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Can only get tattoo skins to work on males?


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After not getting anywhere by myself, I'm hoping that someone on this site as more seasoned in modding Fallout 4.


Trying to get these to female tattoo mods to work, but even with all the required mods, it ain't working. The right skin is in the folder (have checked) and I have no problem with tattoo skins for males. So what to do, as I would love to use one or the other on a female raider build.

Both also work if they are placed in the basehumanfemale folder, but not if they're placed correctly in the playerhumanfemale folder.




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these say that you need to use unique player and cbbe, the textures and meshes should be in the playerhumanfemale folders. if its not showing up, remove all clothes/armor, if it shows up your armor uses a female body in it not just the armor itself. If it doesn't work, make sure unique player is installed properly and the esp is active.

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