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Melee Projectiles?


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I've been hurting my brain trying to make a chinese officer's sword shoot a beam projectile for hours now. Is it even possible? I don't know a thing about scripting, I've just been working with existing material in New Vegas and FOOK. Has anyone else ever tried to do something like this and can anyone give any advice?
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Stop Bumping. If people aren't interested...then...meh.



But I'm also interested in the matter. I haven't really invested much thought into it, but I'm pretty sure this is possible to do. I want to take that first person "palm punch" animation and have magic effects for the courier. I think it is a matter of giving the weapon nifs projectile nodes and tinkering in the GECK...


Someone else want to come along and answer this? I don't have one, but I am interested in this topic as well.

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