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Simultaneous Joypad, Keyboard and Mouse Support


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Hi All,

Are there any mods which allow simultaneous use of a joystick (presumably X-Input), Keyboard and Mouse, (such that movement is controlled using a joystick, direction faced with the mouse, and hotkeys with the keyboard for example)? This thread from 2015 suggests that this wouldn't be possible, although they seem to be talking specifically about Directinput - since DirectInput can be mapped onto XInput it shouldn't matter which type is used. Have any developments been made which mean this is now possible / been achieved?

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I know this mod allows controller to be used with keyboard. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30913

I do not remember how the mouse behaves with it. I think they can all work together but its been a while.


Worth a test anyway. Oh, and I never used Xpadder despite the description stating that the author used it. So that isn't a hard requirement.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for taking so long to test this out. With the file you linked mouse movement is completely ignored (clicking the mouse still functions normally).

If there's a way to map both mouse input and DInput to a single X-Input controller, that might work, but I've only been able to find an app which act as though mouse position is a position on an axis - i.e., moving the mouse to the right and releasing the mouse acts as though you're continuously pushing right, rather than you're pushing right for the duration of the mouse movement. Along with that you'd also need some way to disable 360 camera rotation not accelerate... Which I'd guess is impossible.

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