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Skyrim too bland...


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Why couldn't they put some color in Skyrim. Oblivion had its problems but at least it was full of vibrant colors. Nothing vibrant about skyrim. Blackreach and the Enhanced Night mod are about the only visually appealing things in the game for me at this point. Also why do all the guilds suck?
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I don't consider the washed-out look "realistic" at all. I've lived in snowy areas. In fact, where I'm living now it frequently snows during the winter (well, excepting maybe the last couple of years). I've even been above the Arctic Circle during the winter time. I've been in blizzards, and seen my fair share of white-outs, but when the sun is out there is COLOR.


I'm convinced that nobody involved in the decision to make Skyrim grey has ever actually seen snow, much else actually lived in Arctic/alpine environments. Ever seen Alaska during the summer time? It's a wonderland of vibrant colors. Then I see the aurora, which is unbelievably colorful in the game, and not nearly so colorful in Real Life. Whatever was the Bethesda team smoking when they came up with these ideas?


My take on the lackadaisical nature of the guilds is that Bethesda has forgotten how to craft an engaging game. They weren't a whole lot better in Oblivion, although the devs outdid themselves in Skyrim in making the guild questlines totally pathetic. I rather liked the Thief's Guild questline in Oblivion, even so. The Mage's Guild questline was OK. The others just felt "flat" or "unfinished". There's nothing in Skyrim that is even almost comparable to Oblivion's Thief's Guild questline, and the Bard's College is an absolute joke.


I have a problem, anyway, with a game (Oblivion and Skyrim both) where a rank newcomer, in the space of a few days, can become the head of an entire faction, even if his skills related to that guild are woefully inadequate. I've lost count how many times I completed the Mage's Guild questline in Oblivion without doing it as a "mage", and yet they make me Archmage! At least in the Thief's Guild you had to do some thieving. Then in Skyrim the only guild you can't get control of is the Bard's College. At least they did that right, even if the rest of the questline felt uninspired and one-dimensional.


Add to this the fact that even after you complete a faction questline you're still treated like the rank newbie that you are. I'm the Harbinger of the Companions. Why am I still doing odd jobs for Aela? I'm the Listener for the Dark Brotherhood. Why am I also functioning as Speaker and hit-man? Bethesda simply didn't think this stuff through. This is why, in my current playthrough, I'm just doing what I want to do -- no primary quests, except advancing the main quest far enough to get training from the Greybeards. There's a lot to do in Skrim that doesn't have anything to do with contrived and "unfinished" questlines.

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I never had a problem with the colors in Skyrim. It's a little washed out and blah, but I guess that's the mood they were going for. It's supposed to be an inhospitable place. Besides there are all ready tons of visual overhaul mods to suite anyone's taste.


The quests for the guilds are pretty bad though. But I still thought the thieves guild was pretty good. Never done the companions or the entire DB so I dunno about those. With the thieves guild and college quests I intentionally took it really slow so that it didn't seem like I went from new member to leader in a day. I would do one quest then either do some of the misc quests for the guild or just roam around the world for a few days before going back to do another. Even so the college was still horribly short, thieves guild took forever though for me to fully complete (restoring the guild and all).

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If you want more color in your game this mod gives you an amazing amount of customization. Here's a screenshot to give you an idea of what you can do with this. It's also very cool because you can change all settings in game and see the changes immediately. You can add more color than this but these are the settings that I am happy with. :smile:





Edited by Staind716
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