-find errors

    • some clean up in log messages

    • more gracious error handling on various errors

    • (Witcher 3) better error handling for invalid merge inventory file


Changelog for 1.2.15 (8 June 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception about the obse version number being invalid
    • exception if mod not known in a profile
    • (rare) exception if mod has no attributes
    • exception if opening dir/file fails (e.g. if system has no default app to handle the file type)
    • error notification if user cancels an operation during directory cleanup
    • exception if snapshot for "new file detection" got corrupted
    • also: made the creation of that snapshot more robust
    • additional error reported if mod rules contain cycle
    • confusing error message when trying to install omod
    • (RE2) installer for fluffy quack manager was disabled
    • (SDV) errors reported for minor stuff
    • (Witcher 3) unhandled exception running script merger
  • Improvements:
    • attempt to repair meta database if it's corrupted
    • allow suppression of recommentation to install nvse
    • (Witcher 3) documents folder created if missing
    • (Witcher 3) warn if user tries to install script merger as a mod


Changelog for 1.2.14 (8 June 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • "Report" button wasn't offered on many error messages that should have one
    • exception activating a game that didn't have a valid deployment method set previously


Changelog for 1.2.13 (4 June 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception entering dependencies dialog when conflicts not calculated yet
    • errors iterating origins gamestore folder weren't caught/handled
    • errors in "new files in game directory" check weren't handled graciously
    • "deploy order" column on mods page didn't actually show the order that was being used
    • locked entries in generic load order extension were forced to enabled
    • (rare) not all directories created by vortex were correctly tagged and would then not be cleaned up in purge
    • previously introduced css cache (for quicker startup) wasn't used
    • backup of deployment manifest wasn't deleted on purge (this left orphaned files when moving staging folder)
    • for some games the "new files in game directory" check could take ages and use a lot of memory
    • installing duplicates of mods when installing mod dependencies
    • the guided script extender installation could interfere if se was also installed manually
    • various fixes (mostly error handling related) to guided script extender installation
    • (Mount & Blade 2) context menu remained invisible
    • (api) removing meta servers programmatically didn't work as advertised
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 8.3.1
    • mod reports now include load order for non-gamebryo games if available
    • storing meta information for mods installed as dependencies
    • automated script extender installation now fetches latest nvse from github
    • some improvements to help texts and log messages
    • (Dark Souls 2) updated download url for gedosato
    • (Witcher 3) automatic discovery of GOG release
    • (Witcher 3) re-enabled use of symlink deployment
    • (Witcher 3) improved script merger version detection
    • (Witcher 3) no longer installing multiple instances of script merger, this also simplifies "updates"
  • Features:

    • "Preview" button in file conflict screen to preview files (if file format is supported by installed default application)


Changelog for 1.2.12 (26 May 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • epic game detection not working
    • fomod command "GenerateDataFile" not working (most prominent case was Project Nevada)
    • erroneously restored .vortex_backup files if game or user settings enforce cleaning of empty directories
    • exception if invalid nxm url was manually entered into address field
    • highlighting mods when navigating from the plugins list to a specific mod didn't work and could freeze Vortex
    • dashboard not re-layouted on login/logout
    • editing a tool on the dashboard might not have updated the ui accordingly
    • improved chance that Vortex would adapt correctly if user moved the game without first purging mods
    • possible crash if extension used an invalid version number
    • unfulfilled plugin dependencies reported even after the plugin was uninstalled
    • very rare, seemingly random exception installing a mod
    • when initially creating the FNIS Data mod it would indicate file conflicts with animation mods
    • external changes reported related to files generated by FNIS
    • changing the mod staging or download folder might be impossible if the original location no longer existed
    • files falsely reported as conflicting on mod types that set mergeMods to false (probably only affected Beat Saber support)
    • extension update from github releases failed if old version was still in downloads dir (only affected "Titlebar Launcher")
    • extensions might be incorrectly treated as translations (don't think this affected anything actually released)
    • Korean language named incorrectly (thanks to alexkoala)
    • extension search was case sensitive
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) uncaught error reading the mods directory
    • (Witcher 3) avoid adding managed mods as external ones on the load order pgae
    • (Witcher 3) merged mods weren't loaded last
  • Improvements:
    • electron updated to version 8.3.0
    • added tooltip to file override dialog (to help with very long mod names)
    • implemented mod dependency lookups via meta server based on file name
    • external applications started from Vortex should now reliably be brought to the foreground
    • increased duration notifications are visible for after they got updated
    • The "Suggest" button for the staging folder is now always available
    • allow manually reloading the plugin list if it failed to load for some reason
    • some additional logging during startup
    • timeout to prevent extensions from freezing Vortex during startup
    • (Witcher 3) support for menu mods using the W3MM archive pattern
    • (Witcher 3) installs Script Merger automatically
    • (Portal 2) validation for extension loosened to allow this extension to work again
    • (Neverwinter Nights, regular and ee) improved mod installation compatibility
    • (X4) no longer prioritizing description and version from the mod manifest over the data stored on nexusmods.com
    • (New Vegas) treat FalloutCustom.ini as per-profile setting (if local game settings are enabled)
    • (Monster Hunter World) less invasive way of informing about strackers loader
    • (Mount & Blade 2) load order entries can now be locked into position
  • Features:
    • "Create Report" feature on mods generates a shareable report about the mod installation/deployment to assist in searching for problems
    • Guided installation of script extenders (obse, skse, fose, nvse, f4se)
    • "missing masters" message plugin names clickable
    • added options for opening settings and appdata folders for bethesda games
    • added sorting options to the extensions browser
    • (api) various utility functions added


Changelog for 1.2.11 (5 May 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • mods got stuck during installation
    • rare crash if registry access function encounter invalid values
    • rare exception where keyboard events where sent to unmounted controls
    • rare exception when selecting a range of items in a grouped table
    • rare exception if windows api for task management api doesn't work
    • (X4) incorrectly assigned folder names on mod install (existing installs will be repaired automatically)
    • (RE2/DMC5) potentially slow down of deployment process
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 8.2.5
    • workaround for symlink elevation disabled if task management api doesn't work
    • (RE2/DMC5) prevent installation of FM5000 as a mod in Vortex


Changelog for 1.2.10 (29 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • "Symlinks without elevation" workaround was broken
    • didn't correctly display implicitly solved mod conflicts
    • clicking on links in Tutorial videos opened a window within Vortex that may be difficult to close
    • asked for permission to start game store even if it was already running
    • error messages if Epic Game Store had outdated manifests (referring to games no longer installed)
    • invalid game entries were added to the Epic game store
    • needlessly long log messages if microsoft game store wasn't found
    • download progress bar would sometimes show "NaN%"
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) Vortex would request reinstall of the game in cases where this wasn't actually necessary
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) game could not be activated if discovery path was set manually
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) unhandled filesystem exceptions when "Modules" folder was missing
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) unhandled exception if game was never started before
    • (Witcher 3) Error message related to load order referencing uninstalled mods
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 8.2.4
    • increased display time for notifications
    • fewer unnecessary rerenders of generic load order screen
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) improved error handling for missing mods in staging folder
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) force Steam to be running to allow starting the game directly
    • (Subnautica) automatic detection for the Epic Store version
    • (api) ability to programatically start the game launchers (like Steam)
    • (api) better error messages if a game extension isn't valid


Changelog for 1.2.9 (23 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • c#-based fomod installers failed to read data files
    • visual glitches in the generic load order page
    • exception deactivating mods when using move deployment (if the mod wasn't fully deployed)
    • elevated tools were run without the Vortex directory as the working dir (instead of the directory containing the tool)
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) cache not refreshed when switching profile
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) xml parsing didn't support utf-16
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) Native module locked even though some mods need to load before it
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) ensure we don't add disabled/removed paramaters to launcher
  • Improvements:
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) Tweaks to info panel


Changelog for 1.2.8 (22 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • when a game extension was supposed to be updated, the update would get reported in an endless loop
    • text overflowing in load order info panel
    • mod attributes set by an installer could get overwritten by the attributes determined by the "generic" mechanism
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) exception if mod_order file was missing
    • (Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord) load order list contained deleted entries
  • Improvements:
    • notifications now shown while using the embedded browser


Changelog for 1.2.7 (21 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • didn't recover after renderer crash
    • exception upon checking plugin dependencies/incompatibilities
    • wrong file installed when updating extension (rare)


Changelog for 1.2.6 (20 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • Error Notification when creating plugin rules with ctrl+drag if the rule already exists
    • incorrectly reported plugin required/incompatible
    • "Dark Theme" toggle was always reset on opening the screen
    • Mod installation progress showed Extracting for a bit when the actual installation had already started
    • (Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord) no load order entries for freshly installed mods
    • (Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord) entries losing position on mod install
    • (Witcher 3) ensure unique values when parsing merge inventory
  • Improvements:
    • more unique icon for "Open on Nexus Mods" action
    • better change detection in Load Order extension
    • no longer auto-hide progress notifications
    • (Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord) enabling/disabling no longer requires deployment
    • (Mount&Blade 2: Bannerlord) load order screen will now update correctly upon purge
    • (Witcher 3) Ensure deployment notification is raised upon change in load order


Changelog for 1.2.5 (16 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception during update (EPERM)
    • (since 1.2.4) exception when checking plugin rules (gamebryo games)
    • embedded browser needlessly refreshing


Changelog for 1.2.4 (16 April 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • Tools not automatically discovered when installed via symlinks
    • when manually setting tool location pre-defined icons were replaced
    • hash-based mod info lookup from manually configured meta servers didn't work
    • load order extension would request deployment on inconsequential changes
    • confusing error message when trying to install extension from downloads screen
    • sometimes unresolved file conflicts didn't show up in "Manage Rules" dialog
    • very uncommon situation where user was considered logged out but login dialog wasn't offered
    • internal (non-critical) error reported to user
    • keyboard navigation in grouped tables was broken
    • (since 1.2.0) Default action for mods was changed compared to 1.1.x
    • (since 1.2.0) some fomod script functions didn't work
    • (Monster Hunter: World) added several pre-defined tools
    • (API) fixes to load order extension for games with custom item renderer
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to version 8.2.2
    • Notifications now get hidden after a short delay (remaining available until dismissed by clicking the bell icon)
    • Can now "continue" on certain uncommon filesystem errors where previously only Cancel or Retry were possible. Use at your own risk
    • flash "Manage Rules" when there are unresolved file conflicts
    • installation of game extensions is now more streamlined (game gets activated immediately after installation)
    • Will now report if required/incompatible rules for gamebryo plugins are being violated
    • (Mount and Blade: Bannerlord) support added
    • (Neverwinter Nights 2) installer for loose .mod files
    • (Witcher 3) request deployment if manually added mod is detected


Changelog for 1.2.3 (31 March 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception at startup if certain game stores weren't installed (e.g. GOG)
    • fixed a potential problem where the wrong icons were shown for tools on the dashboard
    • exception in game discovery using certain game stores
    • (Witcher 3) incorrect load order index used for manually added mods
  • Improvements:
    • when selecting game directory, subdirectories are now also accepted
    • caching themed css (avoids showing the base theme for a second during startup)
    • in the generic load order page, external mods (not managed by Vortex) are now highlighted
    • (Monster Hunter) updated to work with latest mod loader
    • (Witcher 3) slight UI improvements


Changelog for 1.2.2 (26 March 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • "EACCES" error generated by the update mechanism
    • errors during game discovery related to windows store games
    • errors regarding failed registry access weren't handled
    • on games where files get merged during deployment (only Wolcen atm), mods were incorrectly reported as obsolete
    • moving staging/download folder on a drive (from and to) that doesn't support hard links (exfat) failed
  • Improvements:
    • improved capabilities of the "Vortex needs to access protected file" mechanism
    • Vortex will now warn if the staging folder has been changed/reset outside Vortex (and allow recovery)
    • can now pass arguments to launchers (Steam et al) when starting games through them
    • can now select the "execution name" for windows store games
  • Features:
    • periodic state backups to help recover from corrupted state
    • option to reset mod enabled/disabled state to last (successful) deployment
    • (Halo: The Master Chief Collection) support added


Changelog for 1.2.1 (20 March 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception a minute after finishing a download
    • exception on startup when an (installed) extension isn't using semantic versioning
    • exception upon clicking "fix" on the "Mods can't be deployed" notification
    • when staging folders had to be fixed, the process couldn't be canceled in the first dialog
  • Improvements:
    • warn about extensions using unavailable api functions
  • Feature:
    • option to install mods without any logic (meaning it simply gets extracted with no files rearranged)


Changelog for 1.2.0 (19 March 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception opening mod dependency screen too early after startup
    • exception if purge was necessary on startup (to recover from errors or due to migration)
    • exception if rss server returns enclosures without type (shouldn't happen in practice)
    • a single broken steam manifest could break the steam-based game discovery
    • (Themes) dark mode didn't actually work (requires re-saving the theme)
  • Improvements:
    • updated to electron 8.0.3
    • updated many other dependencies
    • modals with cancel/save buttons don't close by (accidentally) clicking outside the dialog
    • fomod installer now runs in separate process (should ideally not affect anything functionally
    • but hopefully more robust)
    • fewer/less confusing error messages if network is disconnected
    • system should no longer go to sleep (power saving) while Vortex is downloading files
    • additional warning if user is deleting the active profile
    • always clean empty directories for games where each mod is in a separate directory
    • warn if uninstall registry key is missing
    • when updating mod open directly to right file page (non-premium users only)
    • Extensions page is now always visible, dropped the "Advanced" toggle in settings
    • allow multiple extensions to provide translations for the same language
    • slight (?) performance improvements
  • Features:
    • can change the width and height of dashlets (right-click anywhere in the dashlet)
    • can now endorse installed extensions
    • dashlet presenting unendorsed and newly added extensions
    • search field on browse extensions list
    • updating extensions from github (mainly intended for official extensions)
    • certain notifications can now be disabled
    • mod types can now be "non-essential" (meaning they can't prevent a deployment method from being selected)
    • (Witcher 3) load ordering
    • (Witcher 3) interoperation with the script merger
    • (Stardew Valley) reimport newly added files to mods if it's unambiguous
    • (Stardew Valley) automated installation/management of SMAPI
    • (Stardew Valley) button to help with sending logs in error reports
    • (Battletech) reimport newly generated files into mods
    • (Battletech) avoid creating directory tags
    • (Monster Hunter: World) custom modtype for Stracker's Loader, now installs correctly after the latest MHW update
    • (Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem) preliminary support (will probably undergo significant changes soonish)
  • API (interesting primarily to developers):

