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Weapon effect "on" armor?


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I want to create an armor piece, when you equip it you gain a weapon enchantment like fire dmg, knockback or whatever that strikes your enemy every time you hit him.


Atm you can only add enchantments to armor that contains "self" effects, no "fire and forget" types...so how to solve that?


Maybe using a script, when you equip armor XXX you gain a perk that adds a weapon enchantment or whatever? Or is there armor ingame that provides such an effect that i could reverse engineer (since i have no big idea 'bout scripts)?


Would really appreciate any help, can't continue on my 2h hammer mod without this knowledge :(


thx & greetings

Edited by ghosu
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Could someone pls tell me why this isn't working?




Just added a perk, condition is that i have to equip the armor piece and the perk entry is the spell effect i've taken from the sword bleeding perk for testing purposes - no perk owner / weapon / targert conditions on the perk entry so it works 24/7 on all items, but ingame I've got no bleeding effect.

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Create a new base effect. Copy one of the Fire spell effects. Change delivery to Fire and Forget, and Contact (as opposed to target).


Create a new spell. Copy one of the Bleeding Perk spells. Delete the bleeding and add your On Contact Fire effect.


Create a new perk. Use Entry Point 'Apply Combat Hit Spell.' Choose your new spell.


Create your armor.


Create a script that adds the perk to the actor who equips your armor. For reference, check the Silver Sword script. Its a perfect template for this. Just change the perk name in the script (both instances.)


Add the script to your armor


Auto-fill the properties of your script



This should get you the desired effect. The Toolset is a bug ridden mess, however, and sometimes refuses to recognize perfectly arranged Scripts. I used the same script as a template five times for the same thing. Four times worked, the fifth failed completely. Literally the same script every time, just with different perks for each script. Four worked; the fifth failed. You might see this a time or three.



So, be warned...its a difficult thing to deal with, but this should work.

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