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OCO V2 help


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Ok so, I've been trying on off for the last few weeks to mod my Oblivion, I've installed the game outside of Program files , OBSE is working fine (have checked through the save method), blockhead is installed and yet STILL OCO will not work.


I fixed the infamous 'Install Blockhead' glitch and I now have a problem where, on the character creation menus, some races have their overhauled faces, then some switch to a camera angle of the floor?? when selected and some, such as argonians are glitched and have missing textures like eyes. I'm using OMM as I found Wyre Bash quite difficult to use. Any help would be greatly appreciated I just want to play my game :/


EDIT: Also wanted to mention that OCO does not appear on the left-hand side of my screen after being activated, not sure how relevant this is but I noticed it. I read somewhere that because it is a replacer mod it doesn't have a .esp file. Just thought I'd mention

Edited by ejmoney
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OCO v2 has an ESP ... it's name is Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp and it needs to be activated. If it's not showing up in the left pane of the OBMM window I'd say that OCO v2 hasn't been properly/completely installed.


First thing I'd check is whether or not you can find Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp in your game's Oblivion\Data folder using Windows Explorer.

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Hey likewise on OCO V2 it isn't working for me either, granted this is really my first time using the Nexus for mods and such but OCO says that I need to install Blockhead but I have the plugin installed but I assume OCO isn't reading it. Again sorry if I can't explain things well, it is my first time ever doing such things ha ha.

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In a nutshell ... OCO v2 requires Blockhead to work, and Blockhead requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) to work. That gives us the order of operation for troubleshooting.


First confirm that OBSE is in fact working. Simplest way is to start the game with OBSE and make a save. Next look in your Saves folder and confirm that you now get two saves each time you save, both with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse).


If you are seeing two saves then OBSE is working ... if not then no need to continue onto Blockhead until OBSE is working.


Blockhead will create it's INI file (Blockhead.ini) the first time you start the game after it successfully loads. No Blockhead.ini in the folder Data\OBSE\Plugins (same place as Blockhead.dll is supposed to be) means Blockhead isn't loading.


Once you have OBSE and Blockhead working install OCO v2.


A note about installing things ... OBSE and Blockhead need to be installed manually (i.e. download to a folder, extract and then copy & paste).

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  • 2 weeks later...
You should not use OBMM to install OCOv2. Nuska suggests using Wrye Bash or NMM. I would guess (if Blockhead and OBSE are both actually working) that OBMM skips over some file or installs it in the wrong place. As stated above, you must have an esp for OCOv2. You should always read and follow the install instructions on the mod's page before trying anything else.
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