    • support game detection via GOG, Origin, UPlay and the windows store

    • generic extension to deal with load ordering in games

    • patches to unity games are now deployed as mods so they can make use of different deployment methods

    • extensions can now add stuff to the main toolbar

    • events are being triggered when files not associated with a mod are added to/removed from game directory

    • tools can be marked as "default primary" so they get set up as primary by default if installed

    • added option to not create directory tags (__folder_managed_by_vortex) for a game. In this mode Vortex will clean up all empty directories, whether it created them or not, which may be problematic with some games

    • Debouncer can now trigger on the first call


Changelog for 1.1.15 (13 March 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • plugins screen might show perpetual activity indicator if no plugins found
    • exception upon "query info" if archive got deleted
    • (RE2/DMC5) updated caused Vortex to detect file corruption
  • Improvements:
    • QuickBMS scripts will now cancel if they get stuck instead of blocking the UI
    • performance improvement on filtered tables with gpu acceleration disabled


Changelog for 1.1.14 (19 February 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception cloning theme
    • sorting by content column didn't produce a useful order


Changelog for 1.1.13 (17 February 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • archive invalidation didn't appear on workarounds tab
    • (Fallout 3) plugins couldn't be set to load before DLCs
    • (KC:D) didn't allow ordering mods that don't contain a .pak file
  • Improvements:
    • (older bethesda games) native plugins listed in plugins.txt again
    • (KC:D) support for the Epic launcher release
  • Features:

    • (Battletech) added support


Changelog for 1.1.12 (29 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.1.10) exception when first selecting a profile
    • (since 1.1.11) plugins not sorted after deployment
    • (since 1.1.11) plugin names displayed in lower-case


Changelog for 1.1.11 (28 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception trying to save theme changes
    • exception when extensions list fails to update
    • locking plugin index moved plugin to wrong index
    • certain failures to load a plugin not reported
    • (gamebryo) native plugins not counted in total
    • (SDV) some mods reported incorrect error message during install
    • (KCD) load order not correctly saved
  • Improvements:
    • themes may now include a details.scss file
    • slightly improved deployment performance


Changelog for 1.1.10 (23 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.1.9) exception on first activating a profile
    • some mod dependencies wouldn't render correctly
  • Improvements:
    • force UAC consent window to front
    • force FNIS window to front if one is shown (when running FNIS automatically)
    • backdate vanilla bsas for Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout NV to fix loose files not being used
    • (Monster Hunter: World) notificatioon if Stracker's Loader is missing
    • (Monster Hunter: World) added support for ReShade 4.x mods
    • (Daggerfall Unity) select correct platform from dfmods


Changelog for 1.1.9 (16 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • further issues with ini file settings getting lost/not being applied immediately after switching profiles
    • memory leak fixed
  • Improvements:
    • more obvious grayed-out effect on undiscovered games


Changelog for 1.1.8 (14 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • ini settings could get reverted when switching to a different game or between profiles
    • exception upon conflict check with no mods installed
    • colored nexus icons got messed up
    • (Subnautica: Below Zero) button on dashboard started the original game
  • Features:
    • no longer auto-enable manually added plugins (can be toggled)


Changelog for 1.1.7 (8 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • hotfix for tables not working correctly in 1.1.6


Changelog for 1.1.6 (8 January 2020)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception accessing conflict info before it's been calculated
    • range selection was broken in tables with grouping enabled
    • (KCD) unhandled exception when filtering pak files
  • Improvements:
    • updated LOOT to 0.15.1
    • added message to end of game list about unsupported games
    • fallback for cases where initial redux state can't be IPCed (Unexpected token in JSON at position ...)
    • some validation against installing invalid extensions
    • allow right-click -> paste on api-key input
    • (Greedfall) automatically update modified time for mod files (this works around mods not being loaded after a game update)
  • Features:
    • Option to disable "friendly" date/times in columns (like "3 months ago")


Changelog for 1.1.5 (9 December 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • installing extension could install the wrong extension
    • exception trying to save custom theme
    • error handling on writing manifest didn't retry write correctly
    • video fullscreen didn't work in knowledge base
  • Improvements:
    • updated electron to 4.2.12

Changelog for 1.1.4 (28 November 2019)

  • Bugfixes:
    • Some tools/games wouldn't run correctly in previous 1.1.x releases because they relied on global PATH environment entries
    • Couldn't override deploy order for top-level files
    • exception on pressing ctrl+a on a table that wasn't fully initialized
    • games couldn't be hidden if they weren't installed locally
    • script extender error check could cause exception with no active game
    • MO import would sometimes not find mods
    • quick launcher (top left) was invisible if the active game was hidden on the games page
    • (KCD) exception on switching to a different game
    • (UGG) patcher ops could be run while game was running
  • Improvements:
    • Add ignore button to notification regarding script extender errors
    • Extensions list now sorted alphabetically


Changelog for 1.1.3 (26 November 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception upon installing extensions (the extension installed correctly though)
    • rare exception trying to browse for unknown game
    • rare crash when application started from Vortex produced unreadable error output
    • script extender error column not always updated although data changed


Changelog for 1.1.2 (25 November 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • "chrome fix" stopped working after chrome cache was cleared with a version >=77
    • starting games through epic launcher didn't work for some games
  • Improvements:
    • notification before downloading a file that was loaded before
    • allow downgrading version (when switching from testing branch to stable)
    • allow filtering for incompatible plugins and loot messages
    • revert button in themes settings now resets all settings, not just colors
    • (api) game discovery via epic launcher can now use display name and code name
  • Features:
    • (Untitled Gooose Game) added buttons to control patcher


Changelog for 1.1.1 (19 November 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • freeze on startup when encountering corrupted steam manifests
    • exception in tool editor
    • exception switching to no active profile
    • exception when first enabling table grouping
    • exception upon reporting certain errors
    • updating extensions may leave previous version installed too
    • games incorrectly marked as "officially supported"
    • might report update available for extensions that are already up-to-date
    • stopped browse-buttons inset in input boxes from disappearing
    • filtering by content column didn't work
    • (Devil May Cry 5) exception during deployment
  • Improvements:
    • verify file validity at startup
    • avoid loading foreign dlls
    • nicer error messages for some rare errors
    • do a md5-based lookup for all files imported from NMM to fill in missing meta data
    • reduced file size
    • allow manually forced update of extensions list (is still cached on the server!)
    • (Team Fortress 2) improved installer compatibility (thanks to AtomicTEM)
  • Features:
    • report and offer to install unfulfilled extension dependencies (may currently require multiple restarts)
    • added command line parameter to download&install mod/extension
    • (api) ability to attach additional info below table rows


Changelog for 1.1.0 (5 November 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • plugin list outdated after switching games
    • crash when reporting certain (non-critical) errors
    • rare crash generating list of conflicts
    • popup for mod highlights unusable when at the bottom of the screen
    • changes to auto-detected tools lost on restart
    • merging of files during deployment broken if base file actually exists
    • improved compatibility for downloading from foreign pages
    • (api) extensions couldn't add actions to table rows that didn't have at least one hard-coded action
    • (api) alternative mod sources weren't selectable to install from when the mod list is empty
    • (Sekiro) didn't validate if game is actually installed
  • Improvements:
    • fomods can now be used with any game without any extra work in the extension
    • replaced tabs on games screen with two foldable lists (only modded/unmodded)
    • show extensions being loaded on startup to help identify issues
    • german translation is now a separate extension - like all other localisations
    • avoid unneccessary refreshes of the save game list
    • some improvements to wording
    • validate api key on manual input
    • performance improvements to UI
    • working dir for tools now automatically updates with executable unless set manually
    • endorsement button no longer offered if the author has disabled them
    • better reporting for various rare filesystem errors
    • (api) base language localizations now provided by extensions instead of the main repo
    • (api) no longer allow "register..." calls outside the extension init function
    • (api) game extensions can now specify stop patterns to guide the fallback-installer
    • (Resident Evil 2) improved discovery
    • (Stardew Valley) improved installer compatibility (in particular mods with a Contents directory)
    • (Witcher 3) symlinks no longer offered as deployment method (because script merger doesn't support it)
  • Features:
    • Find and Install Extensions from inside Vortex
    • Extensions installed this way update automatically
    • Languages and Themes can also be installed via the extension mechanism
    • Tables can now be grouped by attributes
    • Showing a warning when the script extender logged errors during the last run
    • More options for starting tools/games (e.g. "close vortex on start")
    • Allow disabling GPU rendering
    • (api) built-in Unity Mod Loader
    • (api) game extensions can now use the epic launcher for game discovery
    • (api) mod sources can now provide conditions (e.g. to only offer for certain games) and icon
    • (api) game extensions may now delay deployment, e.g. to consult the user first
    • (api) game extensions can now directly specify the game doesn't support symbolic links
    • (api) extensions can now access the 7zip library through vortex-api
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) support load ordering
    • (Untitled Goose Game) support added


Changelog for 1.0.5 (14 October 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • unhandled exception during NMM import when VirtualModConfig.xml was missing
    • (RE2) unhandled exception creating file lists (internal)
  • Improvements:
    • limit width of mod name column in plugins tab
  • Features:
    • (Prison Architect) support added


Changelog for 1.0.4 (8 October 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • rare crash when switching from gamebryo game to non-gamebryo
    • rare exception after non-critical filesystem error
    • exception when Vortex tries to show a dialog after the main window was closed
    • crash when trying to start profiler
    • (Spyro) load order incorrect with >10 mods
    • (Sims 4) some mods not installed correctly (ts4script files in subdirectories)
    • (RE2) false detection of dlc folders
    • (RE2&DMC5) various problems regarding baking data files
  • Improvements:
    • better reporting for a bunch of the more obscure error message
    • removed monitoring of savegame directory because it caused performance issues for some users (savegames will still be refreshed whenever Vortex gets focused)
    • Admin warning now mentions when UAC is disabled
    • Prevent user from setting partition root as staging/download folder
    • Allow dropdown menus to overflow table area
    • (Greedfall) allow using fomod installers
  • Features:
    • (Daggerfall Unity) support added
    • (Code Vein) support added (Thanks to Daymarr)


Changelog for 1.0.3 (19 September 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception if starting tool fails with no error output
    • exception on attempt to report an error that has null parameters
    • exception if a mod has a null custom note
    • main menu bottons overlapping (custom) title bar didn't work ("Send Feedback" primarily)
    • failure in c# fomod installers using "GenerateDataFile" with unix-style paths instead of windows-style
    • (RE2) exception after deployment
    • (RE2 & DMC5) exception on some operations (purge, invalidation) if no mods have been installed
    • (RE2 & DMC5) attempt to write to Vortex application directory (which should be read-only)
    • (BaS) issue with game version/min mod version detection
  • Improvements:
    • keep line breaks in fomod option descriptions
    • (RE2 & DMC5) ask users to deploy after invalidation


Changelog for 1.0.2 (17 September 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 1.0.1) exception on startup as Vortex tried to inform about changes regarding RE2 mod management
    • (since 1.0.1) mod installs failed if using forward slashes as path separators (unix style)
    • (RE2/DMC5) error reported if user cancels operation during deployment
  • Improvements:
    • progress bar while removing mods
  • Features:
    • (GreedFall) support added
    • (Spyro Reignited Trilogy) support added
    • (ELEX) support added


Changelog for 1.0.1 (12 September 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • unhandled exception if creating trace log for NMM import fails
    • unhandled exception on download if server returns invalid content-disposition
    • unhandled exception if executable (of gamebryo games) is inaccessible (read protected)
    • multiple unhandled exceptions in nmm import when files were inaccessible
    • exception when switching between certain games
    • exception if canceling login before connection to server is even established
    • exception downloading if game lookup fails
    • duplicate NMM instances causing erroneous mods folder detection
    • savegame transfer didn't copy *se files
    • several cases of errors being reported lacking useable error message, stack or otherwise relevant details
    • when creating a directory Vortex might report an error although the operation actually succeeded
    • some failures to parse savegame were unhandled
    • plugin group editor showed masterlist rules as editable
    • rare case where applying external change might fail due to files existing that were supposed to be deleted earlier
    • rare case where an error message was reported when mods changed
    • avoid creating files/directories during mod install that the windows shell can't handle
    • transfering download/staging folder failed when transferring within one drive if it doesn't support hard-links
    • couldn't remove profile if the folder had already been removed before
    • discovery issues for both KOTOR games, Divinity Original Sin 2, Galactic Civilizations 3, Grim Dawn, Mount & Blade and X4
    • (Monster Hunter: World) files were being renamed to all-lowercase during mod install
    • (VtM:B) failure to start steam variant
    • (Total War: Three Kingdoms): other games were discovered as TWTK
    • (Stardew Valley) some mods not installed correctly
    • (Bloodstained) using ~mods directory instead of ~mod
  • Improvements:
    • Updated electron to 4.2.10
    • improved a couple of uncommon error messages
    • fixed a couple of potential cases where native dialogs might be hidden behind the main window
    • Do not allow users to move/copy folders to partition root fixes
    • games in filter-dropdown now listing the installed games first
    • games on games page now sorted alphabetically (previously locally installed game extensions would be listed separately from the bundled ones)
    • detect permission problems during NMM import earlier
    • window can now be moved while switching profiles (when using the themed title bar)
    • (KOTOR) Discover GOG version
    • (BaS) Prepared for update 7 (global.json is now called game.json)
    • (BaS) Improved min version checks
    • (BaS) better handling of invalid manifests
    • (BaS) support for mod with multiple manifest files
    • (BaS) changed folder opened by "Open Game Mods Folder" to be more useful
    • (RE2) now support more (hopefully all) mods
  • Features:
    • Highlight-column now shows a second icon if the mod has custom notes
    • (Devil May Cry 5) added support
    • (Torchlight II) added support
    • (Neverwinter Nights 2) added support
  • API:
    • Added extension to support handling of archives with QuickBMS
    • fixed extensible dropdowns potentially picking a disabled option for the default


