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I need help with the arc of a projectile


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So all you did was select "Increase Pojectile Speed" by a value of 2 ... on the mod tab.

Which I guess that doubles what we see on the "40mmGrenadeProjectile" with 1750 on it's speed , then x 2 after attaching your item mod ?


And would changing the speed on the projectile to 3500 do the same thing ? Although on every instance of a "40mmGrenadeProjectile" not just the particular weaponRef that the player applied the item mod ?

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It would do exactly that. If you wanted to do it on another projectile, it would need to have gravity on it, or else changing the horizontal speed would simply make it fly straight faster or slower. But with gravity, there will be an arc that changes shape based on the Speed and Gravity settings.

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So all you did was select "Increase Pojectile Speed" by a value of 2 ... on the mod tab.

Which I guess that doubles what we see on the "40mmGrenadeProjectile" with 1750 on it's speed , then x 2 after attaching your item mod ?


And would changing the speed on the projectile to 3500 do the same thing ? Although on every instance of a "40mmGrenadeProjectile" not just the particular weaponRef that the player applied the item mod ?


yes, that´s why my initial problem.


I would have to create a special ammunition for this weapon, only to achieve the effect I wanted, without changing the other weapons that use 40mm ammo.


who invented this mod thing was Antistar, right? The guy is a genius.

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It's funny how between the Fo3 vs NV main files ... They hardly use the gravity setting in Fo3.

Just the FatMan , Fusion Battery , Centaur spit , Bloat Fly dart ... with a quick peruse. And they never set it more than 1.0

But in NV most every projectile , set as a missile does use gravity. And as high as 9.0


I guess it would be nice if the mod tab had more items from the projectile in the drop down.

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FO3 has a very different approach to that of New Vegas in many ways, which is why I wish more people would treat them as the very different games that they are, and not one as a worse 'version' of the other. They may use the same engine, but the design philosophy for each one is utterly different. It's that they were trying to do different things, not that both had a shared goal that one did well and the other didn't.


Edit: The way this relates to projectiles is that in FO3 they wanted players to feel, 'I put my reticle over that object and I expect to see it harmed now,' but in New Vegas they wanted players to think more about their shots. FO3 is more about having a good time I'd say, and New Vegas is more about really thinking about the world you're role-playing in. There are exceptions to this in different parts of the two games of course, but I think that's accurate as a general overview.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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Well ya Fo3 and NV creators did take different approaches ... like many modders did , are doing , and will do.

But with the same tool ... adjusted , expanded ,more features implemented (like the mod tab) ... etc .


I wonder though ... is it easier for a modder to go from NV to Fo3 ... err vise versa ? if this was your first time with the engine / geck ...

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I've never touched the FO3 GECK but a lot of little things were added to make the NV experience better, just by virtue of the passage of time and having the FO3 one as a starting point. The Obsidian Conversation Editor comes immediately to mind. Although, there are some bugs in the NV GECK that I think were absent in FO3, so maybe it's a toss-up.

Edited by EPDGaffney
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So I guess you could be a guinea pig then , to see if you find Fo3 a realatively easy transition , or just excruciatingly harder ? hehe :turned:


But ya of course NV is a next step and gives you the "modder" more options .


However ... I'd say Fo3 is still viable as a platform to mod from.

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