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Armor of 'Una the Blade'


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Una the Blade is an upcoming (I hope!) comic by Steve LeCouilliard. You can check out his DeviantArt profile here: http://fearlessfosdick.deviantart.com/


He unveilved his newest creation a while back; a story following the travels of a barbarian single mother named Una. Since it takes place in the Sword & Sorcery genre, a lot of his designs, particularly the clothing of Una herself, could fit quite well in Skyrim's universe.


I think it would be cool if someone were to make Una's gear for female characters in Skyrim. Here's a few pics if you don't feel like browsing his gallery:






Omega's Arena Mercenary armor ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10277 ) is already quite similar to this setup in a lot of ways, including the asymmetrical design, shoulder pouldron, etc.


If anyone is interested please let me know. Also I figure he wouldn't mind, but I will contact LeCouilliard and ask his permission.

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