Changelog for 1.0.0 (30 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • canceling certain operation triggered an error notification
    • locking mod index for some plugins didn't work
    • (Sims 4) didn't work with french version
    • (Team Fortress 2) false positive in discovery
  • Features:
    • (Galactic Civilizations 3) support added


Changelog for 0.19.2 (25 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception checking mods for content if the mod entry is invalid/incomplete
    • rare exception creating invalidation BSA
    • exception cancelating monitoring of savegame folder
    • staging folder suggestion was based on game path instead of mod path (on games where they differ)
    • files not deployed after external change
    • (api) functions missing in api
    • (Blade & Sorcery) exception on certain installers
    • (War Thunder) exception on certain installers
    • (Factorio) no deployment method available on many setups
  • Improvements:
    • Redesign of the NMM import process - should now be harder to break
    • (api) allow tools to fetch icon from exe
    • (Sekiro) support more archive layouts
  • Features:
    • (Team Fortress 2) support added (Thanks to AtomicTEM)
    • (Shadowrun Returns) support added
    • (Grim Dawn) support added


Changelog for 0.19.1 (23 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • log-in would fail when github is offline
    • locked mod indices were offset when load order contains espfe files
    • (Blade & Sorcery) exception installing some mods
    • (Blade & Sorcery) rare exception when game wasn't discovered
  • Improvements:
    • Break long game names to better fit into the available space
    • automatically restart loot process if it crashes
    • (Bloodstained: RotN) Not showing two executables in Dashboard (both do the same from the users POV)
  • Features:
    • (Divinity: Original Sin 2) support added (both original and definitive edition)
    • (Stardew Valley) support for mods not installed into SMAPI folder


Changelog for 0.19.0 (18 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • catch error where user has too many temp files
    • use correct ini for skyrimvr ini edits
    • download progress could go beyond 100%
    • "need to deploy" flag sometimes set unnecessarily
    • (MO import) mods imported from MO couldn't be reinstalled properly
  • Improvements:
    • catch more errors from broken extensions on startup
  • Features:
    • Content mod column
    • Warn if plugins designed for Skyrim LE are used in Skyrim SE
    • block ui while waiting for elevation process (symlink)
    • (api) added option to runExecutable to report error codes
    • (api) added makeQueue and OptionsFilter to api
    • (api) allow extensions to provide icon sets
    • (api) emit event when external changes to a mod were applied


Changelog for 0.18.16 (17 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • fixed: exception if mod is deleted during deployment
    • fixed: exception switching between gamebryo and non-gamebryo games
    • fixed: table sidepanel missing items
    • (sims 4) update caused deployment errors for some users


Changelog for 0.18.14 (15 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • failed to log in when api request limit was exceeded
    • exception switching from gamebryo game to non-gamebryo game
  • Improvements:
    • More graciously handle errors from invalid extensions or themes
  • Feature:
    • (Rimworld) added support (beta)


Changelog for 0.18.13 (10 July 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • external changes not checked during purge
    • interrupted purge didn't update manifest
    • some fomod installations failed
    • table details (right pane) were not filtered by attribute condition
    • unhandled exception on download resume
    • update information dropped on network error
    • failure to close temporary file descriptor uncaught
    • non-game specific announcements not shown when no game is active
    • rare error message "this.currentCallback is not a function"
    • error reports may have gotten dropped
    • NMM import stuck on error outside start/setup step
    • NMM import not working on 0.70.x installs
    • NMM import rare exception
    • (Oblivion) false positive on checking for missing fonts
    • (X4) broken path resolution for mods installed to "documents" folder
  • Improvements:
    • When sorting mods by category also sort by mod name (secondary sort)
    • additional warning if external changes cause file deletions
    • allow multi-selection in tables using keyboard
    • allow users to install non-archive files as mods
    • catch more "disk full" errors on startup
    • don't allow deployment/purge while running game/tool
    • more graciously handle DNS ENOENT when endorsing mod
    • report more details about "UNKNOWN" errors
    • repeat repeatable errors in elevated symlink deployment
    • more graciously handle invalid savegames
    • "Open in Browser" button on documentation
    • Don't display esls (and esl conversion) on games that don't support them
    • don't re-layout group editor on every change
    • (Dragon Age: Origins) detection of Steam version
    • (The Sims 4) deploy mods in Vortex's own directory (cleanly separated from manually installed mods)
    • (The Sims 4) support for "Tray" mods (Lots, Households and other Library content)
    • (Blade & Sorcery) removed support for MulleDK19 mod loader
  • Feature:
    • added action to guess id for multiple mods at once
    • warn when the game has been updated
    • (Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night) added support
    • (Total War: Three Kingdoms) added support


Changelog for 0.18.12 (28 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • ini files were truncated during deployment
    • crash upon enabling archive invalidation
    • right-click on group editor didn't open context menu
    • hidden files were not removed on purge
    • (c# fomods) exception in getExistingDataFileList
    • (c# fomods) getExistingDataFileList returned file names, not paths
    • (Blade & Sorcery) issue resolving install path for MulleDK19 mods
  • Improvements:
    • group editor no longer re-layouts on every change


Changelog for 0.18.11 (27 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • crash converting plugins to esl
    • (Blade & Sorcery) exe and game folder has changed
  • Improvements:
    • (Resident Evil 2) avoid false detection


Changelog for 0.18.10 (26 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • couldn't start games/tools as admin
    • crash when primary tool path is missing/undefined
    • another exception when active game isn't discovered
    • download with non-ascii chars failed
    • unhandled usercanceled during staging transfer
    • (rare) error not reported properly
    • (rare) exception during scroll
    • "unknown" error deploying symlinks
    • callback called twice if hashing failed
    • couldn't cancel symlink deployment
    • unnecessary update checks in optimised check
    • user could "Query Info" for incomplete downloads
    • "already closed" error message when displaying cycle message
    • error messages from LOOT because we passed in files that were not actually installed
    • some errors from fomod installers not reported correctly
    • xml fomods did not install files in the right order in some cases
    • upon switching game, file conflict might not get cleared
    • (gamebryo games) DLCs were never reported as "missing" when plugins depended on them
    • (X4) setting up game for modding could fail
  • Improvements:
    • Added primary tool test to starter_dashlet
    • Improved logging during update check
    • don't report a deployment error if the source file is missing
    • various improvements to error reporting
    • will now retry more filesystem operations when there is a chance they will work then
    • manifest backup now written synchronously
    • prevent folders (downloads/staging) from being changed during activity
    • on startup, offer to delete interrupted installs
    • nicer progress bar when switching profiles (doesn't truncate text)
    • updated electron to 4.2.4
    • updated libloot to 0.14.7
  • Features:
    • (Blade & Sorcery) added support


Changelog for 0.18.9 (13 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • (since 0.18.8 ) after transferring downloads/staging folder might show a notification to "clean up" which was intended roll back an interrupted transfer but in this case would remove successfully transferred files
    • (since 0.18.8 ) some mods couldn't be installed


Changelog for 0.18.8 (13 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • if user moves download/staging folder and cancels during the cleanup phase, files could be lost
    • file install order in fomods was different from NMM in rare cases
    • (0.18.7 only) conflict icons disappeared entirely when all conflicts resolved
  • Improvements:
    • backup of deployment manifest is now stored in a different format to reduce chance that it's broken in the same way as the original
    • various improvements to error handling


Changelog for 0.18.7 (11 June 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • various exceptions caused by visual-c runtime not being bundled
    • exception regarding not being able to access cookies
    • exception when chromium doesn't know timezone for active language
    • exception clicking on mod cycle warning after stopping to manage games
    • exception if user creates a plugin group with empty name
    • exception when restoring plugins from savegame for undiscovered game
    • recurring "missing downloads path" dialog on re-initialize
    • error message about download path being missing on first start
    • plugin cycles reported as errors on profile switch
    • a few more cases of UserCanceled being reported as error
    • didn't always disable game mode if game no longer discovered
    • rare case where "FNIS Data" would receive a rule to load after itself
    • rapidly toggling mods in nmm import could confuse size calculation
    • table header sometimes didn't align correctly
    • "active mods" count on game thumbnail too high
    • deployment method not properly set when first managing a game
  • Improvements:
    • performance optimization to hardlink deployment
    • no longer using buggy node-ipc library for (elevated) symlink deployment
    • double check the game is discovered before activating corresponding profile
    • more gracious handling of disk-full error
    • Improved reporting of various errors
    • (Darkest Dungeons) Improved support for mod packages
    • (Subnautica) Better support for directory layouts in the archive
    • (X4) detection of GOG version
  • Feature:
    • force full (unoptimised) mod update check
    • display info on why fomod options are unavailable


Changelog for 0.18.6 (29 May 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • deployment failed with error message about "showDialogCallback"
    • exception in download folder test
    • exception when sorting grouped mods (invalid version attributes)
    • exception when trying to remove mod with no installationPath set
    • exception when ensuring writable directory fails
    • exception if startup fails before tray icon is created
    • exception on reinitializing staging folder
    • exception trying to report an error (in a very specific situation)
    • exception in Visibility proxy if unobserving fails
    • exception installing mod with no profile selected
    • exception attempting to determine activator for undiscovered game
    • exception triggering deployment before the last one is finished
    • exception on start up when active game is no longer discovered
    • purge fails when previous activator not available
    • couple of cases were cancelation by user is reported as error
    • FNIS config dialog showed skeletons as options
    • (Resident Evil 2) custom installer used for fomods
  • Improvements:
    • download folder test repeats if unsuccessful for any reason
    • allow retry on timeout for api key validation
    • increased width of many dialogs
    • treat ESOCKETTIMEDOUT errors more graciously
    • more informative error message when BSA redirection can't be enabled


Changelog for 0.18.5 (27 May 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • broken downloads when server doesn't support partial downloads
    • exception when canceling transfer of staging/download folder
    • incorrect dl progress display
    • installer dialog not fully reset between installs
    • deployment error if fnis is run automatically and its exe is set up to run as administrator
    • (theoretical) hang on startup if is-admin check doesn't finish (it's unclear whether this ever happens)
  • Improvements:
    • prevent dialogs from showing behind splash screen
    • "saves coudn't be read" now only produces one notification
    • updated tutorial videos
    • (Darkest dungeons) GOG version should now also get detected
    • (Kenshi) GOG version should now also get detected
  • Features:
    • open downloads directly
    • Support for Resident Evil II (2019)


Changelog for 0.18.3/0.18.4 (20 May 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception changing details on mod being uninstalled
    • corrupt profile information not being cleared on startup
    • crash when no supported activators are found
    • exception on mod deployment if game not discovered
    • unnecessary file deployment with move deployment
    • conflicts not detected with move deployment
    • symlink deployment (elevated) could hang if elevated process quits prematurely
    • (api) parameter wrong in "mods-enabled"
    • (since 0.18.x) update check would fail when installed mods lacked lastUpdateTime attribute
    • (since 0.18.x) exception opening date picker
    • (since 0.18.x) exception if process monitor running and no game active
  • Improvements:
    • dates in news dashlet now localised
    • better error messages in various situations
    • sped up the process used to initiate downloads from the browser
    • avoid moving around notifications when they get updated
    • more logging during startup
    • progress bar while checking for updates
    • sort version dropdown on grouped mods
    • no longer silently switch deployment method if the selected one becomes unavailable
    • accelerate mod update check (also using fewer API requests)


Changelog for 0.18.2 (9 May 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception when using invalid language pack
    • exception installing a mod when .net framework is outdated
    • "Query Info" used wrong id for some games
    • out-of-memory exception during download was unhandled
    • (rare) reported no available deployment methods when there actually was one
    • table headers didn't scroll horizontally
    • wrong links on mod-updates for some games
    • various cases where canceling a fs operation could trigger an error notification
    • don't display updates for removed mods/mods without source
    • plugin list didn't pick up external changes
    • (since 0.18.0) information not displayed for some plugins (including whether it can be eslified)
    • (since 0.18.0) automatic update was broken
    • (since 0.18.0) automatically fixing file permissions was broken
    • (since 0.18.0) resetting search paths failed
  • Improvements:
    • various text and layout improvements to error messages
    • automatically retrying more fs operations (should prevent AVs and similar triggering errors in Vortex)
    • more gracious handling of the case where the game mod folder isn't writable or doesn't exist at all
    • positive actions in grouped notifications now trigger for all items in the group
    • show proper mod name in cycle dialog, not the mod id
  • Features:
    • Allow using the login workaround when the ws connect fails
    • Show which of the set up tools are running (when started from Vortex)


