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Need help identifying a Mod. (ID Ref Included)


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Okay, so traveling the waste I come upon a Gunner outpost.

Now I am no fashionista; but darlin' this is not my color or theirs for the matter. So I'd love help trying to find the culprit!

I was able to get a glance at said inventory of one of them before they were looted by my.. more than clepto companions.
So here is the ID I could grab, tried dropping one on the ground and it just vanishes.

I was wondering is there a way to get the number for the load order ID, I tried Help as you can see but maybe I am remembering how to get the ID wrong.

Edited by kaedegames
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The first two digits (00) are the load order number of the main file. The 00 would indicate it is part of the base game.

Oh no no!

Sorry please Look at the code I use in the Help command!

(will edit so others do not mistake it!)


The first two digits is the load order number of the mod. Look in your mod manager and find the mod with that number.

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The first two digits (00) are the load order number of the main file. The 00 would indicate it is part of the base game.

Oh no no!

Sorry please Look at the code I use in the Help command!

(will edit so others do not mistake it!)


The first two digits is the load order number of the mod. Look in your mod manager and find the mod with that number.


I really do wish you actually looked at it. It would save mine and yours time.

No offense intended just a little annoyed; But Non-the less, the first 2 are not digits. (Edit: as a side note I do appreciate the help though, not wanting to seem Like I do not appreciate Your time.)


it is 0B000818


Which is why I was asking for help finding how I could see what that item's true ID was.

unless B has a numerical value I am not aware of.


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It's the first two symbols , if you want to be padentic (it consists of digits and letters)

so yeah , you want to find the plugin with the priority 0B in your load order


If the ID is for the outfit , your problem is actually missing textures (missing textures show up as purple in the game)

so you probably installed the mod incorrectly , or are just missing some files (though it could be an error on the mod's part , but you should check the mod's page to see if it is so)

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It's the first two symbols , if you want to be padentic (it consists of digits and letters)

so yeah , you want to find the plugin with the priority 0B in your load order


If the ID is for the outfit , your problem is actually missing textures (missing textures show up as purple in the game)

so you probably installed the mod incorrectly , or are just missing some files (though it could be an error on the mod's part , but you should check the mod's page to see if it is so)

Gosh I am Dumb AF, I was going off of how another ID system works (going off of the index #)

Well yes it is a missing texture issue. I Literally just found another piece with a Similar issue.


I am so stupid sometimes, UGH!

Sorry to waste y'all's time :wallbash:

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