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To mod or not to mod?


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Now before everone gets up in my face this is not about NMM or SW. This is about my noob experiance with mods and modding in general. The first mistake was to download a lot of mods and load and run Skyrim. You all can guess what happend the game crashed to the desktop. Ok lesson learned only load a few in and make sure they are working right and only then load a few more.So i've got that out the way. Now that was my bad and so i'am up to 30 mods and still no crashing. So i have heard great things about NMM and signed up and started downloading all these wicked mods you can't get on SW and so installing them and running Skyrim. Well i run to the nearest forge where i'am going to make so cool sexy skimpy armor what else and was totally shocked and really pissed off to find the one of these mods have overwriten all the object names for armor and weapons and jewlery with this (Hooligantuan should take his own advice). Now do not get me wrong i'am sure that 99% of modders want nothing more than to make everyone happy with the great mods offered to us and only 1% that has nothing better to do than ruin everybodys fun. This will not stop me from using and enjoying mods but i will be very carefull in the future.If anyone can help me reset the forge menu back to the orignal state that would be nice. Thanks to all the great modders and keep making those awesome mods. PS. shoud i post a list of the mods i up loaded that caused my problem?
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Yes, we were all noob a time, don't be afraid :wink:

I think, your problem come from the load order of your mod, because if two mods change the same thing in the game, then the latest prevail.

First of all, i advise you to use BOSS, it's a program that change the load order of your mods almost correctly (sometimes, it doens't know mods and leave them in last order)


but you can still send your mod list and we can see.

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It's wise to make periodic back ups of your data folder and make named saves before installing mods, this sort of thing does happen, it's one of the perils of modding. As Laurient says we were all noobs once and a lot of us have had our fair share of problems, look on it as a learning experience.
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I'm not sure, but it seems you are saying someone created a mod specifically to screw up people's games? Try disabling it/going to a save prior to enabling it if disabling directly causes crashes. Then use the 'report' button to notify the nexus staff of the belligerent mod and they will take care of things from there.


edit- yeah, those curious might want to see this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/637877-hooligantuan-should-take-his-own-advice/page__p__5025466__hl__hooligantuan__fromsearch__1#entry5025466


Disable the brutal armor mod, it should work then.

Edited by Wolf of the azar
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Thanks for the advice. I'am sorry but i'am also a noob to posting so i don't know how to respond to the replys to my post. So i will do this to address the folks who were kind enough to help. Yes i use Boss sometimes i do read before i leap. I will use whatever makes modding as simple as possible. Boss is forever asking to update all the time and i do. Strange and funny at the same time, but my son added a new mod and the problem kind of fixed itself. Hey what ever works. About the mod that caused the problem in the first place, well if a mod does not work for me i delete it and move on. I don't want to risk reloading suspect mods to find the bad one. This was a learning curve we noobs must all find for are self. Thanks again for the help. This will not stop me from enjoying all that modding has to offer. Edited by Desangel181
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