Changelog for 0.18.1 (30 April 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • unhandled exception trying to display game specific announcements with no active GameMode
    • unhandled exception in search discovery
    • fixed c# fomod instruction "GenerateDataFile" produced incorrect results for binary data
    • failure to install mod dependencies if files were intended for a different game
    • reported if user cancels cleaning up failed download
    • (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) removed manually added entries from mod_order.txt
  • Improvements:
    • deployment manifest is now backed up and can be recovered if the original gets damaged
    • keep rules and overrides when updating mods
    • handling of more network errors when retrieving categories
    • "Purge" no longer an advanced feature
    • added current step name to installer header
    • Allow users to change staging/download folders when source folder is missing
    • Improved transfer process to cleanup after itself when user cancels the transfer
    • warn before removing a single download (previously only warned removing multiple)
    • "fatal" fomod installer errors now lead to the mod not being installed at all (previously it would often keep an empty directory)
    • handle various fomod errors more gracefully
    • improved grouping of same-y mods
    • various dependencies updated (e.g. Electron v2 to v4)
    • log when we disable a mod that has disappeared
    • notifications now sort by creation time
    • (themes) added ids to main pages to make more controls selectable
    • (themes) make (many) scss variables available through css
    • (ui) don't stretch the nav bar (left) so much during download
  • Features:
    • more helpful UI for resolving plugin cycles
    • game extensions can now request empty directories to always be removed on deployment
    • test on startup whether download directory is valid
    • added command line parameter to set maximum memory Vortex may use
    • Vortex memory usage gets monitored and reported if it gets critical
    • show number of active plugins (and esls)
    • flag if plugin loads an associated archive
    • added support for the fomod xml flags "priority", "alwaysInstall" and "installIfUsable", as well as "*seDependency"
    • option to enable mods on install
    • filter plugins by group
    • file size column for savegame list
    • (api) extensions can now have migration code automatically run when they get updated
    • (api) bbcode (internal) can now have tooltips
    • (api) game extensions can now support different game executables for the same game
    • (api) allow installers to set mod rules
    • (api) allow modtypes to not have a deployment directory
    • (Skyrim SE and Fallout 4) ability to convert plugins to light plugins (aka ESPFE) if that is possible without changing FormIDs (experimental)
    • (The Witcher 2) support for native linux version (thanks to Kreyren)
    • (Warthunder) support for audio mods
    • (Surviving Mars) support for GOG variant
    • (Fallout 3) support for the "Green Pepper Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition"
    • (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice) support added
    • (Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines) support added
    • (Dawn of Man) support added


Changelog for 0.17.11 (8 April 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception removing mod that isn't installed correctly
    • exception when selecting invalid (manually installed) language
    • exception when Vortex had to report certain fs errors
    • exception when switching games too quickly
    • (rare) exception removing file during symlink purge
    • (rare) failure to retry failed fs operations
    • more graciously handle error when profile image path is invalid
    • announcements were not being filtered correctly
    • missing configuration for controlled folder access was reported as an error
    • when switching games while updating a mod, Vortex might pick up the updated mod as deleted
    • user canceling removal of download was reported as an error
    • checked wrong directory for non-elevated symlink support (staging instead of game folder)
    • purging on symlink deployed game could damage mods (only in 0.17.10)
    • (PoE2) exception reading manifest files (only in 0.17.10)
  • Improvements:
    • Allow user to manually retry when UNKNOWN errors are encountered
    • Ransomware protection test should now also detect recognize other AVs


Changelog for 0.17.10 (2 April 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • holding page up/page down could lead to an infinite loop with escalating memory usage
    • unhandled exception moving staging if source missing
    • unhandled exception starting embedded LOOT (may be only on Linux using wine)
    • exception removing multiple mods at once
    • exception if file was deleted from staging while Vortex was reading mods
    • exception clearing plugin groups
    • exception if savegame directory was missing upon attempting transfer
    • exception rendering rule reference while removing mod
    • rare exception after symlink deployment
    • rare exception when mods changed (the specific cause is still unclear)
    • NMM import failed if categories file was missing
    • NMM import would generate mod entries even if no files were actually transferred
    • certain download errors caused unhandled exception
    • under certain circumstances symlink deployment wasn't available when it should have been
    • error reported if user cancels writing of download file
    • rare error writing game ini files, claiming file is copied onto itself
    • various locations where Vortex couldn't deal with BOMs in json files
    • (Morrowind) unhandled exception when deleting Morrowind directory while Vortex is running
    • (Morrowind) the option for profile-local ini settings was offered even though it's not supported atm
    • (Stardew Valley) mods with invalid manifest.json couldn't be installed
  • Improvements:
    • follow http redirects with status code 307 and 308
    • improved logging when deployment/purge fails
    • various improvements to error messages we couldn't decipher before
  • Features:
    • (Darkest Dungeons) added limited support (some mods will not install correctly atm)
    • (7 Days to Die) load order management
    • Will now notify users if one of their reported issues requires feedback


Changelog for 0.17.9 (28 March 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • crash mass-removing downloads
    • crash inspecting download if the download was removed in parallel
    • crash if game extension info.json was manipulated/corrupted
    • crash if resetting masterlist failed
    • exception purging game no longer active
    • exception on profiles page if a profile was corrupted
    • exception if LOOT didn't return cleanliness info for plugin
    • didn't fetch mod info for some games
    • didn't stop switch to unsupported game
    • logged error if cfa isn't configured
    • mod source wasn't visibly marked read-only on uninstalled mods
    • removing mix of uninstalled and installed mods failed
    • could produce duplicate entries in userlist (should also be cleaned up automatically)
    • if savegame list has to be truncated it didn't contain the newest files
    • NMM import didn't reset mod list when starting the process again
    • (Morrowind) load order management produced duplicate entries
    • (PoE 2) load order management produced duplicate entries
    • (PoE 2) might report file conflicts (notification) when there are none
    • (KC: D) might report file conflicts (notification) when there are none
    • (X4) used wrong mod path when installed through steam
    • (7 Days to Die) used wrong mod path
  • Improvements:
    • error handling for when transferring to non-existing partitions
    • various improvements to error handling in general
    • include link to mod page if checking for update fails
    • inform user before applying meta info changes for externally added/removed mods
    • replace %1% variable in LOOT messages
    • NMM import now also adds meta information to imported archives
    • (Stardew Valley) empty directories will now be cleaned up
    • (X-Com 2) Create mod directory automatically if missing
  • Features:
    • (Kenshi) support added
    • (A Hat in Time) support added


Changelog for 0.17.8 (19 March 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • crash if the user completely removes bundledPlugins directory (not that they should...)
    • exception on invalid download url
    • exception suggesting staging path when game path invalid
    • exception when deployment method becomes unavailable at the wrong time
    • unhandled exception if mod removal fails
    • exception(s) if userlist is invalid
    • (rare) unhandled network errors
    • (rare) unhandled exception copying login-url to clipboard
    • (rare) exception if active game has to be deactivated on startup
    • (rare) error from drag&drop on dashboard
    • exception saving mod rules if that mod gets deleted in the background
    • improper error handling when cloning profiles
    • improper error handling on restoring state backup
    • improper error handling installing dl for unsupported game
    • improper error handling when deploying deleted profile
    • (rare) failure to load built-in (electron) modules
    • several cases where UserCanceled was treated as an error
    • moving downloads/staging folder into a subdirectory of the old location could lose files
    • didn't allow changing download/staging folder if source dir was missing
    • didn't allow changing download/staging folder if source dir was on a network drive (or generally a unc-style path)
    • downloading mod updates failed for supporters
    • deployment manifest lost if the read fails
    • manifest locked when deleting multiple mods at once
    • nested subcategories were not updating when reorganized
    • didn't handle user cancel on elevation correctly
    • "Failed to read some mods" notification didn't clear after the problem is resolved
    • "Record missing translations" feature non-functional
    • (oblivion) archive invalidation didn't work
    • (Pillars of Eternity 2) unhandled exception if mod config is invalid
    • (enderal) was falsely listed as "Skyrim" in the Extensions page
  • Improvements:
    • log all requests to the nexus api to a file
    • warn if Controlled Folder Access (windows defender) may interfere with Vortex
    • better error information on a couple of problems
    • save more information on "Query Info"
    • use different style for the "default" plugin group (to make them distinguishable from manually assigned groups)
    • updated electron to 2.0.18
  • Features:
    • suggesting articles (KB and FAQ) while entering feedback title
    • show LOOT cleaning information for plugins
    • option to reset userlist and refetch masterlist if they can't be read


Changelog for 0.17.7 (7 March 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • exception removing mod not handled (including non-critical)
    • second fallback if download doesn't store game id
  • Improvements:
    • root categories now display subcategory mod count
    • performance improvement


Changelog for 0.17.6 (6 March 2019)


  • Bugfixes
    • rash opening savegame tab
    • unhandled exception during folder transfer
    • unhandled exception when external library generates invalid ui
    • exception opening conflict dialog if one of the mod has been removed in the background
    • hidden files were ignored in disk space check
    • stop using rimraf busy tries because it's bugged
    • removing mod via status dropdown vs clicking remove wasn't consistent
    • console error message
    • steam paths were treated as case-sensitive
    • ini file changes may not be applied in the right order (causing wrong savegames shown in-game)
    • folders not cleaned up when transferring within the current staging folder
    • plugin names in plugins.txt were all lower-case
  • Improvements
    • (Enderal) registry-based game detection
    • (Pathfinder: Kingmaker) notify if UMM isn't installed (thanks to 6d306e73746572)
    • (Garden Paws) added support (thanks to 6d306e73746572)


Changelog for 0.17.5 (28 February 2019)


  • Bugfixes
    • exception on startup on a specific state corruption
    • some deployment errors weren't actually logged
    • (dragon age) deployed files were wrongly removed during deployment
  • Improvements:
    • allow "Open on Nexus Mods" to work for uninstalled mods
    • notification if Vortex is very outdated
    • smoother progress bar during file transfers (mods/downloads)
  • Feature:

    • allow user to select staging folder at startup if Vortex can't find it


Changelog for 0.17.4 (26 February 2019)


  • Bugfixes:
    • errors from LOOT and bsa parser if windows username contained non-english characters
    • canceling permission fix dialog during ini baking triggered error
    • changes to command line and environment for the game were reset
    • unhandled exception trying to use deployment method fix if the reason changed in the background
    • unhandled exception when entering a download url that is not a valid protocol
    • unhandled exception if staging folder isn't valid
    • unhandled exception when savegames get deleted while Vortex has them in its cach
    • exception pressing the "copy to clipboard" button in the login dialog
    • rare failure to install certain mods
    • rare crash due to memory corruption in savegame loading
    • extensions and profiles page buttons not being rendered upon settings changes
    • incorrect game id used for downloads if game not supported
    • incorrect game id used for mod updates if mod downloaded from different game section
    • startup errors loading state wasn't handled correctly
    • slight ui glitches
    • unnecessary api requests causing rate limit being reached quicker than necessary
    • didn't reliably ensure writability of ini backups and baked/base files
    • news dashlets not refreshed on game change
    • catch attempt to rename a category that's already been deleted
    • handle graciously the case where output directory is deleted during purge
    • nmm import may have used invalid paths
    • more gracious handling of invalid userlist files
    • check for mod updates can now also unset the "update available" flag
    • plugins could get duplicate load order position (visual only)
    • using v0.14 LOOT masterlist (not sure if this caused any trouble)
  • Improvements:
    • (performance) avoid some unnecessary re-renders of tables, esp. mods
    • request confirmation when closing login dialog if login in progress
    • (Factorio) disallow symlink deployment on windows
    • better error handling when starting game via steam
    • allow startup in certain cases when application state is slightly damaged
    • trigger dialog with default action on pressing enter
    • hide "fix deployment" dialog if no game active
    • reset window position if it would be (mostly) invisible
    • using ids for table rows that can be referenced in css selectors
    • allow line breaks in mod name in the conflict resolution dialog
    • show "default" as the plugin group if none is assigned
    • hide screenshot during savegame import (loading those would require a lot of memory and cause delays)
  • Features:
    • allow manual login by copy&pasting api key
    • can check for Vortex update when automatic update is disabled
    • click on mod name on plugin screen to jump there
    • (Enderal) added support
    • (The Witcher) added support (thanks to Evanito)
    • (Oxygen Not Included) added support (thanks to newman55)
    • (Subnautica: Below Zero) added support (thanks to AlexejheroYTB)


Changelog for 0.17.3 (12 February 2019)


  • Improvements:
    • prevent refreshing issue-list too often
    • handle some errors more graciously
    • updated various dependencies
  • Bugfixes:
    • changelogs not displayed


Changelog for 0.17.2 (7 February 2019)


  • Features:
    • Zoom in+out (ctrl+shift+plus, ctrl+shift+minus and ctrl+0 to reset)
    • Allow reinstalling multiple mods at once
    • validate .Net installation on startup
  • Improvements:
    • better error handling during login if server is unavailable
    • better handling for .Net related errors
    • Adding url input validation to DropZones
    • better performance and more updates to progress bar on moving staging/download folder
    • give feedback when rate limit has been exceeded
    • report missing application association inside vortex
    • hide fnis config button if it's not installed
    • nicer error if FNIS isn't installed and automation is enabled
    • limit number of savegames loaded and lazy load screenshots (this could cause huge delays and even crashes due to high memory usage)
    • (performance) avoid css animations while window is not focused
    • (performance) reduce number of table updates on high fequence of changes
    • better readability of links in loot messages
    • (dragon age) nicer error message if Addins.xml can't be parsed
  • Bugfixes:
    • updated external lib for loading fonts (may fix crashes when opening settings, please let us know!)
    • check if fnis needs to be run was unreliable and could crash Vortex when files are missing
    • transferring staging/download folder would hang if source directory is empty
    • News dashlet would keep displaying a previous error even after a successful fetch
    • exception upon opening "external changes" dialog if entries were missing timestamps
    • exception trying to report errors from filesystem operations (might have only affected dev builds)
    • exception if epic store config file exists but has no settings
    • exception trying to deploy with no mods enabled if fnis automation was enabled
    • exception when userlist.yaml was in unexpected format
    • logged unnecessary warnings (during game discovery and trying to get game info from steam)
    • "Install" was offered for already-installed mods on multi-select
    • didn't remove deployed files correctly on a few games (PoE2 and KC: Deliverance)
    • about dialog didn't list any external dependencies
    • log session separators were missing in shared mode
    • scrolling upwards while dragging dependency line wasn't working
    • misleading error messages when symlinks or hardlinks aren't supported on the filesystem
    • provide better information when applying deployment fix fails
    • added downloads to db on nmm import even if the transfer failed
    • (oblivion) plugin names were truncated


