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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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Johnson picked up chair in his cell and smashed it against the bars,"YOU'LL ALL DIE."


"Yes so you've said" he looked at the smashed chair "And I'm afraid I'm going to have to make you pay for that"

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Johnson picked up a piece of wood and threw at the guards head sure to hit,"YOU'LL PAY."


"Ouch, son of a *censored*" the guard said, rubbing his head, he stood up, then raised his musket and fired just past johnson. He reloaded and aimed again "Sit down and stop messing around or the next one is in you!"


OOC: -.- next time I'm putting prisoners in cells with f*** all

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Johnson used a piece of chair to knock the musket out of his hands and grabbed it and pulled it inside his cell where he retreated to the cornor holding it. Edited by Meciathe
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