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Dark Brotherhood "Whodunit?" Quest bug


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I have a problem with oblivion, when playing the dark brotherhood "whodunit?" quest, the doorman gives me the key, but I can't enter summermist manor. This bug has happened on 3 different windows installations! what's the deal? :wallbash: does anybody know of a fix for this? twice this bug is what made me put away the game, I'd really like to finish the DB quests.


I'd really appreciate it if anybody knows of a fix and I can post a video of what happens if anybody wants it.



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firstly, do u have the keyring mod?... take it off and try, or put it on and try.

secondly, are there any mods that could alter the state of that manor?

and lastly, make it your current quest and try it, dont make it your current quest and open the door... or maybe even Wait for about 24 hours and try it, maybe it just wont work for the time of day?...

whats the warning message like?... does it just not open?....

these are the only things i can think of at the mo.

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LFact, you got it. Last night I saw that a summermist manor door issue was included in the fixlog for VH:bloodlines, so I switched from verona house to bloodlines and it worked. I've spent probably 6 hours total trying to figure this out. thanks for the replies everybody.
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  • 10 months later...
I have a problem with oblivion, when playing the dark brotherhood "whodunit?" quest, the doorman gives me the key, but I can't enter summermist manor. This bug has happened on 3 different windows installations! what's the deal? :wallbash: does anybody know of a fix for this? twice this bug is what made me put away the game, I'd really like to finish the DB quests.


I'd really appreciate it if anybody knows of a fix and I can post a video of what happens if anybody wants it.




I encountered a different problem which I've seen reported elsewhere. After entering the door I was stuck to my spot, had no HUD and couldn't see my journal when I tried to open it. I solved this problem by reloading a save from before I had entered the house. After talking to the doorman, I opened the console and typed setstage Dark08Whodunit 20. When I entered the house after doing that, I was able to proceed with the quest and complete it.

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@Kevin672: This is an old topic and not related to your problem. Please start a new topic - Look in the upper right corner at the top of the thread, or the lower right corner of the thread at the bottom for 'New Topic'. You will get more answers that relate to your problem that way. :thumbsup:


@LFact: Just click on the report and we will take care of it. :thanks:


Bben46, Moderator

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