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Skyrim's Ultimate Unoffical DLC Mod


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Skyrim Ultimate Unofficial DLC Mod:


I have had this idea since I started playing Oblivion. This was my very first Bethesda Game. :D and ever since, I have wanted to play a mod that would expand the game to its limits. The game is already amazing as it is, but everything can get better and improve somehow. This is where this mod comes in. This is going to be an never ending work in progress because I plan to add every single idea I can think of into this mod, and not only that, I will be going through every request in the internet that I can find and try my best to implement them in this mod. I will also go through as many mods as I can that already exists on the internet and try to merge them into to this mod with the modder's permission, and if they don't seem fond of the idea, I'll create a compatibility patch so they will work with this mod and as many other mods as possible. I want to create a very huge, but customizable experience, while at the same time, keeping the plugin count as low as possible. This is no ordinary mod, as it will add so much content, from UI, to weapons, to armor, to quests, to world spaces, to gameplay, and so much more. This truly will be the ultimate mod. Anything of the following that are mentioned are W.I.Ps (Works in Progress) and may or may not be implemented. It all depends if it is even possible, how much help I can accumulate, and many other factors. I will try my best to make it all possible. I don't have a release date yet.


I'm posting this because I wanted to ask everyone, if you could please give me all the ideas for a mod you can think of. It doesn't matter if you think it's possible or not. It doesn't matter what it is. Just post it. I want to make the ultimate mod and add as much content as possible. Anything that you'd want to see in a mod, or that you'd dream of being in the game. Remember that even if you think it's not possible. Just post it here. I'll try my best to find a way to make it happen, and won't give up till I have tried every possible solution. Also post your amazing stories so i can attempt to create them into quest mods and books of lore for the game. Once i have enough that i deem reasonable to put complete details of the new mod, I will post a progress post. But for now give me all the dreams, whishes, and idea's for mods you desire. Hope to see you on this thread soon.

Anyone that wants to help, you're more than welcome too. PM me or contact me through the nexus and once production and a big enough team is made; I'll bring everyone together to release it to the community. I already have started on production but currently, it's going very slow due to the fact that I'm working on it on my own.


I know that this seems that this project of mine seams too good to be true, but believe me I will do everything in my power to accomplish this great task I have ahead of me. I'll have something to show soon. It is a work in progress by the way. Besides i have all the time in the world. No deadlines. Modding is supposed to be fun :D So it is okay. I knew if i put this up, i would get people that would tell me that it was not in my best interest to put it up, and i admit, it will take me a while, but it is accomplish able :D Even though I hope people would not come to this post and tell me that I shouldn't put this here because they don't believe that I can do it or just come to be trollers well, I don't care I'll prove you all wrong, so pleas if you come to this thread and would like to post, go right ahead :D I encourage you :D but keep trolling away please :D


Thank you :D


Contributors of ideas thus far, in no particular order. :D Thank you :D


• Kingchris20

• Yota71

• Shotgun188

• Stergiosman

• Tyfe1994

Edited by XDeadWalkerX
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You said you can find a way to do anything so heres a few ideas:




1) grenades. old style cannon ball type grenades that you can throw

2) portable cannon weapon. a new long range weapon that fires cannon balls - a new projectile

3) buyable and sailable boats. maybe editting skyrim so it has larger seas and a few port towns.

4) pirate outfit

5) parrot companion



1) makes horses storable at stables

2) buyable stable slots (1 slot stores 1 horse)



1) adds Chocobos (of Final Fantasy fame) to the game as mounts. they can be bought at a Chocobo farm north of the Giants near Whiterun


appear in these colours:

Yellow - Very common

Blue - Common

Green - Common

Pink - Fairly rare

Red - Fairly rare

Purple - Fairly rare

White - Very rare

Black - Very rare

Gold - Ultra rare

(the rarer the chocobo the faster and stronger it is)


2) randomly roaming Chocobos that can be fought, and then instead of dying, turn into rideable creatures



1) brighter whiterun hold

2) more lush and higher contrasted grass in the whiterun hold (except in the mountainous areas)


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I like the ambition and scope of this mod, and there are a lot of cool ideas here. Personally, I'm not a big fan of anything that reaches too far outside the existing lore of The Elder Scrolls, but that just my personal taste. Maybe things like the mounts or weapons from other game franchises could be included as an optional module, so that people who want to benefit from the lore-friendly overhauls without having to add other stuff.


