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Best way to modify leveling ?


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I need to slow down leveling for survival difficulty to around half its standard setting for many and varied reasons, naturally I'd like to use the most simple of the many levers available.


fDiffMultXPTSV (standard 2.0) looks like the survival difficulty double XP accelerator. Setting it to 1.0 reduces measured XP awards by 45% to 50%. I can't find any other references to the setting, so am concerned about downstream impacts or other mechanics that may depend on this value.


fXPModBase (standard 1.0) looks like the general XP accelerator for any game difficulty. Setting it to 0.5 reduces measured XP awards by 45% to 50% but it may make non survival leveling too painfully slow.


iXPBase (standard 200) + iXPBumpBase (standard 75) are well documented, but as absolute fixed values I'm not going to get a consistent relative % increase in level requirement.



Any experience or advice on this ?

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There is a magic effect named 'Fortify Experience' in the CK. It's not referenced in any records , so no garantee that it works, but I think you can try to create a constant spell with this effect with a magnitude below 1. Copy theeffect, set itto constant and then add to you spell. So it should be a 'Reduce experience' spell. Then you can add this effect to a reference alias and apply to player. And you can only apply it if the game difficulty is Survival. There is OnDifficultyChanged event you can use to detect the difficulty and GetDifficulty() script function to check it.

Edited by kitcat81
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Appreciated, that sounds like a winner, will give it a go.


Problem with game setting accelerators is that they dont seem to factor quest experience grants, and at the lower levels I am interested in, they have massive bump values. Not interested in editing the quest xp global values.

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Digging around the magic stuff I am not familiar with, found FortifyXPBonusFoodPerk with an entry point for MOD EXP which takes a multiply value. 0.5 so have a constant Spell > MGEF > Perk on a PlayerRef alias. It factors *all* XP from kills, crafting, locations, quests. Hurrah.

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hey that's fantastic info, appreciated (the font is a little difficult to read though).


The mission I am on is to extend the top left quadrant enjoyment, making low level exploring and GunNut1 combat tough and interesting for longer. That will help to extend time in the rest of the game map.


Editing up base game assets is not my thing, so slowing down the player is easier, and the blanket % MOD EXP effect works a treat for this.

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There are also some perk entry points that you can use to add a multiplier to XP gained depending on source. They aren't as fine-tunable as the methods discussed here, but they're a good option if you want to dynamically edit XP amounts based on some conditions.


Mod Exp = all experience

Mod Exp Location = XP gained from discovering locations

Mod Exp Speech = XP gained from speech successes

Mod Kill Experience = combat XP


I'm using them for a private level cap/xp limiter mod and to disable XP gains while crafting ammo in AmmoTweaks.

Edited by isathar
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Unexpected side effect of reducing XP grants to zero with Mod Exp Mult 0.0 then quest start notification screen display is suppressed as if the Quest Data "Quest Completion XP" global value is zero.


Clearly at quest startup it doesn't just take the global value, it calculates the effective result. and if less than 1, no display. Smallest base game value is XPFactionRadiantSmaller at 60

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To finish up, for the result I was after which has now been fully tested:


> Only award XP for kills (not crafting, building, quests) at:

a) the 1x standard base rate indexing L1 raider @5XP, or

b) the 2x base game Survival rate which indexes a L1 raider at 10XP, but


> not suppress any screen notifications for quests, crafting, finding and killing (allow fractional XP so they fire), so


> a player can kill every living thing in the top left easy quadrant (500 dead bodies), craft and build what they want, complete 4x MM recruitment to trigger Independence, complete BOS setup, complete the full main quest MQ101 to MQ106 ... and still meet Kellogg at or below level 10 where it's still fun. & breathe.


1. Perk Entry Point Mod Exp Multiply Value 0.02 (allows quest notifications)

2a. Perk Entry Point Mod Kill Experience Multiply Value 25.0 (base game rate), or

2b. Perk Entry Point Mod Kill Experience Multiply Value 50.0 (survival rate)

3. Perk Entry Point Mod Exp Speech Multiply Value 0.05 (allows success notifications with fractional XP)

4. Perk Entry Point Mod Exp Location Multiply Value 0.05 (allows MMM found notifications with fractional XP)


I'm sharing this info for the next person who may want to fine tune their XP/Leveling dynamically in game without game settings.

Edited by SKK50
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