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What do you want in a house mod?


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Yeah, Kumiko Manor is GREAT!

I personally like lots of space, multiple bedrooms, NPC's to share it with (servants or maybe just roommates) and large gardens. Stables are always a nice edition, but a little outdated when you have an airplane like quite a few do. I think that the best part of all is a large tower where all services imaginable are obtainable, from spellmaking o a smithy. Good luck!

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I love exterior homes, I currently know only 2 of those mods, Mountain Shack and another one. Mountain Shack is brilliant, people should try it. It's fully in the exterior, without loading screens.
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hmm... in a house i think i would want it to be a live-able place instead of just a place to store all the items you can't carry with you. Also i like house mods that bring new elements of gameplay to the world. Like in Frostcrag you can make an atronach with that new thing they put in.


Also would like it to be alive instead of all still an quiet. I love slaves. Slaves and prisoners, (male)maids and roomates.... :drool:

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a two story (not including armory basement) akavir style with:


top floor: bed :P


weapon and armor chest


bath room(for realism)


book shelf with books


and neat stuff lying around


1st floor:


alchemy and useless stuff chest


alchemy table from frostcrag


seats and a table (with a flower pot) :thumbsup:


spell and enchantment


a cauldron that fills with 400 gold and maybe a random potion


armory basement:


armor and weapons chest


hammer cabinet


an anvil that fortifies your armory skill to the next level (like frostcrags alchemy thing)


practice dummy


and weapons lying around


and on edge the practis ring a garden with a water fall


ahhhhh.... lovely :happy:

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Personally I would go for something easily defendable yet practical. Something like a long hall at the entrance that slowly widens out to a great hall, something like one of the vanilla forts, with stairwells flanking the entrance. I would have a dining hall and throne/sitting room behind the stairwells on the first floor.

I would then have several bedrooms and high density garrisons up the stairs with an armory in close reach. The garrisons, about two, would also feature doors leading to overwatch balconies covering the West to East. The Armory is linked to the master bedroom.

The master bedrooms and flanking guest bedrooms would also lead out to more fortified South overwatch balcony. The balcony would feature alchmaical apparatus as well as training dummies.

Might have a basement, through long trapdoor tube from the master bedroom, with a heavily fortified door only unlockable with a custom spell, where the basement features several shelves and heavy chests for special loot and memorable quest items. May include spell and enchant altars and a few portals.

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  • 3 months later...
I would like a beautiful castle, most any style would do...with all of the not so usual amenities. I would however prefer it to float slowly about the sky changing locations randomly but close enough to the ground to still see detail. The scenery would never be the same. Perhaps something along the lines of a modified Charok Hall.
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I prefer posh, stately, rather imposing mansions of GRAND SCALE, I had one once that was bigger than the Imperial City itself. I like them to be made directly out of Gold and Silver, or at least being plated or heavily trimmed with such. Usually, I'll end up scripting a computer-device that allows me to see into any city, in a live view, and allows me to move the camera. It also takes notes, teleports with a teleport chamber I exported from Half Life 2 into Blender(animations and all), and other menial tasks. Occasionally, I'll save space on the bedroom (My old one was the size of Leyawin) by using a cryofreezer device (Bed script on a blender model), but other times I'll go all out.


I also have a massive dining hall, a boiler room, a swimming pool, courtyard... You know, the necessities. Reminds me of a project we did in Senior year in High School... Linked together a massive, campus wide, morrowind project, and used the Library's servers as our base. A multi-user dungeon, done Elder Scrolls style... I miss that boarding school.

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Allright I read this topic through, and decided I wanned to please some of u;)

So Im gonna make 2 castles, a Good, and a Evil one. (each will have its own esp)


Good CAstle: Outside there is a little "river", some trees around, so it'll make a sweet forrest-like look.

Inside there will be a bathroom, an spellmaking/enchanting alter room, a mages room, a fighters room, livingroom, kitchen, bedroom, storage-room on the loft, pool,

dining hall, armory, a magical room that has nature inside:) You wont even have to leave the castle to get to the garden!:o


Evil Castle: a Dark castle, for the evil characters,

Inside there will be a bathroom, spellmaking/enchanting alter room, a assassins room, a necromancers room, a thieves room, livingroom, kitchen, bedroom, storage room on the loft, lots of secret passages, dining hall, armory, and torture chambers in the cellars.


Comment or PM me if you wanna see anything special added to the Castle(s)

But note that im a bit busy at making the "Join the Imperial Watch" mod. So I will start with theese castles when Im done

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Heh, I want a torture chamber (or something like that area where Sheogorath gives you that quest to drive the adventurers nad) because I'm sadistic ;)


Evil castle sounds good! Go the torture chamber!!

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  • 11 months later...

I love exterior homes, I currently know only 2 of those mods, Mountain Shack and another one. Mountain Shack is brilliant, people should try it. It's fully in the exterior, without loading screens.

i agree, mountain shack is BRILLIANT, no loading screens (not including the basement), a lockable door, COFFEE!!!! AND a beautiful view of the ic and lake :D makes fixing the place up so worth it (fixing it up is mostly just throwing stuff like logs down the hill lol) but cos its exterior sometimes you have to go kill a wolf outside (not very hard to find) b4 u can sleep

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