That said, I'm not sure if you've every used the FCOM mod for Oblivion, but if you haven't, you should check out this trailer:


FCOM merge four popular but very huge mods that had previously conflicted, and effectively doubles (maybe even quadruples) the number of weapons, armors, and enemies, etc. in Oblivion. It was also super compatible with other mods, and pretty lore-friendly. I'd love to make the next FCOM-sized mod for Skyrim, one that draws from every last bit of existing lore and content from earlier games (Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion), along with a bit of imagination, to vastly expand and improve Skyrim.


I hate to shamelessly self-promote, but I'm currently working on a mod called Main Quest/Civil War Overhaul (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/634471-main-questcivil-war-overhaul/), which is intended to make subtle changes to Skyrim's main story and civil war story, fixing the pacing of the main plot from a literary or cinematic prospective to follow a more proper 3-act struction, as well as diversify the dialogue options and possible outcomes, and make every major decision have an appropriate reward and consequence. My hope is that this will make Skyrim achieve its true potential, as a vehicle for a compelling interactive story. That said, the scope of this mod is going to limited to content that is already in the game, or that can be created using the creation kit.


If you follow along with that thread, you'll see I have many ideas for expanding the Blades faction, giving them a full-length faction quest-line. Anyone who has played Morrowind or earlier TES games knows that the Blades were more than just warrior-monks serving as the Emperor's elite guard, or a mere band of dogmatic dragon-hating marauders. They were the ever-vigilant eyes and ears of the Emperor, and I plan to expand their number and restores them to their proper role as a network of spies and a vanguard against the Empire's enemies. This quest will resolve Esbern's Paarthurnax ultimatum, and explore the Empire's conflict with the Thalmor in greater detail.


A more ambitious mod I'm considering will be The Way of the Voice (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/636434-the-way-of-the-voice/). This will further expand the dialogue choices for the player, making conversation a much more important element of game-play. Your race, gender, skill levels, and past decisions will have an effect on what types of things you can say to other players in conversation. It will track your decisions as you move through the game, opening or closing the availability of certain quests, making it much more difficult (if not impossible) to become Thane in every hold, or master of every guild, with a single character. This mod will create a better, more strategic role-playing experience, and give the Dovahkiin different ways to solve problems or complete quests, other than just senseless violence.


Lastly, I wish to make changes to the other big factions of the game - the Companions, Bard's College, Mage's College, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood - so that you must now have the appropriate skills to join guilds and to rise through their ranks. No longer can you become Archmage of the Mage's College without actually being a magic user. I would also love to see a full faction and quest-line for Vigilants of Stendarr, as a counter to the Daedric Shrine quests.

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I like the ambition and scope of this mod, and there are a lot of cool ideas here. Personally, I'm not a big fan of anything that reaches too far outside the existing lore of The Elder Scrolls, but that just my personal taste. Maybe things like the mounts or weapons from other game franchises could be included as an optional module, so that people who want to benefit from the lore-friendly overhauls without having to add other stuff.


That said, I'm not sure if you've every used the FCOM mod for Oblivion, but if you haven't, you should check out this trailer:


FCOM merge four popular but very huge mods that had previously conflicted, and effectively doubles (maybe even quadruples) the number of weapons, armors, and enemies, etc. in Oblivion. It was also super compatible with other mods, and pretty lore-friendly. I'd love to make the next FCOM-sized mod for Skyrim, one that draws from every last bit of existing lore and content from earlier games (Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion), along with a bit of imagination, to vastly expand and improve Skyrim.


I hate to shamelessly self-promote, but I'm currently working on a mod called Main Quest/Civil War Overhaul (http://forums.nexusm...l-war-overhaul/), which is intended to make subtle changes to Skyrim's main story and civil war story, fixing the pacing of the main plot from a literary or cinematic prospective to follow a more proper 3-act struction, as well as diversify the dialogue options and possible outcomes, and make every major decision have an appropriate reward and consequence. My hope is that this will make Skyrim achieve its true potential, as a vehicle for a compelling interactive story. That said, the scope of this mod is going to limited to content that is already in the game, or that can be created using the creation kit.


