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Would it be possible to....


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OK, so would it be possible make an item, like a tail slot armor, that was like a mask, but instead of covering ur entire face, it just covered your eyes? that was you would put like, enchantments or something on it, or the fire scripted effects, so that your eyes would look like they were glowing or someting. I think it might be possible, but alas, i am only a novice modder... if it is even slightly possible, then i would LOVE to see it in action!! or even if it exists already, i just thught it would look pretty awesome
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dunno if it exists yet but should be possible without problems... just take the eyeball modell and add a glow map to its texture... place it where the eyes are on any helmet model, delete the helmet and youre done... it wouldnt have flames coming out tho but glow at night...


but wouldnt it be anti-immersive to put on googles? mmh wait maybe making it a conjourable item like the daedric helmet for example would make it immerse very good... maybe for nighteye or somin...


while youre at it make some sunglasses :P

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yes, what i was hoping for was jus tthe eyes to be covered. literally, JUST the eyes, and that a flame would come off of the eyes, like the flame from a torch or the Visually Enchanted Fixer - Soul Trap (Black fire stuff) i would work on it but i am not a 3d artist. one day though, i will make this possible, unless someone else wants to do it for me
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