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I need help with adding a prefix to my armor add ons, in the same way that ballistic weave does already.

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SOLVED: After reading over my own post I noticed the missing instance naming in my edited armors. See attachments 3 and 4 on the left side.



So I made this very simple mod



It works fine, except only clothing that can be ballistic weave'd in the vanilla game gets the prefix "armored" after the upgrade.


I found the instance naming rules for ballistic weave and created new entries for each of my new linings, then created keywords and linked those to the new names in the instance naming list. (attachment 1)


I then added those keywords to my object modifiers (which are the old ballistic weave modifiers). (attachment 2)


The new names work in game, but once again only on clothing that could get the "armored" name in the unmodded game. So I can have "leather lined dirty black suit" but when I leather line the drifter outfit it just stays as "drifter outfit"


Is there a list somewhere of clothing that can receive the new name? I looked everywhere in form lists and couldn't find anything for ballistic weave, or even legendary weapons since they receive new names in the same way. I really expected there to be some list with all potential "armored" clothing on it that I would have to copy everything to.


I am very new to instance naming, form lists, and anything related to that so if anybody could point me in the general direction or give me a hint it would be very helpful and would let me truly finish my mod.


I also do not see any difference in the actual armors themselves between vanilla armor and armor that I added the ballistic weave keywords to. Maybe there is something else I need to do there that I am missing? attachment 3 is an armor that gets the prefix, attachment 4 is an armor that doesn't (ballistic weave added by my mod)

Edited by bretton
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Oh my god not 3 seconds after I post this I just figured it out, it was right there the whole time. Look at attachments 3 and 4. On the left side there is a thing that says "instance naming"... I didn't add dn_clothes which is where all the ballistic weave names are located. I'm going to totally add a new category and see how much stuff I can get. How cool would it be to have a "asbestos coated scrap padded hazmat suit". I can make use of the science perks now and make what I originally wanted to make.


Solved. I'm not sure if I should just delete this or not, I don't post here much. If I can figure out how to mark it solved I will. Thanks all.


That was seriously bugging me for days.

Edited by bretton
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