Changelog for 0.17.1 (24 January)


  • Improvements:
    • test available space before moving downloads/staging folder
    • savegames loaded in background thread
    • (Dark Souls 1) force loading through Steam if it's a steam install
  • Bugfixes:
    • problem installing mods that themselves contain electron applications
    • problem starting certain games through steam
    • in plugin group editor unrelated connections disappeared when removing a rule
    • loot process crash during sorting


Changelog for 0.17.0 (23 January)


  • Features:
    • inform user when mods are redundant and can be disabled
    • Announcements widget
    • high-contrast theme
    • filter mods with no category set
    • filter games
    • display whether a game is officially supported or contributed
    • external changes dialog allows to use the newer file automatically
    • provide more guidance when deployment is currently not possible
    • .bat and .cmd scripts can now be set up as tools directly
    • support for X4: Foundations (thanks to alexparlett)
    • support for Pathfinder: Kingmaker (thanks to 6d306e73746572)
    • support for Starsector (thanks to LazyWizard)
    • support for 7 Days to Die (thanks to nelson3219)
  • Improvements:
    • lots of UI changes to how mod conflicts & cycles are presented
    • more robust log-in (Vortex automatically reconnects if server drops websocket connection)
    • more stable gamebryo plugin serialisation (meaning plugins should not get disabled when purging)
    • avoid UAC dialog if only the DOS read-only flag has to be changed
    • start games via Steam/Epic Games Launcher if their DRM requires that
    • warn user before dropping meta data about vanished mods
    • show profile name in the quicklauncher
    • handle ENOSPC errors more graciously
    • allow url-input of dropzones to handle urls missing a protocol
    • hiding game thumbnail active mod count for undiscovered games
    • apply markdown to LOOT messages (this makes links clickable for example)
    • improvements to scroll performance
    • performance improvement of purging hard links
    • various small UI improvements
    • settings for bundled themes are now displayed
    • updated electron to 2.0.16
    • updated libloot to 0.14.1
  • Bugfixes:
    • Nexus downloads can now be resumed in more situations
    • unhandled exception if download url can't be parsed
    • unhandled exception on removing profile
    • unhandled exception trying to report deployment error
    • unhandled exception when allocating memory for download fails
    • unhandled exception if deleting savegame fails
    • rare exception trying to deploy when no deployment method is active
    • rare unhandled exception trying to update name of download
    • rare exception if the profile got deleted while deploying
    • rare exception trying to report error from fomod installer
    • ExtendedMessageBox function couldn't be called
    • appdata/local was resolved incorrectly when not alongside roaming
    • couldn't set up multiple rules for a mod
    • exception if user enters an invalid nxm url in download
    • failure to install mods containing electron asars
    • files were "overwritten" in games that don't merge mods
    • graciously handle failure to update morrowind.ini
    • links in a dialog were all on the same line (wrapping as regular text)
    • manually set game location was overwritten with auto-detected one
    • report ENOENT error that refers to a web address correctly
    • staging or download path starting with \ not treated correctly
    • ensure staging dir is created on first managing the game
    • feedback screen could become unusable on low resolution screens
    • changelog empty when github rate limit was reached
    • broken error handling when files relevant for fnis are missing
    • more graciously handle failure to write to oblivion.ini
    • (Sims 4) crash if mod directory missing
    • (KOTOR 2) fixed game starting
    • (Dark Souls 1) was using wrong mod directory
    • (Mount & Blade) fixes to mod installation
    • (Dragon Age) losing prior edits to Addins.xml when merging
  • API:
    • allow closing dialogs programatically
    • allow to run executables attached to the vortex process


Changelog for 0.16.15 (6 December)


  • fixed: exception opening file override dialog when the were cyclical mod rules
  • fixed: mods containing only a bsa/ba2 might not be installed correctly (wrong directory structure)
  • fixed: savegame list wasn't reliably updated when necessary
  • fixed: failed to parse fallout 3/nv savegames when the character wasn't named (yet)
  • fixed: nmm-import tried to read categories file from wrong location
  • fixed: (pillars of eternity 2) disabled/enabled lists were not being filtered upon mod state change
  • improved: Added hint about multi-select in tables
  • improved: show a warning about the plugin list being outdated if a deployment is pending


Changelog for 0.16.14 (4 December)


  • fixed: exception on download game reassignment if there is no local path
  • fixed: exception when extension tries to shut down application
  • fixed: exception on startup on searching game directories
  • fixed: exception trying to display the conflict graph from a not-active game
  • fixed: exception on startup regarding mod rule cycle
  • fixed: rare exception on graph events after it's been cleaned up
  • fixed: rare unhandled exception updating savegame list
  • fixed: rare unhandled exception when enabling profile
  • fixed: unhandled exception if calculating md5 hash fails
  • fixed: unhandled error case when creating ini backups
  • fixed: suppressing uncaught net::ERR_ABORTED error
  • fixed: rare random exception on startup
  • fixed: rare exception when opening and immediately closing game info
  • fixed: restored ability to display cycles
  • fixed: ensure destination directory exists when importing savegames
  • fixed: (fallout nv) rare exception parsing savegames that have no charactername set
  • improved: display list of processes locking a file in EBUSY/EPERM errors
  • improved: some of the well known native exceptions are now explained in application
  • improved: set ini keys required to load loose files on some games
  • improved: various ui improvements


Changelog for 0.16.13 (28 November)


  • fixed: verify validity of profiles on startup (may trigger "State invalid" message)
  • fixed: broken ui of documentation page (wiki)
  • fixed: mod updates for premium users didn't work
  • fixed: oblivion font check looked in the wrong directory
  • fixed: unhandled exception if store contains category without name
  • fixed: exception when trying to report a crash after deleting the dump
  • fixed: exception if user removes profile during deployment
  • fixed: exception if an installer returns undefined as an instruction
  • fixed: rare exception reading savegame screenshot
  • fixed: download entries will no longer become invalid when download move functionality encounters errors
  • fixed: attempt to resolve install path when no game active
  • fixed: very slow deployment due to needless re-request of mod meta information from the server
  • fixed: failed to write crash dumps in some cases
  • fixed: cloning theme didn't duplicate css rules
  • fixed: savegames couldn't be removed until deployment happened at least once
  • fixed: error message if loot process closed during a sort operation
  • fixed: error during fnis update due to opening too many files at once
  • fixed: update button opens wrong page when the mod comes from a different game section
  • fixed: don't clear "deployment necessary" flag if deployment failed
  • fixed: No longer allows to deploy mods when the rules contain cycles
  • fixed: dashlet button allowed multiple disk searches to be started in parallel
  • fixed: deal better with DNS lookup failures
  • fixed: failed to move mods/downloads to subdirectory of old path
  • fixed: not the entire area of the action button in tables was clickable
  • fixed: fallback icons for tool buttons not used
  • fixed: fonts in some controls didn't scale with theme config
  • fixed: game info popup didn't update when the path was manually changed
  • fixed: (Morrowind) couldn't scroll in plugin list
  • fixed: (Fallout 3/NV) show modified time instead of install time (like with all other games)
  • fixed: (Fallout 3/NV) better error message if game fails to start due to missing dependencies
  • fixed: (Dragon Age 1) unhandled exception if merging xml fails
  • fixed: (Pillars Of Eternity 2) error message if trying to manage when game was never started before
  • improved: login dialog now shows the url, so users without default browser can still log in
  • improved: warn on nmm import if the import would leave less than 500MB
  • improved: more user-friendly NMM import
  • improved: cleaned up fallout tools (thanks to FayneAldan)
  • improved: include esl in plugin list
  • improved: allow changing group for multiple plugins at once
  • improved: start custom categories at id 1000 (per default) so they don't overlap with nexus categories
  • improved: nicer error messages in various places
  • improved: warn user about putting their mod staging folder into the game folder
  • improved: add option to hide the top-level category
  • improved: disable profile view while a deployment is in progress.
  • improved: performance improvements


Changelog for 0.16.12 (5 November)


  • fixed: unhandled exception on "query info" if archive is missing info
  • fixed: unhandled exception on moving download to a different game if the move failed
  • fixed: exception on startup if the game is no longer installed
  • fixed: exception retrieving list of drives
  • fixed: exception trying to handle certain download errors
  • fixed: exception if active theme directory was deleted
  • fixed: didn't warn re paths in application dir if the input was relative
  • fixed: more informative error message if profile is borked
  • fixed: certain error messages were missing a lot of details
  • fixed: (KOTOR) sanitised file names during install
  • improved: guess mod id during import if NMM didn't store it
  • improved: keep log-in connection to nexusmods alive for longer and handle disconnects graciously
  • improved: updated electron


Changelog for 0.16.11 (30 October)


  • fixed: unhandled exception if the path to the chrome config can't be resolved
  • fixed: unhandled exception switching game with profile edit dialog open
  • fixed: unhandled exception if user cancels opening github issue
  • fixed: rare unhandled exception where importing a module fails
  • fixed: exception on invalid mod rules
  • fixed: null access exception in morrowind plugin list
  • fixed: exception if registry access isn't possible
  • fixed: rare exception on stopping search if the search was finished in that exact moment
  • fixed: rare exception where profile thumbnail had no data
  • fixed: rare exception on close game about the meta db being closed
  • fixed: exception on switching to no profile if savegame transfer was active
  • fixed: exception when closing NMM import dialog
  • fixed: a few other exceptions were unhandled - should still generate error messages
  • fixed: automatic attempt to purge even though no deployment method selected
  • fixed: better error handling when accessing the steam db fails
  • fixed: couple of cases where errors weren't reported correctly
  • fixed: time-remaining display was bugged while process was at 0%
  • fixed: (hopefully) attempt to access .type
  • fixed: (hopefully) fixed attempts to run loot operations after close (during game switch)
  • fixed: failure to open mod page when gameid of download wasn't set
  • fixed: incorrect encoding in info-popovers
  • fixed: incorrect directory used for appdata/local if appdata/roaming had been moved
  • fixed: don't report user-cancelation as an error when replacing userlist
  • fixed: (Dragon Age) error message if mod contains invalid XML file wasn't particularly useful
  • improved: "More" buttons can now contain wiki links
  • improved: Automatically register for nexus links, removed the todo button
  • improved: more descriptive error messages for many of the standard errors
  • improved: reduced flickering loading overlay in the browser dialog
  • improved: more crash dumps for native errors that are otherwise really hard to investigate
  • improved: Rename "Support" page to "Knowledge Base" to better reflect the purpose
  • improved: Don't allow starting the game if there are unsolved file conflicts
  • improved: remind user on import that the imported mods are only enabled in a separate profile
  • improved: (Monster Hunter: World) improved install compatibility
  • feature: added support for Star Wars: KOTOR (1+2)
  • api: added api to add custom functionality to application start


Changelog for 0.16.10 (22 October)


  • feature: added sanity check for invalid mod storage location (may trigger "State invalid" dialog for a few users)
  • fixed: crash (whitescreen) with certain game ini files
  • fixed: exception accessing chrome config file (when applying nxm fix)
  • fixed: exception on reporting certain errors
  • fixed: exception from loot if worker was already terminated
  • fixed: exception on an attempt to restore plugins from savegame with nothing selected
  • fixed: error on attempt to fix oblivion fonts was unhandled
  • fixed: conflict editor didn't open after trying to edit FNIS conflicts
  • fixed: upgrading mod didn't trigger deployment
  • fixed: hidden files were not deployed
  • fixed: user couldn't change mod storage location when no deployment method available
  • fixed: invisible navigation labels could still receive hover events (compact theme)
  • fixed: (dragon age) dazips installed to wrong location
  • improved: added todo steps (dashboard) informing user about where mods/downloads are stored
  • improved: show time remaining on download progress bar
  • improved: show required/available disk space during NMM import
  • improved: polish on the compact theme
  • feature: allow filtering plugin list by mod name


Changelog for 0.16.9 (17 October)


