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Expanded Whiterun


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Had a cool idea for a mod that expands Whiterun outside the city walls. It would feature:


-A sprawling outdoor market with NPCs selling food, furs, clothing, books, etc.,

-A small village, with a few houses, a place to worship, and a few shops etc.

-A horse-breeding ranch, with a variety of fine horses for sale, horse racing and betting, etc.

-Lots of new NPCs, especially the "minority" races, like Orcs, Argonians, Khajiit, and Redguards, peddling exotic wares and offering unique dialogue


The expansion would be set up linearly along the road to Whiterun, starting a the Honningbrew Meadery (now bustling with customers), extending West along the road past Pelagia Farm as a row of densely packed open-air market stalls, continuing until you reach the Stables. In the clearing West of the Stables, there could be a Horse Ranch with racing and betting. From the stables to the Western watchtower, there would be a few houses, mostly for lower class citizens, a shop or two, and a chapel, some of which could be scripted to be in ruins when you go to fight Mirmulnir, the ruined houses serving as cover for when you fight the dragon!


The entire area would be bustling with NPCs of all different races, some with unique dialogue. Lots of targets for thieves and pickpockets. At least one of the market stalls would be a bookseller, with a large rotating stock so you could potently obtain every book in the game by frequently checking their stock. Also, this mod could serve as a way for other modders to add their unique items, armor, and weapons into the game without require crafting or use of the console; some of the market stalls would be empty, so modders could add own unique merchants!

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the idea is sound, but im sure it would be a challenge to incorporate it with the other mods associated with and around whiterun. Im having trouble already just walking close to whiterun (usually ends in a ctd especially since the update)


Im all for a more 'lively' city update though

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