If you follow along with that thread, you'll see I have many ideas for expanding the Blades faction, giving them a full-length faction quest-line. Anyone who has played Morrowind or earlier TES games knows that the Blades were more than just warrior-monks serving as the Emperor's elite guard, or a mere band of dogmatic dragon-hating marauders. They were the ever-vigilant eyes and ears of the Emperor, and I plan to expand their number and restores them to their proper role as a network of spies and a vanguard against the Empire's enemies. This quest will resolve Esbern's Paarthurnax ultimatum, and explore the Empire's conflict with the Thalmor in greater detail.


A more ambitious mod I'm considering will be The Way of the Voice (http://forums.nexusm...y-of-the-voice/). This will further expand the dialogue choices for the player, making conversation a much more important element of game-play. Your race, gender, skill levels, and past decisions will have an effect on what types of things you can say to other players in conversation. It will track your decisions as you move through the game, opening or closing the availability of certain quests, making it much more difficult (if not impossible) to become Thane in every hold, or master of every guild, with a single character. This mod will create a better, more strategic role-playing experience, and give the Dovahkiin different ways to solve problems or complete quests, other than just senseless violence.


Lastly, I wish to make changes to the other big factions of the game - the Companions, Bard's College, Mage's College, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood - so that you must now have the appropriate skills to join guilds and to rise through their ranks. No longer can you become Archmage of the Mage's College without actually being a magic user. I would also love to see a full faction and quest-line for Vigilants of Stendarr, as a counter to the Daedric Shrine quests.


All keep an eye out on your projects :D ill make sure tht they will work together perfectly and smoothly without conflict :D

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Don't forget the various "Beast race" mods where "proper" feet are being added to the Khajiit and Argonians - that'll need any custon footwear to be available to suit the digitgrade feet too, so lots of extra meshwork.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The first mod I had in mind would a new perk branch for the Two Handed skill tree, under the working name of "Slayer". "Juggernaut" and "Overkill" might also be acceptable titles.

The Slayer perk essentially allows the Dragonborn to use their immense physical strength and hours of training to dual wield two handed weapons. (By carrying Two-Handed weapons in one hand. Meaning your greatsword can now be used with a shield, another weapon or spell.)

This mod would also add additional animations for dual two handed attacks, as well as show the Dragonborn carrying both of the two handed weapons crossed on their back. Killing enemies while dual wielding will add to the Two-Handed skill, so long as a two handed weapon is being dual wielded with another weapon, shield, or spell. (E.g. using a War Hammer and Dagger to dispatch enemies will add to the Two Handed skill.) Attacking with dual 2-Hand weapons is even slower than attacking with one


Slayer comes in 3 levels near the top of the skill tree, first becoming available when your Two Handed skill reaches level 50.

Level one, accessible at 2-Hand level 50, enables you to dual wield two handed weapons with a penalty of a 50% reduction in attack damage. It also enables the standing and forward power attacks for dual 2-Hand weapons.

Level two, accessible at 2-Hand level 75, reduces the penalty to a 25% reduction, enables the sideways and backwards power attacks, and increases attack speed.

Level three, accessible at 2-Hand level 100, completely removes the damage penalty, enables the sprinting power attack, and doubles the critical hit chance when dual wielding Two-Handed weapons.


Now, dual wielding two handed weapons isn't as easy as dual wielding one handed weapons. This is particularly displayed in the animations of the character using them.

When Idle with both weapons drawn (With at least one, two-handed weapon equipped.) the player has their arms resting at their sides.

Swinging each weapon type is basically the same as wielding the one handed counter part (Greatswords = swords, battleaxes = war axes, hammers = maces) with the aforementioned reduction in attack latency.


The standing power attack swings both weapons overhead and downward, smashing them against the ground one after the other.

The forward power attack is a lunge that brings both weapons together like scissors or a bear hug.

The backward power attack swings both weapons in an upward attack, potentially knocking enemies off their feet and into the air.

The sideways power attack swings both weapons, one behind the other, like a horizontal version of the standing attack.

The sprinting power attack has the user roll before sweeping both weapons low to the ground, potentially tripping up enemies.


Specific kill animations would also be neat, but not necessary.

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