  • fixed: exception about accessing undefined object
  • fixed: exception if steam manifest files were not parseable
  • fixed: exception after external change dialog if file disappeared
  • fixed: exception when canceling dialog to open game folder
  • fixed: exception when column with a textfilter contained non-text items
  • fixed: exception on failed profile switch
  • fixed: exception when deleting the active profile
  • fixed: exception on start after failed mod install if no game active
  • fixed: exception when dragging url to extensions dropzone
  • fixed: exception when trying to download certain non-nexus links
  • fixed: exception applying ini settings
  • fixed: exception when opening a webpage fails
  • fixed: exception sorting plugins if masterlist couldn't be downloaded
  • fixed: exception on startup if previously active game is not supported any more (e.g. because the extension was deleted outside vortex)
  • fixed: exception when switching from gamebryo game to non-gamebryo game
  • fixed: exception after "External Changes" dialog if files were deleted in the meantime
  • fixed: rare exception trying to write to meta database during shutdown
  • fixed: rare exception on notification
  • fixed: profile-local savegames sometimes didn't work
  • fixed: error notification when canceling UAC dialog
  • fixed: left-over deployment manifest after changing deployment method
  • fixed: "Open on Nexus-Mods" opened the wrong page if mod was not installed for the intended game
  • fixed: new category could be created without a name
  • fixed: login button could be pressed again while already in progress
  • fixed: didn't discover updates for mods installed for the "wrong" game
  • fixed: dismissing a todo item triggered it
  • fixed: duplicate buttons in muli-selection list
  • fixed: enabling a mod for not-the-active game triggered deployment for the active game
  • fixed: incorrect unquoting when starting tool in shell
  • fixed: incorrectly placed menues/overlays in modals
  • fixed: leaked event handlers
  • fixed: "open on nexus" links failed if the game (the download was intended for) isn't supported inside vortex
  • fixed: bad timing could create invalid download entries that would produce a (auto-fixable) error on startup
  • fixed: runElevated function didn't resolve correctly
  • fixed: various bugs with move deployment
  • fixed: wrong github url and wrongly claiming issue as new when it isn't
  • fixed: buggy display of profiles for unsupported games (e.g. after the game plugin was disabled)
  • fixed: steam-based game detection failed if reg.exe wasn't executable
  • fixed: switching games could leak processes
  • fixed: FNIS automation failed if profile name contains certain characters (invalid on disk)
  • fixed: (Dragon Age 1&2) dazip mods didn't install to the correct location
  • fixed: (Starbound) was hardcoded to run 32-bit binary
  • fixed: (various Bethesda games) couldn't be started directly from Vortex
  • fixed: (Kingdome Come: Deliverance) exception if mod directory was deleted after Vortex startup
  • fixed: (Witcher 3) Detection via Steam didn't work
  • fixed: (Neverwinter Nights) Detection via Steam didn't work
  • fixed: (Sims 4) Localised versions weren't supported
  • fixed: (Dragons Dogma and maybe other games) import from NMM didn't detect the game
  • fixed: (Oblivion) exception on attempt to fix missing fonts if oblivion.ini is read-only
  • improvement: when application state is repaired, a backup is created
  • improvement: hopefully made error message a bit less scary
  • improvement: some wording improvements
  • improvement: performance improvement when changing game/profile
  • improvement: smarter placement of right-click menus
  • improvement: use full window when zooming fomod images
  • improvement: When clicking "show" from "unsolved conflicts" dialog now clears unrelated filters
  • feature: support for Monster Hunter: World
  • feature: added a slightly more compact theme


Changelog for 0.16.8 (2 October)


  • fixed: download state verification (may trigger repair dialog on startup)
  • fixed: unhandled exception when filtering by category and that category gets deleted
  • fixed: unhandled exception if chrome Local State is a directory
  • fixed: unhandled exception when setting ini parameters failed
  • fixed: validate category name
  • fixed: hard link deployment fell back to move deployment due to temporary fs error
  • fixed: truncated error messages from winapi calls
  • improved: ensure game ini files are writeable


Changelog for 0.16.7 (28 September)


  • Hotfix release


Changelog for 0.16.6 (28 September)


  • fixed: failure to install mods with read-only files/folders (regression)
  • fixed: download binding lost on moving downloads from settings
  • fixed: uncaught exception opening non-existing mod directory
  • fixed: uncaught exception when deleting extensions directory after starting Vortex
  • fixed: uncaught exception trying to open a game directory that's been deleted
  • fixed: exception switching from non-gamebryo game to gamebryo game
  • fixed: some features like "retrieve categories" didn't work in the same session in which the user first logged in
  • fixed: condition for setting access permission in ProgamData were invalid
  • fixed: broken error messages when mod installer fails
  • fixed: rare startup error regarding failure to look up documents directory
  • fixed: invalid download entries on "Install from fomod"
  • fixed: (uncommon) backup files removed during redeployment
  • fixed: several endorsement problems
  • fixed: some games couldn't be found with search discovery
  • fixed: (Dragon's Dogma) failure to run ARCtool.exe
  • improvement: "mod installed"&"mod downloaded" notification get automatically dismissed
  • improvement: better meta information provided for manual downloads
  • improvement: better mod update detection on mods with incomplete meta data
  • improvement: changed name of the file that tags directories as created by vortex
  • improvement: added progress bar during move of download/mods directory
  • improvement: updated to electron 2.0.10
  • improvement: fixed inconsistent capitalisation
  • improvement: more obvious hint that a table filter is active
  • improvement: usability improvements
  • improvement: (No Man's Sky) automatic removal of disablemods.txt
  • feature: allow meta information for downloads to be queried again
  • feature: Support for 3 Mount and Blade games


Changelog for 0.16.5 (18 September)


  • fixed: exception when opening plugins page with no mods installed
  • fixed: exception when trying to download a mod update when not premium
  • fixed: page for the user to provide details on a crash didn't open


Changelog for 0.16.4 (18 September)


  • fixed: upon switching games, plugins.txt of the new game may contain files from the previous one
  • fixed: exception during purge if a directory is changed by an external application
  • fixed: exceptions from dialog actions were uncaught
  • fixed: exception reported when removing a savegame and then canceling the permission dialog
  • fixed: exception due to profile-local save directory not being created
  • fixed: notification on manual quickdiscovery didn't list discovered games
  • fixed: mod category always empty in plugins list
  • fixed: (Dragon Age 2) dazip mod not installed to correct location
  • fixed: (Dragon Age 1+2) game detection not working
  • fixed: (Witcher 3) detection for GOTY edition
  • fixed: (NWN) downloads and meta data lookup not working
  • improved: better chance to recover from invalid application state
  • improved: some improvements to error reporting
  • improved: ui improvements to plugin group editor
  • feature: plugin list now shows a flag for plugins that need attention (e.g. due to missing masters)


Changelog for 0.16.3 (11 September)


  • fixed: incorrect game id used for file downloads
  • fixed: error messages about invalid state
  • fixed: exception opening profile saves directory on new profiles
  • fixed: exception trying to activate NWN classic
  • fixed: uncaught error on failure to update outdated status
  • fixed: application menu wasn't updated for the active game
  • fixed: masterlist wasn't re-read after loot updated it
  • fixed: (NWN) music files were not installed
  • fixed: many spinners didn't spin
  • improved: updated loot-api (should improve sort performance)
  • improved: visual tweaks
  • api: allow page hotkeys without ctrl+shift modifiers


Changelog for 0.16.2 (7 September)


  • fixed: the migration step stripped variables from custom paths instead of keeping them unchanged
  • fixed: when the state had to be repaired on startup, the fixed data might not have been saved to disk
  • fixed: exception when canceling the "Download is for a different game" dialog
  • fixed: exception trying to display description of some mods
  • fixed: exception when an attempt is made to open a non-existent location (directory)
  • fixed: exception if purging ini changes failed
  • fixed: exception trying to open savegame directory for a profile that doesn't have local savegames enabled
  • fixed: rare exception on the external changes dialog, when an invalid action is selectable
  • fixed: changing primary game for a download failed if the old one was not the active game
  • fixed: mods were shown as having an update when they didn't
  • fixed: dynamic mod creation might fail if it's the first mod for a game
  • fixed: rare failure to restart after a crash
  • fixed: migration dialog showed up on a fresh install
  • fixed: crash on initial start-up
  • fixed: plugin view didn't show some masterlist rules
  • fixed: confusing translation (german)
  • improved: on installing a mod, prepend the mod name to the file name if they differ significantly
  • improved: show activity indicator immediately when installing from file
  • improved: a few visual tweaks
  • improved: allow cli to create new values in the store
  • improved: better layout of plugin group editor
  • improved: more robust triggering of plugin autosort
  • improved: performance when switching between mods to display in the sidebar
  • improved: nmm and mo import now import archives by default (can still be disabled)
  • improved: warning if the installed fnis version doesn't support integration
  • improved: fnis data mods are now grouped together as variants of the same mod (only after re-generating them)
  • feature: added support for Neverwinter Nights (original and enhanced version)
  • feature: allow game extensions to provide a "hint" as to what nexus page they map to
  • feature: ability to reset changes to plugin groups


Changelog for 0.16.1 (3 September)


  • fixed: exception on trying to determine fs case sensitivity
  • fixed: exception if the fs allowed us to create a (canary) file but not remove it
  • fixed: exception when categories dict is undefined
  • fixed: exception if chrome user data is empty
  • fixed: exception changing file provider on top level
  • fixed: rare exception during mod install
  • fixed: very rare exception when pausing a download
  • fixed: login wasn't registered in the UI
  • fixed: restored ability to change deployment method from settings
  • fixed: UserCanceled exception after selecting an invalid directory for the migration and then canceling
  • fixed: unset managed profile when removing a profile even when it wasn't the managed one
  • fixed: don't produce error retrieving categories for a game unknown on Nexus
  • fixed: wrong file size displayed when importing large file
  • fixed: failed to install mod for different game than the default
  • fixed: game search couldn't be cancelled
  • fixed: file providers not displayed in right order
  • improved: error handling for permission errors during deployment
  • improved: allow "Retry" on "Access denied" dialogs
  • improved: notify user when dropping an archive that already exists
  • improved: give manually downloaded mods a chance to find updates
  • improved: allow game association of downloads to be removed
  • improved: fomod dialog now shows an option description at startup
  • improved: toolbar actions will now be grouped automatically by icon
  • improved: triple check writing of the deployment manifest
  • improved: give users a chance to delay updating to major releases
  • improved: when pressing "show", apply a matching filter displaying only conflicting mods
  • improved: increased width of Manage Rules dialog
  • improved: correctly display .esp files with the ESL flag
  • improved: slightly reduced cpu load
  • improved: visual tweaks
  • feature: in-application documentation
  • feature: added filter for the plugin status


Changelog for 0.16.0 (22. August 2018)


  • fixed: failure to report error if window is undefined
  • fixed: not all extensible action containers were sorted
  • improved: download path is now set globally, not per game
  • improved: give users a chance to delay updating to major releases
  • improved: warning if downgrading vortex by a major version
  • improved: graciously handle the case where the user tries to set invalid paths for mods or downloads
  • improved: slight visual tweaks to react-select boxes
  • feature: override load order for individual files
  • feature: allow download to be associated with multiple games
  • feature: migration of application state on update if necessary
  • feature: added toggle for desktop notifications
  • feature: "open on nexus mods" action to mod right-click menu
  • feature: Allow filtering by parent categories even when they themselve don't contain anything
  • feature: path preview in mod settings clickable
  • api: now consists only of type declarations, not code
  • api: easier api for access to install/download paths


Changelog for 0.15.9 (13 August 2018)


  • fixed: further fomod compatibility fix
  • fixed: (Pillars of Eternity 2) mods were marked incompatible with the current game version when they weren't


Changelog for 0.15.8 (11 August 2018)


  • fixed: failure to install some fomods
  • fixed: exception regarding meta db during game switch
  • fixed: exception in symlink deployment if elevated process dies early
  • fixed: exception if tray icon couldn't be initialised or clicked when the window is already destroyed
  • fixed: exception if a profile gets deleted with a deployment scheduled
  • fixed: exception during startup if incomplete download is saved without installationPath set
  • fixed: exception when download is stored without a game id
  • fixed: unhandled exception when trying to run tool without executable set
  • fixed: automatically clean up mods without an installationPath
  • fixed: initial dashboard layout ignored default position
  • fixed: notifications with a title but no message were counted in the banner but not displayed
  • fixed: categories weren't shown immediately after being added
  • fixed: fall back to cmd-based opn in case ffi can't be used for some reason
  • fixed: Dashlets weren't re-layouted upon becoming visible from invisible
  • fixed: "Missing: undefined" error message
  • fixed: left nav bar size was jumping when switching pages
  • improvement: keep (some) attributes when reinstalling a mod
  • improvement: graciously handle error to open mod meta database
  • improvement: better feedback for mod update checks
  • improvement: more gracious handling of user cancellation during purging and mod removal


Changelog for 0.15.7 (3 August 2018)


  • fixed: rejecting the uac dialog on game/tool start triggered an error message
  • fixed: rejecting the uac dialog on symlink deployment triggered an error message and no further deployments were possible
  • fixed: table filters didn't actually work in simple mode
  • fixed: file date for plugins wasn't update (which is required for load ordering on older games)
  • fixed: (pillars of eternity 2) exception when opening load order view before installing any mods
  • fixed: unhandled exception if github changelog message wasn't parseable
  • fixed: exception if changelogs weren't received in time
  • fixed: "Open Savegames" was offered for unsupported games
  • improved: show mod name in the "mod already installed" dialog
  • improved: allow users to browse to releases older than the installed one


Changelog for 0.15.6 (1 August 2018)


  • fixed: problem installing many fomods
  • fixed: X-Rebirth mods didn't deploy
  • fixed: empty mod name field if mod has no attributes
  • fixed: exception when removing a mod when multiselected, with open details pane
  • fixed: exception in table component if raw data source in filter is undefined or null
  • fixed: automatically clean up downloads without localPath set
  • improved: enable "guessing" the mod id for uninstalled mods as well
  • feature: minimize-to-tray (left-click on the tray icon)


Changelog for 0.15.5 (30 Juli 2018)


