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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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All the guns fired ripping into the ships before the keg went of which obliterated one side. Johnson grabbed the charrts and his piece of the map. He ordered the release of the anchor and his ship pulled forward. The ship spun round and used the same tactic richard used and fire the last 10 guns into the back of the Govenors ship before his ship started to sink. He ran to the mast and shot it with the deck cannon. The mast fell down and crached onto richards ship which his men borded.
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All the guns fired ripping into the ships before the keg went of which obliterated one side. Johnson grabbed the charrts and his piece of the map. He ordered the release of the anchor and his ship pulled forward. The ship spun round and used the same tactic richard used and fire the last 10 guns into the back of the Govenors ship before his ship started to sink. He ran to the mast and shot it with the deck cannon. The mast fell down and crached onto richards ship which his men borded.


OOC: Assuming you mean obliterated one side of both ships, which at the close range you have illustrated is definatly the most likely thing to happen if it's between us. Man, you've f***ed our ships real good...


"Hold lads! We're both going down!" he shouted. He rammed what was left of his ship into Johnsons, tangling their masts together, making them both unable to move away, then ran below decks, shouting to hold them off. His men zealously complied with the order, fighting the men to the death


Below deck Richard was putting the last part of his plan in motion. He hoped the governor was ready to sail away fast. He moved the powder kegs to the middle of the ship, then he rolled out a fuse, and lit it. He ran above deck, "ABANDON SHIP! THEY'VE GOT US LADS! RUN FOR IT!" he shouted, and jumped into a life boat, other men doing the same. He rowed away and counted on his fingers "Five... four... three... two... one... kaboom" he watched as the kegs detonated


OOC; you might want to control your character so he is acting in the events of this post, to save his life somehow

Edited by Brutii
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Alexander threw down a rope for Richard and shouted " Take the line Richard we are prepared to set sail! Do you have the map piece!?"


"No, there was no time" he said, he had some crew members climbed aboard "What about the rest of my men?"

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" Ill see if I can fit them on board! It will be a little bit of a squeeze but at least we will have more men! Just comon!" He said inviting Richard onboard.


Richard nodded, then signelled to surrounding life boats to come this way, before long, the 30 surviving men were onboard. 30 out of the 90 there had been onboard

"So few have survived" he commented, but he looked at the galleon smoking wreck "Still, plenty more of them have died, I'd say for every one man whose dead we killed 3 more. And we lost a frigate to destroy a galleon, I guess thats a good trade. Still, I wish it had played out differently"

Edited by Brutii
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