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Mass Effect 3 Normandy SR2 Mod


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A little too futuristic for me. If you are looking for something like that then The Asteria fits in the Skyrim world a little more in my opinion. The author is working on being able to make it dock in different cities now. Here's a link if you haven't seen it yet. :)



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  • 4 years later...

that link is broken and only takes me to the main nexus page with many games.

That would be because the Nexus changed how the sites were linked some time ago. It is not possible for them to catch every internal link nor to expect everyone who posted a link to return and correct it.


The number at the end of the link in the previous post is the ID number for the mod in question. Simply go to a different mod page within the same game and in the URL bar replace the current mod's ID number with the ID number of the mod you are being linked.


Here, I've done it for you:


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