  • fixed: many available mod updates were not recognized
  • fixed: fomod api function to retrieve file lists returned empty list
  • fixed: file list returned by fomod api didn't have prefix stripped
  • fixed: enbs would install as empty mods
  • fixed: some cases of "source and destination are the same file" errors
  • fixed: crash if the game extension throws an exception in queryModPath
  • fixed: crash if ipc connection to LOOT was closed unexpectedly
  • fixed: crash in check for invalid userlist
  • fixed: very rare crash on cleaning up ipc for elevated symlink deployment
  • fixed: exceptions during profile switch
  • fixed: exception on activating game that is no longer available
  • fixed: exception during mod reinstall
  • fixed: exception caused by vortex updating savegames while the game is running
  • fixed: exception on failure to write plugins.txt
  • fixed: exception if source ini file is missing archive section
  • fixed: exception when closing Vortex while a meta-data query is still being processed
  • fixed: potential exception when no profile is active
  • fixed: rare exception during external changes handling
  • fixed: some table columns wouldn't redraw on update
  • fixed: under certain circumstances the move deployment would not undeploy correctly
  • fixed: when maximising vortex would remember the maximised window size instead of the windowed size
  • fixed: when reporting certain error messages thed didn't add to existing reports but create a new one
  • fixed: error reports from fs functions would sometimes contain the wrong stack
  • fixed: concurrent deployment was still possible if the second was triggered by a mod remove
  • fixed: layout of feedback page in small windows
  • fixed: couldn't set requires/incompatible rules on plugins
  • fixed: group dependencie graph broken after removing a group with an ampersand in the name
  • fixed: after switching profiles, the new ini files weren't available until next deployment
  • fixed: (fallout 3/nv) wrong creation time
  • fixed (maybe): startup exception related to loading of native modules
  • fixed (maybe): failure to open websites from vortex
  • fixed (maybe): exceptions regarding esps being open in another application
  • improved: various small visual tweak
  • improved: increases number of retries on fs.remove calls (for particularly slow AVs I guess)
  • improved: allow tests to be rerun when they provide to "fix" action
  • improved: quicklauncher placeholder when there is only one game managed
  • improved: install mods even when errors were reported (because there are so many broken installers)
  • improved: "tools" and "calientetools" recognized as top-level directory in mods
  • improved: case insensitive download sorting
  • improved: less abrupt shortening of rss messages
  • improved: added refresh button to news dashlet
  • improved: better performance, especially during mod download and installation
  • improved: table filters no longer limited to advanced mode
  • improved: better chances a download can be resumed
  • improved: only sort/evaluate rules for enabled mods
  • improved: better readability of game names in quick launcher
  • improved: confirmation dialog before purging (not sure if that's an improvement...)
  • improved: clearer wording on the "external changes" dialog
  • improved: make better use of the available space in the starter dashlet
  • improved: nicer error messages from elevated fs operations
  • improved: automatically "repair" empty userlist
  • improved: mod name can be displayed as column on plugins page
  • improved: better error handling for case where fomod references a folder where a file is expected
  • improved: better heuristic to avoid adding a second "data" directory level on fomod install
  • improved: removed LOOT as preconfigured application (confused too many people since the functionality is embedded)
  • improved: (witcher 3) automatic detection when installed through steam
  • improved: (war thunder) not detected correctly
  • improved: (sims 4) offer 64bit binary as start option
  • feature: added fnis integration (running fnis automatically as necessary)
  • feature: warn if a mod is not compatible with the game version (currently works only for PoE2 mods)
  • feature: (Pillars of Eternity 2) load order management
  • feature: allow tools and game to be started from windows tasklist
  • feature: option to allow tools to be run in a shell when they need it
  • feature: added a refresh button for the tools on the starter dashlet (to re-run automatic detection)
  • feature: added mod variant attribute (improves the situation where you install a mod multiple times)
  • feature: changelog dashlet
  • feature: add savegames folder for a specific profile


Changelog for 0.15.4 (6 Juli 2018)


  • fixed: exception rendering mod version column
  • fixed: exception if download is stored without chunk list
  • fixed: exception updating table
  • fixed: exception in external changes dialog
  • fixed: exception due to incorrectly stored mod
  • fixed: exception if deployment finalize was called out of sequence
  • fixed: exception during shutdown from asynchronous plugin-sync operation
  • fixed: potential exception if userlist/masterlist empty or contains nulls
  • fixed: exception if active game is (no longer) discovered
  • fixed: incorrect "update available" claim for "miscellaneous" files
  • fixed: some untranslatable elements
  • fixed: automatic cleanup for duplicate download entries
  • fixed: menues didn't close after clicking action
  • fixed: potential failure to discover games via steam
  • fixed: error message from version dropdown button
  • fixed: during deployment backups of existing files weren't actually created
  • fixed: "has update" filter didn't show all relevant mods
  • fixed: running tools as admin was broken
  • fixed: error when mod meta data can't be found
  • fixed: installer would not install any files with a path starting in "fomod"
  • fixed: dependency connector line would stop updating once the source is outside the screen
  • fixed: exception when using indexlock when plugin disappears from load order
  • fixed: could attempt to create an invalid load order
  • fixed: no longer warn about the installed version being outdated if it's newer than the latest stable
  • improvement: automatically trigger deployment when reinstalling enabled mods
  • improvement: show mod update activity indicator for at least 2 seconds
  • improvement: added navigation capabilities to the integrated browser
  • improvement: more graceful handling when the user isn't logged in and tries to start a nexus download
  • improvement: download progress filter options now cover all download states
  • improvement: clarified that the dropzone may support multiple items
  • improvement: will now highlight the target plugin row when dragging a dependency connection
  • improvement: updated loot
  • feature: support for Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire
  • feature: added filter on dependencies column to search for mods with conflicts


Changelog for 0.15.3 (28 June 2018)


  • fixed: error reports would fail if the user wasn't logged in
  • fixed: duplicate mod entries
  • fixed: would sometimes show an old notification again instead of the latest one
  • fixed: exception when search paths are inaccessible
  • fixed: exception when a mod with no attributes makes it into the database
  • fixed: exception trying to transfer between profiles when the game never had mods installed
  • fixed: exception when ini changes introduce a new section
  • fixed: exception when removing mods when no deployment method available
  • fixed: exception during deployment in move deployment
  • fixed: exception trying to show notification balloon with missing parameters
  • fixed: exception when userlist can't be read
  • fixed: rare exception when a download has been interrupted
  • fixed: error message when removing mod while deployment active
  • fixed: replace deployment manifest in an atomic operation to prevent reads of partial file
  • fixed: table selection could get messed up
  • fixed: Vortex no longer "forgets" user is premium on every start
  • fixed: registered globally as handler for http protocol
  • fixed: code acquiring write access to locked files might unlock the wrong file (source instead of destination)
  • fixed: external change detection broken for some games
  • fixed: more graciously handling of the case where a modtype is no longer deployable
  • fixed: errors caused by broken steam installs
  • fixed: elevated file operations sometimes failed
  • fixed: display errors in download graph
  • fixed: locked plugin index wasn't always applied correctly, also didn't update immediately
  • fixed: notes were displayed for uninstalled mods but wouldn't be saved
  • fixed: failure to enable profile-specific save games
  • fixed: import from NMM could fail if archives were missing
  • fixed: meta data editor was offered for unfinished downloads (and would then fail)
  • improved: no longer show premium banners to supporters
  • improved: date picker widget
  • improved: feedback that feedback was received
  • improved: warn (once) when starting vortex as administrator
  • improved: better download behavior on very fast internet connections
  • improved: performance improvements
  • improved: no longer try to make the user-selected mod/download directories writable
  • improved: will now write out native plugins to plugins.txt for games where tools expect that
  • improved: case insensitive sort in various columns
  • improved: prevent sending invalid feedback (which would otherwise be refused by the server)
  • improved: gedosato modtype will now also apply if textures are in png format
  • improved: updated german translations (thanks to dertrutinator)
  • feature: download/mod dropzone and download graph toggleable
  • feature: progress bar during deployment
  • feature: a history of redux events can now be reported with a feedback message
  • feature: issue tracker dashlet
  • feature: feedback title
  • feature: added ability for user to select mod type
  • feature: enb modtype (manual selection only)
  • feature: Can now automatically clean up groups that disappeared from the master list


Changelog for 0.15.2 (6 June 2018)


  • fixed: exception when a mod has no attributes stored internally
  • fixed: unhandled exception when writing to download file fails
  • fixed: exception removing rule from mod dependency graph
  • fixed: some exceptions during dl wrap-up were not handled
  • fixed: rare exceptions on unusual state change
  • fixed: rare exception when table actions change
  • fixed: workaround for a very rare failure to initialise the tray icon
  • fixed: message boxes when asking to elevate
  • fixed: invalid state when moving back and forth in some installers
  • fixed: 7z was still at version 16.04 in previous 0.15 releases
  • fixed: witcher 3 (maybe other games?) couldn't be started from Vortex
  • fixed: stoppatterns weren't applied for stateofdecay
  • fixed: uncaught exception if loadorder.txt or plugins.txt was deleted outside vortex
  • fixed: no longer report user cancelation as an error when writing plugin list
  • fixed: error handling in nmm import
  • improved: performance during deployment (and any fs operation really)
  • improved: give up eventually if the database is locked
  • improved: better error handling when connections to the api fail
  • improved: handling more errors related to archives disappearing unexpectedly
  • improved: elevated symlink deployment no longer an option when run as admin
  • improved: more reliably acquire write permissions on permission error
  • feature: added an attribute so users can set the nexus game section for a mod
  • various: removed bright theme (broken and unmaintained)


Changelog for 0.15.1 (29 May 2018)


  • fixed: exception on settings screen if no chrome installed
  • fixed: exception on startup when the active game had been moved/uninstalled since the last start
  • fixed: exception redrawing game thumbnail due to bad timing
  • fixed: exception in keyboard navigation in tables
  • fixed: exception when trying to render description on mod that didn't have one
  • fixed: exception trying to show notification triggered in main process
  • fixed: exception when trying to start game if primary tool is no longer configured
  • fixed: exception dismissing a notification that was already gone
  • fixed: exception if a file entry in the manifest is null
  • fixed: exception in move deployment if link was missing
  • fixed: exception when clicking on notification buttons after Vortex had to restart from a crash
  • fixed: exception installing mods with nested installers
  • fixed: potential exception opening detail pane during mod re-install
  • fixed: very rare exception trying to initiate a download on a vortex that's still loading
  • fixed: Name column in downloads could be empty
  • fixed: another location where network errors may not have been caught
  • fixed: failed to run tools that required elevation
  • fixed: clicking game thumbnail button triggered event twice
  • fixed: error handling for ini baking wasn't working properly
  • fixed: if the list of tools for a game overflows, some items may become inaccessible
  • fixed: certain download errors were not handled
  • fixed: action-buttons without text also didn't have tooltips
  • fixed: category-actions were displayed incorrectly
  • fixed: it was still possible to start concurrent deployments
  • fixed: action lists weren't sorted by the provided position
  • fixed: symlink deployment couldn't overwrite files
  • fixed: unnecessary backup and exception during deployment
  • fixed: error message when determining case sensitivity for a drive
  • fixed: .fomod files weren't shown on download page
  • fixed: update to loot (0.13.3) should fix group-related sorting issues
  • fixed: some loot rules weren't shown in vortex
  • fixed: various issues regarding loot group assignment
  • fixed: inverted order when sorting savegames by character level
  • fixed: (dragon age) failure to update addins.xml if source file was invalid xml (e.g. empty)
  • fixed: (witcher 2) exception trying to prepare for modding
  • improved: better error message when an interpreter is missing
  • improved: better error handling for a few broken fomod installers
  • improved: some visual tweaks
  • improved: slight improvement to error reporting on failure to resume download
  • improved: more fs function will now be able to (on user request) deal with locked files
  • improved: better handling of the error case that the download/mods directory has become invalid
  • improved: changed wording on update settings and in "about" dialog to avoid confusion
  • improved: a few sanity checks to loot userlist
  • improved: updated arctool url


Changelog for 0.15.0 (15 May 2018)


  • fixed: incorrect ordering by category
  • fixed: duplicate category entries in filter
  • fixed: various issues related to toggling between versions of a mod
  • fixed: failure to run code elevated
  • fixed: game launcher (top left) could contain games that were no longer discovered
  • fixed: some error messages were sent incompletely
  • fixed: errors from downloading an update weren't caught correctly
  • fixed: not the entire button area of the action dropdown buttons was clickable
  • fixed: checkIfFileExists and getExistingDataFile in c# installers could return incorrect value
  • fixed: rare bug where during deployment different types of changes were discovered for the same file
  • fixed: moving mod directories failed if the source directory was missing
  • fixed: notification message and title with dynamic content were not properly localizable
  • fixed: "continue" was offered as an option after 7z reported it can't open an archive at all
  • fixed: native file dialogs were not modal
  • fixed: exception when activating a game that is no longer discovered
  • fixed: potential exception when applying ini changes
  • fixed: warning about installing mod/download into app directory didn't work on release builds
  • fixed: removing environment variables on tools didn't work
  • fixed: potential attempt to remove invalid file path
  • fixed: no longer allowing reporting of invalid installers
  • fixed: disk search functions could throw an exception if a directory was deleted during the search
  • fixed: exception when server response is missing mod info
  • fixed: better quick discovery for several games
  • fixed: native plugins weren't treated as such when they were moved to a mod directory
  • fixed: fomod installer would sometimes emit copy-file instructions when it should emit create-directory
  • fixed: Corrected XCOM 2 and Skyrim VR extension and game name (thanks to oabdellatif)
  • fixed: (Dragon Age) creating necessary directories for
  • fixed: (X-Rebirth) mods refused to install if any attribute in content.xml was missing
  • fixed: (Witcher 3) some mods weren't installed
  • fixed: (Starbound) wasn't prepared (correctly) for modding
  • fixed: (Witcher 2) wasn't prepared (correctly) for modding
  • improved: updated electron (and in extension Node and Chrome)
  • improved: several performance improvements
  • improved: download list shows only known archive types
  • improved: when setting the mod id manually, Vortex will now also take author and category info from nexus
  • improved: manually added downloads now get meta info assigned from the meta db
  • improved: can now change category on uninstalled mods
  • improved: automatic restart in case of native crash
  • improved: hard-link deployment no longer offered on FSes that don't support it
  • improved: columns used for sorting and filtering are now highlighted
  • improved: the chrome protocol handler fix now uses the active chrome profile if it's not Default
  • improved: somewhat more intuitive handling of mod dependencies when it comes to updating
  • improved: (optionally) using readable names for downloads
  • improved: (subnautica) better installer support
  • improved: about dialog now shows release date and changelog of the installed vortex version
  • improved: will now try to change access on ini files if write permission missing
  • improved: no longer reporting problem to check for updates as notification
  • improved: redesigned game menu to allow more functions
  • improved: can now change the game location after it was detected
  • improved: default to "any version" when creating rule for mod without semantic versioning
  • improved: will use its own copy of the loot masterlist now
  • improved: workaround tab will now show a placeholder if it's empty for the active game
  • improved: added support for older xmlscript schemas
  • improved: better names for some game extensions (thanks to oabdellatif)
  • improved: german translation massively improved (thanks to dertrutinator and M4lik)
  • improved: ARCtool.exe for Dragon's Dogma is now bundled (thanks to FluffyQuack)
  • feature: updated to loot 0.13
  • feature: group editor for loot
  • feature: added context (right-click) menu to tables
  • feature: progress bar during mod install
  • feature: added experimental link-less deployment
  • feature: add extension for Stardew Valley (thanks to Pathoschild)


