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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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Johnson shot the first man then put the bayonet into the barrel and fired that at the secound.



Both men fell dead, stumbling back and slumping against the hull of the boat opposite the cell

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Johnson opened the cell with guards keys and recovered the bayonet. He walked through the decks and reloaded the gun again he only had one shot.


"Oi!" A man said, walking towards him, sword drawn "And just where do you think YOUR going?"

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Johnson shoved the bayonet down his throat before walking over to the evidence box and recovered his repeter and his cutlass.


OOC: Evidence box? This isn't oblivion, it's either been commendered by the crew, stored or chucked over board, no one puts stuff in evidence boxes. This is the Navy of the 1800's, not the police

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"Oh. pardon me milady I had no idea! Come right in!" Alexander walked past the man and carried on walking. He looked at Alessia " Soon to be Alessia Topwells, do you like that name Alessia?" Edited by AnotherAverageName
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OOC: Fave bovad


Johnson walked to the cannons and aimed it at one of the powder kegs he attached a rope to the ehe of the cannon and tied the other end of the rope to the lower part of a mast. He the prepared the shot and used a fuse to make it easier to escape. he light the fuse nd jumped into the sea swimming to shore as fast as he could.

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