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[LE] CK cut-scenes


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I work on a quest where i need to find some missing people. Later in the quest these people will be dead. So i found their bodies, check them, and this should trigger a cut scene in which a vampire will be showed for a couple of seconds.


Anyone tried something similar?

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You can prerecord a video clip and then convert it to the Bink format. Game can play cutscenes with the PlayBink - Game function. There's ways to do it in game (setting player alpha then manipulating their position), but seeing as how finicky the scripting engine gets (and how laggy it gets), it's very likely something goes wrong and you can't time it properly.

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Thx guys.


But i have been thinking about this, and if i make this cut scene during a day but someone decides to do this quest during the night, well it's gonna look ridiculous to see day light cut scene.


Maybe better solution would be to make an actor trigger/spawn for vampire. The idea behind this is just to see this vampire for a short time, after player finds bodies that is. For example i find the bodies, then this triggers and spawn a vampire behind a player, etc. I could even make a force-greet package but without conversation, and then he will run somewhere into the woods.


Then again we would meet and fight, but this will be much later in the quest.

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Sounds great.


Usually when we talk cut-scenes, I think: scripted camera positioning, like this

ObjectReference playerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
Game.DisablePlayerControls(true, true, true)

; do stuff



but if you want the cut-scene to feature the player character as well, it's not enough.

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Sounds great.


Usually when we talk cut-scenes, I think: scripted camera positioning, like this

ObjectReference playerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
Game.DisablePlayerControls(true, true, true)

; do stuff



but if you want the cut-scene to feature the player character as well, it's not enough.




Actually i want to create trigger volume which will spawn an actor when player enters it. You have script for this?

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