Changelog for 0.14.3 (3 May 2018)


  • updated 7zip to 18.05 (fixes a serious security flaw)
  • (please note: 0.14.2 was skipped because of reasons)


Changelog for 0.14.1 (9 Apr 2018)


  • fixed: some inconsistent styling on plugins page (thanks to oabdellatif)
  • fixed: non-steam versions of Morrowind weren't discovered (thanks to oabdellatif)
  • fixed: incorrect installation of mods with a certain directory structure (data directory on the top level)
  • fixed: attempt to create invalid download filename
  • fixed: bug in fs-extra could delete download files
  • fixed: unhandled exception when trying to import a temporary file
  • fixed: unhandled exception during dependency drag&drop
  • fixed: unhandled exception when dismissing the "vortex crashed last time" notification
  • fixed: unhandled exception if the version.xml file for WoT is missing/broken
  • fixed: unhandled exception during mo import when a mod has no archive associated
  • fixed: vortex could get stuck on certain errors during game switch
  • fixed: a bunch of related errors that could occur when dragging an html page to the download dropzone
  • fixed: EXDEV error when moving mods/downloads across drives
  • fixed: exception when switching to shared mode
  • fixed: profile editor no longer offers features that aren't supported for the current game
  • improvements: some improvements to german localisation (thanks to dertrutinator)
  • improvements: api to help extensions provide localisation functionality
  • improvements: updated loot to 0.12.5
  • improvements: notification titles are now localizable
  • improvements: went back on keeping notifications closed on success/info notifications


Changelog for 0.14.0 (pre-release) (4 Apr 2018)


  • fixed: exception about unmounted DOM nodes
  • fixed: exception when trying to resume a dl when vortex doesn't have a url
  • fixed: exception in settings dialog when game isn't properly discovered
  • fixed: exception on certain operations relating to OneDrive directories
  • fixed: exception about updating ini files (this was supposed to be in the last release but wasn't)
  • fixed: mod dependencies were not reliably applied
  • fixed: file times of downloads was not saved
  • fixed: no longer offering to endorse your own mods
  • fixed: bad timing while setting up tools could cause entire directories to be copied
  • fixed: "In Progress" download filter didn't include active downloads
  • fixed: it was possible to delete mods while they were being installed (causing exceptions later on)
  • fixed: it was possible to deploy while a purge was ongoing (causing an external change dialog straight from hell)
  • fixed: reference with * as version didn't match all non-semver versions
  • fixed: external changes dialog didn't work correctly in "show files" mode
  • fixed: ctrl-a on tables selected everything, ignoring filters
  • fixed: tools with the relative tag were reset on start
  • fixed: "View Meta Data" didn't work correctly if the selected download wasn't for the active game
  • fixed: after changing download meta info the change wasn't reflected until next restart
  • fixed: KC:D - exception when user deletes Mods directory after setting Vortex up to mod it
  • fixed: Game search could be sent into an endless loop using symlinks/junction points (thanks M4lik for the fix)
  • improvement: attempt to make notifications less obnoxious
  • improvement: some performance improvements
  • improvement: fewer error messages caused by server load
  • feature: added support for Skyrim VR
  • feature: added "mod author" column
  • feature: can now use .jar, .py and .vbs files as executable for tools


Changelog for 0.13.6 (26 Mar 2018)


  • fixed: launched mutliple applications from Start option in taskbar menu
  • fixed: exception when resuming downloads
  • fixed: exception in table row selection
  • fixed: exception on changing ini files
  • fixed: exception during mod merge if source file is missing
  • fixed: exception when looking up steam registry key fails
  • fixed: exception opening settings when no mods were installed
  • fixed: elevated symlink deployment failed
  • fixed: variables in mod paths are now case-insensitive
  • fixed: disabling automatic updates didn't work
  • fixed: mod table sometimes doesn't update after install order is calculated
  • fixed: mo import reported failure if an archive is missing
  • fixed: installer got stuck when there were multiple "recommended" options in a SelectExactlyOne group
  • improvement: api extensions
  • improvement: some error messages improved
  • improvement: ignore file conflicts on meta.ini and mod.manifest files
  • feature: support for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 1.3
  • feature: support for Subautica (thanks to cybercatgurrl)
  • feature: support for Kerbal Space Program (thanks to cybercatgurrl)
  • feature: graphical view for mod cycles (wip)
  • feature: support for deleting state from command line
  • feature: mod cycle warning now disappears when the cycle is resolved
  • feature: holding ctrl while creating a plugin rule creates an "after" rule without dialog


Changelog for 0.13.5 (8 Mar 2018)


  • fixed: one case of exception "access to undefined"
  • fixed: buttons on update notification didn't work
  • fixed: exception when morrowind wasn't discovered
  • feature: sanity check for customised mod/download directory
  • feature: showing changelog in update notification


Changelog for 0.13.4 (Pre-Release) (6 Mar 2018)


  • fixed: exception opening game path from info popover
  • fixed: exception when opening details for an incompletely installed mod
  • fixed: exception in diagonstics file dialog
  • fixed: exception when a default application doesn't return 0
  • fixed: exception when loot fails to initialize
  • fixed: exception when Vortex falls back to having no active game
  • fixed: (No Man's Sky) exception when mod directory didn't exist
  • fixed: (Dragon Age) exception when AddIns.xml was missing
  • fixed: (TESO) typo in name
  • fixed: (Oblivion) exception when there was no Fonts section in oblivion.ini
  • fixed: "DataFileExists" function in fomods didn't work
  • fixed: ini tweaks weren't reliably applied
  • fixed: missing icons
  • fixed: form input didn't store changes when validation returned a warning
  • fixed: manually added files showed as 0 bytes size
  • fixed: mod merging didn't work reliably (Dragon's Dogma, Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
  • fixed: retry downloading chunks on connection reset
  • fixed: priority boxes in plugin page accepted invalid input
  • fixed: NMM Import didn't find Fallout New Vegas instances
  • fixed: NMM Import didn't associate archives with the corresponding mod (causing duplicate entries)
  • fixed: MO Import didn't associate archives with the corresponding mod (causing duplicate entries)
  • fixed: "missing masters" notification didn't disappear when switching to an unsupported game
  • fixed: failed to read savegames with non-ascii characters in the name
  • fixed: scary error message when fomod prerequisits were unfulfilled
  • fixed: bad/uninformative error messages
  • performance: avoid unnecessary table updates
  • performance: updated loot to v0.12.4
  • feature: Vortex will now offer to make download, mod and game data directory writable if necessary
  • feature: BSA redirection for older bethesda games
  • feature: Ctrl+W no longer closes Vortex
  • feature: added simple plugin management for morrowind
  • feature: (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) merging of user.cfg files


Changelog for 0.13.3 (20 Feb 2018)


  • fixed: fomod installer failed in 0.13.2
  • fixed: some Witcher 3 mods failed to install


Changelog for 0.13.2


  • added basic support for Kingdom Come: Deliverance
  • enabled automatic updating
  • fixed: wrong location detected for No Mans Sky (thanks to ObsidianMinor)
  • fixed: XML fomod install fails for mods that use empty destination paths for files
  • fixed: exception when Steam isn't found
  • fixed: exception when managing a game
  • fixed: exception when no categories for a game are set
  • fixed: exception when clicking continue in NMM import when the settings haven't been read yet/successfully
  • fixed: exception trying to open mod directories containing ampersands in their name
  • fixed: failure to look up meta info for Fallout 4 VR and TESO mods that weren't downloaded through Vortex.
  • fixed: exception parsing some loot masterlists
  • fixed: check to prevent saving duplicate rules in loot userlist
  • fixed: loot rule popover had unrestricted height
  • better error reporting in various places
  • user-installed extensions can now override bundled ones
  • reduced input lag when entering mod notes
  • reduced cpu load when Vortex is idle


Changelog for 0.13.1


  • removed lock screen (requiring login before using vortex)
  • slight improvement to error handling


Changelog for 0.13.0


  • Executable signed
  • proper detection for tools that get installed inside the game directory
  • added mod name and category to plugin list
  • disabled enb modtype detection plugin for the moment
  • slightly more pleasant error dialogs
  • Add N/A option to endorsement filter
  • archive invalidation will now redate DLCs
  • updated morrowind image
  • fixed: odd offset in progress bars
  • fixed: exception about access to undefined
  • fixed: duplicate mod entries
  • fixed: broken icon on starter when a tool had no icon configured
  • fixed: exception about unmounted nodes
  • fixed: Fallout4VrCustom.ini was deprecated by recent update
  • window can now be moved while a dialog is open (with custom toolbar)
  • fixed: "Open in File Manager" option shown on uninstalled mods
  • fixed: input validation for loot priorities didn't work correctly
  • fixed: not all masterlist rules were displayed
  • fixed: mo import failed for new vegas
  • fixed: mod sorting could fail if a mod had an invalid version set
  • fixed: c# installers can now report errors properly
  • fixed: installer progress bar didn't go to the end
  • fixed: exception when dragging a directory on the download/mods page


Changelog for 0.12.9


  • updated loot api for fo4 vr support
  • improved smootheness of form input
  • plugin priorities can now be set on multiple plugins at once
  • fixed: starting elevated processes failed in release build
  • fixed: plugins activity indicator didn't stop after loot error
  • fixed: invalid savegames could cause exception
  • fixed: exception reported for a non-issue in the nmm importer
  • fixed: error when trying to re-install mod that was not downloaded from nexus
  • fixed: no longer tries to update tool icon constantly while entering exe path
  • fixed: missing icon for plugins that failed to parse
  • fixed: crash when trying to reinstall unknown mod
  • fixed: crash when removing mod
  • fixed: attempts to access unmounted DOM nodes
  • fixed: newly created profiles didn't immediately have a directory created
  • improved some error messages


Changelog for 0.12.8


  • added extension to lock mods to a specific mod index
  • fixed: cleaning up interrupted downloads could cause an exception
  • fixed: datetime filter could cause an exception
  • fixed: exception when downloading a mod if the user deleted the downloads directory
  • fixed: exception when trying to reinstall multiple mods
  • fixed: failed to install xml fomods that didn't have at least one installer page
  • fixed: network errors when resolving nexus urls were not caught
  • fixed: readonly table attributes were not correctly disabled
  • fixed: savegame page didn't show anything for fallout games
  • fixed: "Moved Permanently" server error caused two error messages
  • fixed: another crash when no activator is selected
  • fixed: display error when notification got too wide
  • fixed: potential crash when splash screen gets terminated
  • fixed: starting download from url manually
  • fixed: unhandled exception when user somehow manages to start unconfigured tool
  • fixed: some error notifications didn't have a report button when they should
  • limited height of quicklaunch dropdown
  • limited number of entries in the download progress "footer"
  • scripted fomod installer will no longer report SetLoadOrder as unsupported
  • visual tweaks
  • better error message in various locations


Changelog for 0.12.7


  • Fixed a series of bugs regarding the resuming of interrupted downloads
  • Fixed mods installed from manually added downloads would have duplicates in the mod list
  • Warning about the search discovery can't be cancelled
  • Fixed build error on crash dumper
  • Lock screen will now show errors and activity
  • Prevent middle-click from opening new windows
  • Improved error reporting on Nexus API errors
  • Fixed menu z-order on modals
  • Mod list now has a separate drop zone and dropping files there doesn't install them but copies the archives over
  • Fixed crash when using pageup/pagedown on tables
  • Better error reporting when trying to deploy/purge without a deployment method set up
  • Fixed rename during mod install didn't work
  • Fixed exception when server sent an invalid download URL
  • Fixed LOOT ordering for Fallout 4 VR (using regular Fallout 4 for now)
  • Fixed Nexus API didn't stop processing a response even when the status indicated an error
  • Fixed cleanup of failed download
  • Fixed open Nexus page for TESO opened the wrong page
  • Fixed failure to start elevated process wasn't reported
  • Fixed profiles didn't show the enabled features correctly
  • Fixed avoid trying to resume download that was never fully initialised
  • Fixed errors during (manual) purge were not reported
  • Fixed attempts to open settings page programmatically failed
  • NMM import now shows an activity indicator while reading mods
  • Fixed exception when MO mod directory could not be read
  • Support for importing SSE from MO


stable: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1
testing: Install the stable release, then go to settings->Vortex and change the update channel to "Beta"

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