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Skyrim Crash when Data Files are enabled


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Hello. I am having a problem with my Skyrim game crashing only when I enable the data files. I am trying to enable them so I can get the mods I've downloaded to work properly, but every time I add the line bEnableFileSelection=1 , Skyrim will launch but then crash. When I delete the bEnableFileSelection=1 from my skyim ini , Skyrim works again. Any ideas on why this is happening? Or are there any other options I can do to get my mods to work and yet not have to enable these data files? Please help and Thank you so much for reading this
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Well, let's run through my limited knowledge. "bEnableFileSelection=1" is the first step. Make sure its the one in C:/Users/Your Name/My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SkyrimPrefs.ini. You can also try moving the installation directory to anywhere outside of C:/Program File (x86). If those don't work you can also download and run the Nexus Mod Manager which has a function to enable your mods built in.




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Well, let's run through my limited knowledge. "bEnableFileSelection=1" is the first step. Make sure its the one in C:/Users/Your Name/My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/SkyrimPrefs.ini. You can also try moving the installation directory to anywhere outside of C:/Program File (x86). If those don't work you can also download and run the Nexus Mod Manager which has a function to enable your mods built in.






I've done all of these and the game still crashes. If I have anything checked other than skyrim under data files, it's just like 'f*** you kat, vanilla or die'.

Edited by kathurryn
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I GOT THE DAMN f***in SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont have an Update.esm

Soooo,and if i disable all Plug-Ins[Plug-In=Mod Activation in File Data] in the NMM [Nexus Mod Manager] thats master is Update.esm it WORKS!

PS: U have to have bEnableFileSelection=1

So,i cant load Dragonbone Weapon Pack / cloaks.esp...but i dont give a f***..

Or can somebody upload an Update.esm for me please? :3

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I GOT THE DAMN f***in SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont have an Update.esm

Soooo,and if i disable all Plug-Ins[Plug-In=Mod Activation in File Data] in the NMM [Nexus Mod Manager] thats master is Update.esm it WORKS!

PS: U have to have bEnableFileSelection=1

So,i cant load Dragonbone Weapon Pack / cloaks.esp...but i dont give a f***..

Or can somebody upload an Update.esm for me please? :3


Ahh, I dont have update.esm either. Perhaps this is the central problem? I haven't tried NMM yet, but I will check it out as you say and see if it works if I follow your instructions.


Yea and I don't think it is a graphics card problem. My computer is quite new.

Edited by Position
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I GOT THE DAMN f***in SOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont have an Update.esm

Soooo,and if i disable all Plug-Ins[Plug-In=Mod Activation in File Data] in the NMM [Nexus Mod Manager] thats master is Update.esm it WORKS!

PS: U have to have bEnableFileSelection=1

So,i cant load Dragonbone Weapon Pack / cloaks.esp...but i dont give a f***..

Or can somebody upload an Update.esm for me please? :3


Go on to Steam and verify your integrity. That will replace any missing files.




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Alrighty then. I actually decided to go through my mods 1 by 1 with the nexus mod manager to figure out which ones werent allowing the game to launch (should have done this earlier, donno why I didn't figure that out). I figured out my Wars in Skyrim mods, and Water.esp mod were the ones making my game unable to launch. I read somewhere else online about how some of the mods require an Update.esm file to work properly. Edited by Position
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