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Adding Shivering Isles check to teleport script


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By the way,

I "might" have thought of a way to use your script with a spell

and not have the stutter step action going on.


If my theory is correct,

you cast a spell

it does the animation of casting a spell upon yourself

then fires off your messagebox


Never did find out how you initiated the call for your script to run.

For all I know, you have it firing off after entering a door or something.

IF thats the case, then you surely don't need the casting animation hehe.

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The spell is fired off by a casting and it executes this script


begin gamemode

set AASHhomeMQ.Start to 1


The AASHhomeMQ quest script is the script we have been working on.


By the way,

I "might" have thought of a way to use your script with a spell

and not have the stutter step action going on.


If my theory is correct,

you cast a spell

it does the animation of casting a spell upon yourself

then fires off your messagebox


Never did find out how you initiated the call for your script to run.

For all I know, you have it firing off after entering a door or something.

IF thats the case, then you surely don't need the casting animation hehe.

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ah.... thats where Start gets set to 1

now it makes since.


and since you already have a spell setup

this should be pretty easy to test out

At the same time, gonna give ya something else to

ponder upon.

A quest script keeps running over and over and over

whether you need it or not.

Something you could do is turn it off and on as needed.

This way, you're only running that quest when you need to

and freeing up resources for the rest of the game.


Don't know the name of your Quest

lets call it TeleportX

You can then turn it off and on with





Going back to the spell animation.

You've already got a spell setup and

its already got a script that fires off.. Sweet


If my theory is correct,

all you should have to do with your spell's quest

is to set it up like so.



Begin ScriptEffectFinish 

     set AASHhomeMQ.Start to 1


And you can turn your quest on and off as well.

Where you set your questdelaytime

add a command to stop the quest.

it should finish out the script then pause the quest.


You can also put a stopquest command where

you checked to see if its NOT OK to run the teleport

and another if someone cancels the spell.


Then add a startquest in the spells code.

if start == 1           
           if GetPlayerInSEWorld
                  MessageBox "You are in Realm of Sheogorath, and must return to Cyrodiil first.", "I'll find a way back"
                  set start to 0
                 MessageBox "AraSelMathi Estates Tel...... <snipped for easier view>
                 set start to 2

If I'm on the right track.

You cast spell

it gets to the end of the spell

starts the quest

sets start to one


now that quest is running again

your quest script fires off and sees that start is one

and pops up the messagebox


One drawback I can think of.

when your quest starts back

it might default it to the normal 5 second que

(quests that don't have fquestdelaytime set are defaulted to 5 second refresh rate)

but I got a feeling it won't since you set your fquestdelay time when you initialized your script.


if it does that delay when you cast your spell, then you could add the command right after starting the quest

again in your spell's script.


Begin ScriptEffectFinish 
     set AASHhomeMQ.fQuestDelayTime to 0.2
     set AASHhomeMQ.Start to 1     

Speaking of which, you may notice a delay sometimes when you go to test your script.

It'll make you think somethings broke when it takes a few seconds to finally kick in.

Something I did in the mod I'm working on is to let me know when its ready.


in the spot where you set the fquestdelaytime, you can add

msgex "Teleport spell added"

or whatever you want it to say

then it'll pop up a msg in the upper left for a few seconds

the moment it actually fires off

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